

I'd say for about the past years, there's been no show that I feel like I have to watch, which is great. My friends have tried to hook me on Desperate Housewives, but so far I haven't seen a single episode. I kind of like the freedom. Now, I've probably replaced those addictions with Harry Potter and the Forum, but hey, I never claimed to be addiction-free! Mazel tov Jo on the birth of your daughter!! Have a butterbeer on me! I can't stand reality TV. Now, I'm not sure how this happened, but I've managed to get myself hooked on Project Runway on Bravo. This is a terrible reality show, that I don't particularly like, yet there I am, watching it every week.

I'm on IM with Veronika sorting her out with putting pics in posts. After that, I'm off to buy colored pencils. I have never been able to stomach any reality shows Survivor, American Idol, etc until this one. Most reality shows are based on manipulation, cat-fights, greed and portraying the worst of people.

Home Makeover is just the opposite. For those who don't know, it's a show where a contractor and crew have one week to build a VERY deserving family a brand new home. These are people who have overcome great odds or are battling their children's deadly disease etc and have homes that are unlivable. It brings me to tears almost every week to see these amazing people crying or screaming with joy.

Communities coming together to support and build each other up is the basis for THIS reality show. The only problem is, I'm still wiping the tears away when Desperate Housewives starts and by then it's too late - I'm hooked. A million thanks to Julia for showing me how to do it! Like she has a series of LM Rourkes pictures for her avatars, I plan on using pics from the old Pooh comics I loved as a kid and still love , This one shows Piglet having a small mishap after stepping on a "catapult" during an honest?

Home Edition always reduces me to a pile of blubblering goo at the end. I will watch American Idol occasionally, and I watched one season of The Amazing Race, but that was only because I knew one of the teams. Once they were off, I quit watching. Well, I start teaching Wednesday. I went by the school today to see if I could find some lesson plans. There was not a one in sight. I'm hoping the current sub just took them home, and they will be back tomorrow. One of the teachers is going to e-mail me if they find them. I just don't want to show up Wednesday morning with no idea as to what the students are doing.

I hope everyone is having a great day! That would be quite interesting! They do help in the healing process. When it comes to TV, I'm a sitcom junkie. I'm not a big fan of reality shows--I watch TV to escape reality. My current new fave is "Committed" on NBC. It's quirky, funny and smart, so naturally it'll be cancelled soon. No worries, you'll do fine. The key is that the kids don't know that you don't know. If the missing lesson plans don't show up, you can always ask the class what they were studying--there's always a Hermione that'll speak up "But we're not supposed to study werewolves util after Christmas!

But I must say and my best friends hits me whenever I say this , I hate Committed. It just feels like it's trying waaaay to hard and is yet another cookie-cutter sitcom. It's not original; it's been done and cancelled oh so many times before. However the original British verision - now that's good comedy! It's the one show I watch that I don't feel extreemly guilty for watching.

I love Alias too Jo's daughter is an Aquarius. Which, I know from experience, produces simply fantastic people! And then the DVD's come out, and we've been known to watch "Roswell" compulsively. Oh, and there's a new show on the E! It was actually fairly entertaining, i just with they would have shown more of the performances and less of the "drama" that people had in the preparation. I don't really like sitcoms much, besides "NewsRadio" and "Arrested Development".

Mostly, I find it easier to watch serial shows on DVD too. Oh, and my dad is out of the hospital again, home and feeling much better. He has slight paralalsis in his right hand and is very tired and weak most of the time. Thank you all for your support, it really meant a lot to me. Yeah, I can't put my finger on the appeal of Desperate Housewives.

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My husband and I are hooked, too. I wonder if it's the oddball mix of over-the-top, give-me-a-break comedy that borders on slapstick think I Love Lucy that entails some tongue in cheek over acting with downright good acting when the subject shifts to a serious, not funny side. There seems to be a sophisticated playing off of these two extremes of mood.

A balance is achieved. The fact that there are at least two or three murders that may have been committed and a few more to come? The Shorter OED in two volumes, but still heavy is what we have at the librarian's desks. Of course, the huge one is on the reference shelf along with a bunch of others. I find the S-OED excellent.

It's surely contemporary enough for me, but admittedly I am no skateboarder or techno-geek. I wonder if you could find a website that reviews and rates dictionaries. I'd take that tack if a library patron asked me about what's the best. Do a Google with a subject line like "reviews ratings english dictionaries. Poke around on the Net, you may find good stuff to guide you. Speaking of websites, Mr. Madame Librarian just introduced me to one--Answers. It's a free site that offers all kinds of information and It does it's own thing plus offers links to well known sites like IMDB.

It takes a few seconds to load each time, so beware of that slight delay. Worth it, according to my husband. I've just used it once or twice so far, but haven't put it through it's paces yet. Then again, I was a big fan of a show called "Misfits of Science" back in the mid's I just have a habit of liking shows with a limited shelf life. When I tried and log in this morning, the Forum didn't work anymore, I was fearing it had something to do with my computer but I saw Kip's message trying to log in via the Lexicon forum's button.

Any idea what happened? You achieved your dream of being a mother of three! Thanks everyone for your nice advice about dictionaries. I'll certainly use your tip, madame Librarian. About reality TV, we have those shows here. Most are imported not only from the US and adapted to the french audience. Each time I tried to watch one, I got bored within less than two minutes. Yet there is currently one show which sounds interesting but I never manage to watch it. It's about a young chief to whom the channel paid his own restaurant or helped him to pay it, I'm not sure.

Now he has several apprentices and the show is about how he teaches them, what happens. That could be the way to learn about work in restaurants but maybe because it's relating to cooking, I just never watched it. I watched bits and pieces of that one, I think the restaurant they all started is still going I heard they just got sued for overcharging on beans, or something. Just to say that since the first Survivor I am a helpless reality tv junkie. We get imports, then if they're successful some foolish person has the idea of making a local version, which more often than not is really bad.

Australia's Next Top Model. And local Queer Eye. We're just about to enter ratings season again, the hype for Desperate Housewives everyone in the US is addicted thus you should be too etc etc is quite intense. Lost is being hyped too, yay for JJ shows. It all begins next week Lady Arabella Prefect Posts: I am like you, Septentrion, I never watch reality shows because I get bored at once and I have the feeling that I'm watching a 2 hours long add, for which I would have to pay moreover!

The only show that hooks me is ER, I'm addict, hopeless, for years. And we won't have the next season before next September Nearly half of the kids of my class got it those last weeks and they finally gave it to me. That's an occupational hazard! I feel peaky but I know it should only last for 2 days. At least, I will have some time for catching up with the threads! Eponine, about the lessons plans, one thing that works very well for a first day is revisions.

If you manage to know what they studied in the last weeks, then you will be able to do one or two lessons of revisions without problem. I will give you the advice an experienced teacher gave me when I started to teach: I tried it when I started teaching and it works! But you will see that after some time, it becomes easy to see when the cauldron starts to bubble a little too much and how to reduce heat under it.

Another thing that works is to take a book and start reading them, it always work! Another advice I can give you is not to talk too much. It was a fault I made when I started, the way you move, the way you look at the kids is at least as important as what you tell them. When one goes too far, I just stop what I was doing talking, writing on the blackboard , I fix my gaze on him without saying a word but looking very severe. Very often it is far more efficient than yelling and it is less energy consuming for you.

I hope it will help! I'm not worried, you'll be perfect! The books are in the back, the DVD's and technical gadgets are what you see when you enter the store But yeeey! I found books I can read! And allthough I'm doing fine I miss my favourite shows. I help myself with transcripts What do you mean completely spoiled when I will be able to see them. And as for high heels love the image you put in my mind Veronika, stuck in the lawn?

I'm no doctor, but I don't think it is healthy for a child in it's "growing" years to wear high heels as normal everyday shoes. Walking around a lot on your toes, so to say, is not really healthy for the development of that muscle. Mine where short be nature Man takes of the plaster. Little Steffie is all excited: My mum and the man weren't fast enough to catch me How was I supposed to know that after 2 months of having my legs in plaster they wouldn't be able to carry me anymore??

I think your advice with children would fit with adults too. They can be as poisonous as kids, especially when they forget they're no more kids. I don't know a TV show with that name.

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Caput Draconis, that restaurant isn't the one with Jaime Oliver. The show I was speaking of is a family-friendly aired at prime-time, so you're not supposed to see a naked chief. I'm glad you found books to read. Am I to understand you once had troubles with your legs?

No fun when it happens to you and when you have to relearn how to walk. It snows again a little here and it is very cold, is it the same in the North? I do believe that the reeducation of your legs was not fun at all. I'm sure you appreciated the day it was finished! Thanks for the links about dictionnaries, they're very useful. Maybe in the mountains of the Vosges there is enough snow to allow the opening of all the skiing stations The American edition will be pages.

It has pages. Page numbers are now listed on Scholastic, BN. I'm wondering if that means 32 chapters. I, too watched "Dead Like Me. I agree, "QAF" has gone downhill. I don't watch anymore. I loved the first season of "Gilmore Girls," and I still watch it, but it's not as good now. My husband watches "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", so I get sucked in every weekend. One of my friends has been trying to get me to watch "Desperate Housewives", but so far I've resisted because I don't have time to be addicted to another show!

JKR has named the baby! Id never have guessed that name in a million years! I went to sleep last night, forum was down. I wake up this morning, forum's up Yay! Royal genealogy is very confusing. This is not going well. Everyone is named Edward, Richard or Henry, and there are lots of cousins marrying each other. I was going to post that yesterday but the Forum went all wonky. At least it wasn't just my computer. If you visit the Leaky Cauldron, the "what's new" for Jan. Probably says who on the website and I just missed it. Have a good one today. I was doing a little personal research and I got so confused.

I believe the royal website has a pretty good tree there. The one thing I know about royal families is that they are inbred. They couldn't have any, you know, half-blood princes. And as they all are named after the grandparents, and they all have the same grandparents, the names are sort of similar. Good luck on the project, Julia!

And about reeducating my legs nice expression It went so gradually that you don't really notice. I can't remember when wheelchair or crutches had to go back, I do remember being very happy when I could jump again and when I could sort of run again Must have looked silly though And Julia, royal genealogy is really very simple: That's all there is to it, really. And on a last note: New babies are sooooo great!! I don't want to see some quasi-real show with a quasi-real premise done by people that aren't even professionals. My two favorite shows right now are Monk and Joan of Arcadia.

They both have great writing, great acting and they can both surprise me week after week.

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The only other things I currently watch on TV is sports football and baseball , and the weather. Speaking of the weather, it looks like here in southern Indiana we will be having a peachy week! The sun is shining and the temperature is going to be in the mid to upper 40's. Not bad at all. Well, have a great day everyone! Welcome to Miss Murray, and please let your mom get some sleep!

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Elanor, feel better soon. Hope everyone in the Northeast has dug themselves out of the snowdrifts. Accio is home soon, if not already. Julia, those pesky royals! I think your project sounds fun, actually. My husband and I both love to sing, and we are karaoke junkies, so it is a fun show for us. I don't have cable anymore, but last week we bought an antenna so that I could watch the premier of AMerican Idol.

As for the British family tree I used to have a beautiful family tree of the British monarchy that went all the way back to before the Norman Conquest, but I have since lost it, or as it wasn't laminated, it has been ruined. I am, however, taking a British history class on the government of Britain. Given that up until the Glorious heh Revolution of , the monarch WAS the government, I have a couple of geneaologies that My prof has handed out.

Julia, if I could help you at all, feel free to email me-the British monarchy especially the Tudors and Stuarts is an obsession of mine, not to mention my area of specialization in my history major! I don't know if this is a project you are doing for credit or something you're using for personal reference, but I can't believe it hasn't been done before. Anyway, my point is, there ought to be reference materials out there to help you. Yay for the POA nominations! Sirius - Jan 25, 1: My mother-in-law is a fanatic on the subject. She has researched it for years and years. She has more chart and graphs on the subject than they do.

Never has the time come when she hasn't answered a question on the subject that beyond sufficiency. Yeah to JK and her family!! Babies really are so wonderful! It made me wonder if I spend too much time here when I thought, "what am I going to do now? Elanor, you said that it snowed where you live. You live near Lyon, don't you? In fact, we're on the border of different regions: Auvergne, Burgundy, the Lyon region: Do you know this region? Julia, when I was an history student I loved to make charts because I always thought it was easier to learn something you actually wrote than just read.

I also loved to do chronological "stripes" because it is the best way for connecting events, people, works with their time and evolutions in the long term. You could even say I was a chronology freak! Good luck for your chart! I'm going to meet him at The Three Valleys, which is not that far from Lyon. Needless to say, I'm hoping for lots of snow. I think where I'm going to be is due east of Lyon, but it's still not far from you. My professor would never assign something this long and complicated.

I'm making the chart for my own personal reference, but I'm going to try to talk her into giving me extra credit. They have the chart in the back of my Shakespeare text book, but it's in three different parts. I want to combine them into one uber-chart, and this is proving difficult. However, as much as I appreciate the offers of places to look, I want to figure it out on my own. My inner Hermione see avatar is telling me that it's the best way for me to learn it. Well, off to check the threads, set up my new printer, do some reading and back to the genealogy chart! This is a beautiful region, but I visited it only once, though it is only about km far from my town I'm scared on skis.

But I know a lot of people who often go there and have a lot of fun skiing and hiking there. Do you know this site? It will give you a lot of details about the region, the activities, the weather A LOT of snow felt there those last days, actually they even fear avalanches in the region, and I have no doubt there will still be a lot of snow there in February. Even if it should melt a little, these are famous mountain resorts and they have some snow cannons when there is not enough real snow. I hope you will have a lot of fun! If you need any information about the region, just ask!

Before being a teacher I worked in a Tourist Office and I still know where the right information is. Next thing we know, you'll be telling us all about Hogwarts, A History! I read about the avalanche danger last night when I couldn't get on the forum. If I need any info, I'll Email you, but right now all I have to do is learn to speak French in 30 days and somehow make the dollar recover.

Well I'm afraid you're right and there is nothing I can do about that Except maybe give you that French sentence Vlad: Don't hesitate to email me anyway. As for Hogwarts, a history, if only I'm glad Sirius was adopted Catherine. I sympathize with your pain, I got a car accident three years ago and cut myself to the bone on the forehead in the process. They sewed it back, but the main goal was to keep me alive not to do the best looking work.

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The result was pretty good, but a bit rough, the scar was bumpy. Two years later, they propose to correct it, so I said yes, it couldn't hurt. For two weeks after the operation, I was asking myself "What I was thinking! It wasn't that bad before! I didn't need the surgery at all! Why did I stupidly say yes? A year later, I'm glad I did say yes, it's almost invisible now. My pirate look is ruined, but it won't get in the way if I try to get a new job.

So I hope you'll get better soon. Marie E, no one was left out at boop's meeting last year, well, maybe Moaning Myrtle's dad, but he was there mainly to keep a eye on his daughter. If you ask someone in french 'Where is the bathroom? Then you will not only not understand the answer, but you will have wasted time talking when you've really got to go! Sirius - Jan 25, 9: When I approached someone, I first asked in French, "do you speak Spanish"? When they said no, I would ask in French, "do you speak English? My crowning acheivement in college was when my roommate taught me how to say, "I'm sorry, I don't speak French" You know, just to confuse people.

Alas earwax , I've since forgotten the phrase. Apparently this Forum outage occurred after I logged off last night, because it was fine while I was here. Just goes to show, I miss all the exciting stuff! It reminds me of a sentence I had learnt by heart for a German exam when I was in High School I was hopeless in German , it was something like "Ich habe nicht verstanden, konnen Sie wiederholen bitte? Actually, it is nearly all that I remember in German now! Vlad, don't worry, you will find a lot of people willing to help you. Well, we often butcher English when we speak it, but speaking with the hands helps a lot!

It started to snow again about half an hour ago and the streets are already white whith snow. No snow here but it gets colder every day. I remember more German than you, Elanor: I've been missing out on your excellent posts and great company lately I hope that you can all forgive me if I've marked the "read" button, as there are over posts here alone for me to catch up on.

As many of you know, I've been helping to take care of my ill father for some time now. He passed away last Friday morning after an extended battle with cancer. We're all heartbroken but very relieved that he's not living life in such suffering any longer. We've been living with his dying for so long now that it will take some adjusting for us to begin "living" once more. I'm sure that anyone that's been in a similar situation can understand.

So much of your time and energy can be spent helping out an ill loved one that you lose touch with those things that most people take for granted I want to express my deep appreciation to all of those members that helped me last fall when I first disclosed my father's condition. Your support has made it easier for me to accept and speak about such a painful matter.

Thank you all so much. I'm looking forward to moving on to happier times and more pleasant memories in the future, and to sharing them with all of you. I'm sorry for your father, but I too understand your relief not to see him suffering anymore. Live your life to honour his memory! I'm sure that this is a busy time for you and your family, but we hope to see more of you when you have time. I'm sorry that your father was so ill for so long, and I am sure that you miss him very much.

I'm very sorry for his loss. So I'll just say how much I enjoy everyone's company here on the Forum, and now I only have four more to go. Of course, the same newspaper also says that it is 'National School Nurse Day. Happy Wednesday to everyone. How cool that I have post I assume that's why that post is cool? Barbie, many hugs to you and your family. Like others, I learned one of the best lines was "nu vorbesc romenishta I don't speak Romanian , do you speak Anglais?

Oh - and if you plan on using a debit card, make sure you know your password numbers. I had learned mine according to the letters that correspond with the numbers, and when I went overseas, the ATMs didn't have the letters - just the numbers! So I had to figure out what letters went where, and then learn the numbers. Oh, well, I didn't mean to lose my head with the excitement. Have a great day, everyone. I'm trying to remember a Jewish dish a friend made. At least it was presented as a Jewish dish. I think it was called "health salad" if that rings a bell.

It has cabbage softened with kosher salt and other veggies. I'm trying to find a recipe to make for my Grandmother's 80'th birthday party. I thought a Jewish salad would be good to serve in a Methodist Church where the party is especially since her first husband was Catholic. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Looks like I really did lose my head. How silly to type the word birth instead of death. May I compliment you on your swift correction, Loopy? Now, just three more to go Sorry, if I was being more insufferable than "know-it-all" there. Three more what to go? Barbie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I think you've got the right idea in being relieved that he lead a full, happy life, and that he is no longer suffering.

Health salad with cabbage in it? Nothing about Jewish cooking is healthy. Can you ask your friend what it was called and what else was in it? My mother died of cancer back in , and my father took care of her at home for about a year before she died. We all took turns spending some time with them to give Dad a break, but he did almost all the caregiving.

It was very hard. Her death was bittersweet, we missed her dreadfully, but were also so relieved that her suffering was over and she was at last at peace. I take care of my invalid mother-in-law in my home now. She is not dealing with any life-threatening disease, but she cannot walk or talk or do anything for herself due to a number of ailments, and so it is a full time job caring for her.

I am the one who must get her up and washed and dressed and fed and then put back to bed in the evening. Sometimes there seems to be no end in sight. It is very hard because I wish her wellness, and long life, but how much longer can I do this? It's been 4 long years now, and although she is 84 years old, she could live to be in her 90's. Her mother was 98 when she died. I just hope that I am up to the task.

So, Barbie, I feel for you and your family, I will remember you and your Dad in my prayers. Peace be with you. I don't have a recipe for health salad, but I have gotten it from the deli section of the grocery store. It is mostly cabbage with just a little oil and vinegar dressing, kind of dull tasting I thought, but then, most healthy things are, aren't they? So, I woke up in the middle of the night because I was hearing this really strange noise from my bathroom.

My cat was in there trying to dig fruitlessly through the bathtub. I shooed him out of the bathroom but still hear noises. I know we have racoons around here and I have heard it is not strange for animals to live under there It's quite humorous actually. I just heard that there was a horrible accident this morning near here in LA with a metro train.

I am going to go watch the news. From Venus, my mother did what you're just doing with her mother-in-law so, believe me, I understand perfectly how you're feeling. I wish you strength and patience and I hope you manage to find some moments just for you, outside the house. I remember well how my Mom appreciated those little "escapes" she managed to do from time to time.

They gave her the strength to carry on. By the way, I never knew that salad could be religious, but live and learn!

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Although, now that I reflect upon it, my friend does have a breakfast casserole that she calls the "Methodist ladies' casserole. It's excellent hot or at room temperature, and any leftovers not that you should expect any freeze great! Boil noodles according to directions on package. Drain them, but do not rinse. Using the pan you boiled the noodles in as a mixing bowl, combine noodles, cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, salt, and pepper. While you're mixing all this together, melt the butter in the oven in an appropriately-sized casserole dish.

Use a flat one for more crust, or a deep one for more of the soft inside stuff. You want a beurre noisette, or browned butter, but be careful, as it will go from a warm, nutty brown to miserably burnt quickly. When the butter is properly melted and browned, pour it into the noodle and cheese mixture, but leave a little bit in the casserole dish.

There is no need to measure here, just don't be too careful about getting it all out! Mix the butter into the noodles and them dump the whole mess into the HOT casserole dish--it should start to sizzle immediately. Place the pan into the center of the oven and bake for about minutes, but start checking at 45 minutes. It should be crusty and a dark golden brown. That's what I get for hitting "recent" and skipping a bijillion posts. Let me compliment you, though, on trying to compliment everyone. I also noticed that "The Village" was nominated for an Oscar for its score. After I regained consciousness, I had forgotten what made me pass out in the first place and thought maybe checking the Oscar site for a full list of nominees would make me feel better.

Needless to say I hit the deck again and now have a cold compress on my head. So, now this piece of crap will have "Oscar nominee" splathered on its DVD box. I can't take it. EDIT-- Thanks for the recipe. I was so appalled by the movie that I can't remember anything about the music. I just get a static-like buzzing in my brain Having been there myself with my own father and recently my grandmother, I understand the emotional swirl you're going through - happy they are out of pain, but missing them so. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you begin to heal and reemerge into the outside world.

God bless you and your family. It's on the right of your name, first of the little line of buttons You can edit up onto 30 minutes after your initial post. As we always love to hear from people PS Barbie, my sympathies. One of my best friends lost her mother in the christmas holidays. Her mother has been very ill for five years, so their situation is similar yours. Sad and relieved at the same time.

Barbie - Having lost several loved ones to cancer, I can fully understand both the sadness of the loss and the relief that they are no longer suffering. I find comfort in enjoying the things they enjoyed. When I garden I remember my mother, grandfathers, and grandmother-in-law; when I sew, my mother and grandmother.

I also try to remember to laugh. It often seems inappropriate to laugh whilst in mourning, but laughter is good for us and our loved ones would want to see us happy. I hope you and yours find the comfort you deserve during this trying time. To those taking care of elderly relatives: Looking after the elderly is so much harder than looking after little kids, primarily because there is usually no end in sight and often things just keep getting worse. Remember to ask for help and to take care of yourself.

I often helped my mother-in-law care for her mother. I'd run errands, cook, tidy, or just visited my grandmother-in-law, so that my mother-in-law could get other things done or get out by herself occasionally. Now on a much lighter note: I was pretty disappointed in the movies this past year. There seems to me to be years where there are a bunch of really great movies and so ones that deserve to be recognized, aren't and then years like last year, where in some categories it seems that people will be celebrating the best of a mediocre lot.

It's also possible for movies to be bad but still have parts that deserve recognition. Having studied to be a theatrical costumer as part of my undergrad, costuming is one of those categories. How the Grinch Stole Xmas and Dalmatians to list a pair of recent ones. Anyway, y'all take care and hugs to those that need them! Your family is in my thoughts. Glad to see you out and about on the forum. Loopy, Funny you should mention a cabbage recipe. I just bought the stuff for such a dish for tonight, although I don't know if it is a Jewish recipe or not.

My brother-in-law made it for us a while ago and it was surprisingly good. It's a nice winter side dish. Know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. My mother-in-law took care of her husband for some time and it is both painful and a kind of release when a loved one no longer suffers. On the reality TV front, I refuse. About the only thing I watch on network television is the news and sporting events. However, I'm a sucker for the science and history programs. My nine year old daughter just loves any of the home fix it shows.

I don't let her watch Clean Sweep as I think those people have no respect for a persons memories. It would seem I've painted myself into a corner when it comes to pot luck food events. We're having a Super Bowl thing next week at work and I've been asked to make my special chili again! I take it as a compliment, but I can make other dishes!

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Now I know how my wife feels when everyone asks her to bring her cheesecake. Catherine, I wish you success in your mission. Loopy, I was so happy to hear The Village received a nomination. Thanks for passing along this news. My minivan was rather hopeless in the snow--a plow!

He's taken it to work. My family is in the market for a kitten. Do you realize how hard they are to come by? What with all the spaying and neutering programs kittens are scarce. My mother-in-law used to say that back in the day one just stuck one's head out the window and yelled, "Anybody got a cat! Anybody got a cat?! I still haven't seen "The Village". I almost bought it the other day though - instead I bought "The Forgotten" which I haven't watched yet. My roommate bought "Catwoman" and it wasn't horrible - just seizure inducing. Barbie- I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts.

Oh - a while back someone had a quote that was close to: It's been driving me insane all day. Boston must be SUCH an elightened place that the local shelters don't have homeless animals. I envy you that! You can search by age, gender, breed, zip code. Penny, I think Schoff here on the Forum has the dragon-meddling quote as a tagline.

I think, though I am unsure, that the inspiration for that comes from the Tolkien quote of, "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. Some of them will keep your name and number and call you if any come in. Like Catherine's shelter, one of the shelters in Birmingham takes their animals to a pet store for the weekend - that is how I got my second cat Lizzie.

The animals are just too cute to resist and I almost ended up with several cats that way the threat of murder from my then roommate stopped me. You could call the larger stores around you to see if they do that. I personally recommend having the cat fixed as soon as the vet feels that it is old enough - especially for a male so that he doesn't learn to mark his territory. When I lost my Dad, in July last year, I and my mother got a lot of relief from messages from the people of this Forum.

I hope it is some small comfort to you to know that a lot of people are thinking about you and praying for your Dad at this moment. It can be really confusing to feel relief and sadness at the same time so I always try to give this quote a run in a situation like this. I'm sending you hugs and smiles and peaceful thoughts.

We've missed you around here, and I hope you and your family are able to get your lives back on track. Like Tim said, if you ever need a pick-me-up, just swing by here, we're more than happy to help. Elanor, thanks for the reminder. It'll come in handy the next time I travel to France shortly after I win millions on the slot machines Catherine, may I compliment you on your eagerness to be complimentary? It makes my tongue taste nasty just thinking about it.

I've always been annoyed by the Academy's insistance on billing anyone who's been nominated as such, no matter which movie they're in. It's tantamount to false advertising. Penny, I've seen that "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons" line for years, long before HP gasp! Is there an online veterinary resource, similar to WebMD? I don't know why I thought of it as I have no pets, but I was thinking it would be a really good thing to come up with if someone hasn't already.

That, and I know a pretty good web designer who is owned by a pair of cats My sis-in-law got her long black hair cut off today and had 16 yes that is 16 inches of hair to donate to Locks of Love. Not only does her new cut look great but she did it for a very worthy cause. Just had to share that since it had been mentioned. Barbie - my deepest sympathies for you and your family. As for the online vet resources, I've used a few here and there. VetInfo comes to mind, but I have not been there in a while, mostly because my poor older dog gets the same old thing over and over, and there isn't much to research.

For shopping purposes, I really like Drs. They have a website and a print catalogue, and you can even buy, with proper prescriptions, pet injections and medicines and anything that your pet might need at very reasonable prices. If you want to compare medicines, they have handy charts that can help you make a good choice. Foster and Smith also do aquarium supplies and fish under the guise of LiveAquaria. Yay for sis-in-law, Ladybug! And yay for adopting your kitty at an adoption event. I know it is hard to not to bring everyone one of them home. Catherine always looks worried when I set off for the shelter, or to an adoption event, because he knows that I will want them all.

Sorry to hear about your loss. On the HP6 thread, Catherine mentioned that people who did not reserve their copy of OoP at Barnes and Noble were not able to get the book during the midnight release. She also said that one's place in line was determined by the date of the reservation. I've called a couple of BNs in the city Union Square and Fifth Avenue , but they don't know whether they will stay open.

It's sad that I'm getting frantic about this in JANUARY, but I also don't want to stand in line for hours if I can get my name in now and be closer to the front assuming other BNs conduct their line according to Catherine's experience! When you suggested Petfinder, I decided to visit the site since it had been awhile.

I may end up with another cat but I think that I am going to volunteer at a local shelter instead even though that will probably be more dangerous. And it's all because of you. They were having the biggest to-do that I could find, plus it was a fabulous experience for a 12 year old to be hanging out in the middle of Times Square in a huge line though dressed up and having a blast.

I picked it up when they opened Saturday morning though, because the line was still really long when we finally made it out of 42nd Street. They weren't doing it by name or date, just a good old fashioned first in line method and we didn't feel like waiting. I also send them out to From Venus. My parents and I lived with my grandmother all of my life, and we were very close. AS she got older, however, her quality of life went downhill, and she couldn't leave the house much.

As I got older and was busier and busier at school, she got lonelier and lonelier. She died three years ago, three days before Mother's Day, at While we were all very sad to see her go she hadn't really been sick, simply old , it is nice to know that she is with my grandpa again. I only realized after she died just how much she loved him and must have missed him. We were going through her closet and found every single card of any sort that he had ever given her. It was very sweet. Geez, I'm tangent girl lately.

This time of year isn't all that great for obtaining a kitty, but come May or June, you'll have to turn down people trying to get rid of kittens. Tweed Mixture Cardigan Jacket. Smart 'n Smocked Cardigan. Young 'n Pert Cardigan. Crew or Turtle Neck Pullover. On the Dot Sweater. As You Like It Cardigan. Music in the Air Sweater. Snow Train Winter Sports Suit. Greenwich Village Blouse Sweater. Time for Tea Cardigan. Junior League Jacket Sweater. The Evening Star Blouse. Cable Turtle Neck Sweater.