
Warriors Of Shadows: Path Of Darkness

Go through the hole and up onto the catwalk. Up here you will find a pool of blood. Statue - Still on the catwalk, head to the back corner near where there is a big "A" painted on the wall. Jump up onto the railing in this corner and drop down onto the generator that is about halfway down.

Go around the corner to your left and you will find the statue that could be seen when you drained the toxic sludge for the first time. Statue - Go through the red door into the next area. Go up on the higher portion of catwalk and follow it all the way around to the left. Pool of Blood - When going down to destroy the green statue, two giant demons will break out of the walls and attack you. In the hole on the right you can find a pool of blood.

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Pool of Blood - When exiting the room with the giant ship crashed through the wall, follow the corridor all the way down, ignoring the steps to the right. At the end of the hall there is a door on the left. Go through to find a pool of blood. Pool of Blood - After falling through the floor and having the battle with the big grunt demon, go back ground and cross the gap. Instead of going through the door, go to the left. Take the stairs down and follow the catwalk to find a pool of blood.

This pool can be reached when down in the room with the ship. You can jump and grab it while in the air. Slash your way through the boxes and follow this path. At the end you will find a statue. In the far right corner you will see two red shipping containers with two barrels in front of them. Shoot the barrels to blow open the ends of the shipping containers.

Pass through and look to the far right of the area. You will see a pile of boxes, behind this pile you will find a statue. In the far right you will find a pool of blood. You will see a different colored rectangle with a barrel in front of it. Shoot the barrel to open the passage to a retro area.

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Enter the retro area and in the second room you will find a statue. Statue - After the battle at the docks, head towards the train control tower. To the right of the front door you will find a statue. Statue - Enter the front door of the train control tower and go up one set of stairs. At the top, turn left and jump over the railing. To your left there will be an open shipping container with a statue inside. Pool of Blood - Under the set of stairs you just came up you will find a pool of blood.

Pool of Blood - After completing the train puzzle, move through the trains and the gate. Turn right and head into the area with all the shipping containers. In the back corner behind a stack of boxes, you will find a pool of blood. Pool of Blood - Once you enter the tunnels where the multicolored door is, turn immediately to your right and follow that path.

At the end, down some stairs you will find a pool of blood. Statue - Next to the red shrine that must be destoryed to open the multicolored door, you will see another multicolored protection.

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Behind this is a statue. Destroy the three shrines and go pick this up before progressing through the main multicolored door. Statue - In the area with the hanging boat there is a room with another statue in it between where you move the boat over and where you drop the boat into the water. There is a blue light above the door. This is the statue that was visible through a door earlier in the level. Go through this door and through the next door until you are outside. Turn to your right and follow the wall around to find a pile of boxes with a statue underneath. As you approach to big red demons will come out to fight you.

Go in the gap where they came from and to the right you will find a pool of blood. Statue - Enter the yellow temporary structure that the police set up. Pass through the first room and take the hallway to the right. This will wind around to where there is a statue. Pool of Blood - After you have lifted the ship with the crane and passed through the area the ship was blocking, turn immediately to your right to find a door.

Go through the door and up the stairs. Pool of Blood - Upon reaching Dock 5 Lo Wang mentions it , follow the shipping containers around to the right. There you will find a pool of blood. It's pretty hard to miss this one. Statue - Move ahead with the building on your right and the dock on your left, but do not head towards the ship just yet. Look in the back right corner of the building. Here, behind a red barrel, you will find a statue. Pool of Blood - After you have fallen down because of the collapsing scaffolding and fought the resulting hordes of demons, look to the left side of the drydock for another set of scaffolding leading up.

Go up this scaffolding to the top and turn left. At the end of this small area you will find a pool of blood. Statue - Retro Area [ Found by Miles Upshur ] - After exiting the drydock and watching the cutscene in which you overhear the twins talking, proceed down the corridor until you reach a set of stairs. Staying at the top of the stairs, turn directly to your left. You will see a pixelated area on the wall. Crouch through this to enter a retro area. Inside you will find a statue. Statue - Retro Area - Right at the start of the level, turn right and use the boxes to jump over the fence.

Head over to the loading dock on the right and jump up. Here you will find a retro area with a statue inside. Pool of Blood - Head toward the ship and then turn left. Follow the left wall until you reach a pile of boxes. Behind the boxes you will find a pool of blood. Statue - Once you get to the area where there is a slanted red shipping create, go up through the shipping crate. Turn right and jump onto the other crates. From here jump on top of the red shipping crate you just walked through and jump once more into the open yellow shipping crate in front of you.

Through there you will find a statue. Statue [ Found by Chemosh ] - After you have placed the first bomb, head down to room you could see through the window with the yellow light and the big door, but do not pass through the door. In the far left of this room there is a doorway, go through it. Fight the demons in this room and progress through the following small room. In the last room you will need to jump on top of the green boxes and then up onto the black pipe sticking out from the wall to reach a higher up platform. Pool of Blood - After you set the bombs and are about to leave the ship, turn to your right.

There is a doorway with boxes piled up. Slash your way through the boxes and at the back of the room you will find a pool of blood. Statue - After blowing up the other half of the ship with the twins, look for a small ledge running along the outside of the ship to the left of the door. Go along this ledge until you get to the next platform and then turn around to your right.

There will be a statue next to a box. Statue [ Found by Miles Upshur ] - After receiving the rocket launcher and fighting a battle or two, you will come out into an area with the wrecked ship hanging in the middle of the room. Upon entering the area, turn right and follow the walkway to the corner. Just left of the corner is a door. Fight the flying demons to unlock this door. Once unlocked, enter this room, turn left and walk to the end of the room where there a bunch of supply cabinets. This should trigger more enemies to spawn behind you.

Fight these demons and head back to the other end of the room. On your right you will see two doors. You cam in the first door and the second one, all the way in the right corner will have been opened by the demons. Enter this room and turn directly to your right to find a statue sitting in the corner.

Pool of Blood - After opening the big door to the area with the wrecked ship containing the 2nd piece of the sword, go down the stairs and continue going straight. Behind a few boxes you will find a pool of blood. At the end of this room you will see a metal door. It appears shut, but just walk right through it to find a retro area with a statue inside.

Statue - In the same area, proceed into the adjoining room and behind some boxes in the far right corner, you will find a statue. Statue - After going on the tram ride, turn around and walk back down the tunnel you came from. About halfway to the first intersection there will be a room on your left marked "Specimens.

In the far left corner of this room you will find a statue under a pile of boxes. Pool of Blood - Go back out into the tunnel and follow the tracks all the way to where your tram ride started. The tracks will be open but the rest of the path will be blocked by branches. Statue - Keep progressing until you get to the circular area with the green trees and glass rooms. Head up the right set of stairs and move counter clockwise around the circle until you get to the 2nd platform on your right.

On the right side of this platform there will be two consoles and in between them you will find a statue. Statue - Keep progressing until after the battle with the two giant blue demons that you have to shoot in the back. Enter the contaminated hallway and go into the first room on your right. Along the back wall you will find a statue underneath a desk. Statue - Go back into the hallway and this time go into the first room on the left. Along the back wall of this room, slightly to the left you will find another statue. Pool of Blood - After obtaining the head and using it on the first eye scanner, enter the following hallway and go into the room on your left.

Path Saga by Steven Shadows

To the right of this room you should see a yellow truck. Jump on the tables next to this truck and then jump into the back of the truck where you will find a pool of blood. Pool of Blood - Go back into the hallway and proceed to the next area. This one will look a lot like where you just came from, but this circular area has white trees. If you are standing in the trees and looking towards the center of the room, the pool of blood will be in the room on the far right.

This is also the closest room to the exit. Pool of Blood - After using the head on the eye scanner in the security office, head back down the hall in the direction the tram originally came from. At the first intersection, enter the room that has now been opened next to the mounted gun marked "Generator. Continue even father down the corridor, again following the tracks where the tram came from. When you reach the next intersection, you will find a room on the far left marked "Lounge" has also been opened.

Enter and proceed to the 2nd room to find a pool of blood in the middle of the floor. Statue - From the platform that you start out on, head to the right and go down the stairs. In front of you just off to your left is a tree. Go behind the tree and drop down where there are two crates.

Path Saga by Steven Shadows

Follow that path down and then up through the tunnel on your right. When you exit the tunnel turn to your left and you will find a the statue that was visible from the starting platform. Pool of Blood - Just after passing the first green protection wall you come to, there is a bit of a jumping puzzle up the side of the mountain.

Before making the first jump, drop down and enter the cave that is on your right. At the first intersection go left and you will see a pool of blood across a gap from you. Use your sprint to cross the gap and collect the pool of blood. Statue - Drop down from the pool of blood and go to your left until you see an opening in the left wall with snow blowing in. Approach the edge and look to your right where you will see a ledge.

Walk along the ledge to the end and you will find a statue on your right. Statue - After the fight with Zilla and the resulting demons in the big circular room, enter the glowing door to the next area. You should be in the room with the red protection wall. Go left and up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs turn around and walk along the small edge to get to the other side. Turn back around to your left and you will find a statue. Statue - After destorying the red statue, go through the door into the hallway. At the end of the hall, instead of going to the right where the green balls are, jump over the stuff on the floor and go straight though the door.

Then turn left and pass through the metal door. Go up the stairs and out on to the balcony where some flying demons will attack you. Follow the balcony around to the left and go throug the door. Follow that hallway to the end where you will find a statue behind a boarded up wall. Shoot the barrel behind the wall to destroy the wall and collect the statue. Pool of Blood - Progress for a bit until the area where you get the Ki Crystal.

Just to the right of the Ki Crystal there is a square wall sticking up in the corner. Jump over the short wall to find a pool of blood. About half way up there should be a cave on your left that's pretty easy to see. Go inside and half way through there will be a passage on your left.

  • www.newyorkethnicfood.com : Warriors Of Shadows: Path Of Darkness () : Steven Schultz : Books.
  • Paths of Darkness - Wikipedia.
  • Steam Community :: Guide :: Shadow Warrior Secrets Guide - [Image Heavy]!
  • Warriors Of Shadows: Path Of Darkness - Steven Shadows - Google Книги?

Go in and down to find a statue. Look down and to your left and you should see a platform with a cave opening. Jump down and enter this opening to find a pool of blood. Statue - Retro Area - After fighting the flying demons with the mounted gun and coming up the elevator where ZIlla taunts you about 'not having your demon anymore,' look to the right. There you should see three windows in the wall, 2 on top, 1 on the bottom. Jump down on to the roof and smash open the bottom window. Pool of Blood - Coming from the retro area, follow the path around until you see a cave opeing on your right.

Inside there is a big buddah statue up on a mound. Climb up and behind the statue you will find a pool of blood.

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Pool of Blood - In the arena area where you fight the 2 big blue demons who you need to shoot in the back there is a pool of blood. If you are facing the exit door, turn to your right and go straight to the first intersection. Then turn right and go to the next intersection. Then turn left and enter this area. Near the end of this area on the right you will find a pool of blood. Statue - At the second and final chairlift stop you will fight more of Zilla's henchmen. Down the stairs In the center of the room there is an arrangement of rocks that is rather Behind these rocks on the left hand side if you're looking back towards the chairlift you will find a statue.

Pool of Blood - Upon entering the arena with the multicolored door turn directly to your left. Go through either of the two doors into the hallway. On your right, at the end of the hall, there is a barrel. Shoot the barrel to blow the doors off the cell next to it. Inside you will find a pool of blood. Statue - In the same area, go to the room to the left of the red statue.

Inside in the back right corner you will find a statue. Pool of Blood - Retro Area - In the same area again, enter the room to the left of the green statue. On the right wall there will be an opening. Go through and you will find a retro area with a pool of blood at the end.

Be prepared to fight! A demon bunny awaits! Pool of Blood - After disabling the multicolored door, go through and up to the second level of the arena. After the fight with the mounted gun proceed to the console that controls the whisperer's cage but do not activate it yet. Keep following the path until you get to the end. Statue [ Found by Miles Upshur ] - Upon re-entering the arena area just before you confronted Zilla and fell through the floor in Chapter 14, turn to your right and go down the stairs. Just in front of you on your right you will find a door. Fight the enemies that have spawned to unlock this door.

A Dark Tale

Go through and turn to your right. You will see a building with stairs leading up to it. On the left side of the stairs you will find a statue. Pool of Blood - After crossing the gigantic bridge and dropping down, take the path to the left of the stairs. When you reach the end jump onto the railing to get past the cages on the left. On this platform you will find a pool of blood. Statue - Retro Area - From the pool of blood jump back over the cages and now head into the short tunnel underneath the stairs.

On your left you will see a pixelated doorway. Matt Drake of RPGnet gave the series a 4 out of 5 for style, stating that "Salvatore's chrome is starting to tarnish in a few spots, but he is still a great fantasy novelist. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast Dragonlance Forgotten Realms Greyhawk Ravenloft. Beholder Drow dark elf Githyanki Illithid mind flayer Lich.

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