
LIVING FROM THE SOUL: Awakening to Christ-Consciousness

Spiritual Awakening Quotes

Once you begin sensing and seeing the subtle life force that supports your higher life path, your level of trust in your higher senses will only get stronger as you practice. These very highly refined vibrations are now accessible to everyone. In my experience, all it takes is an open heart and a willingness to channel grace from one light being to another. This is the very act of selfless service, which is the very essence of new paradigm of leadership.

  • Awakening the Mystic Christ Within with Bill Bauman | The Shift Network.
  • Edgar Cayce.
  • Edgar Cayce on Christ Consciousness?
  • Marc Aurèle ou La fin du monde antique (French Edition).

One- to four-day intensives are for activating soul-level awareness, helping you to gain the confidence for aligning with only that which brings you your greatest joy, and for amplifying your light out into the world. All intensives, whether for only a few hours or multiple day experiences skill-building by doing. The framework for the learning is structured while also is lose enough for staying in the flow.

Formats include Individual, partnered and group and partnered exercises, guided visualization and movement accompanied by intentional music.

  • Double Take!
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Once you answer these three basic questions, and connect to the feeling of each, you will be better prepared to let go of self-constricting beliefs and embrace the truth of who you truly are. In each workshop, we share ideas and strategies for moving the mind to a place of honor and respect before calling forth the heart. Once we are in the heart, and are allowing our imagination to be our guide, the rest will be a flow.

Kundalini Awakening

Experiencing life in flow mode is the very first step to understanding the new paradigm. The End is the experience and knowledge of yourself as infinite eternal spirit. Along the way we leave behind every identification of gender, family, nationality, race, and religion, and understand ourselves as the Universal Human Being, the Child of God. Some have experienced the inbreath of Holy Spirit — whether through a murshid, a realized being, a community of lovers of God, a living tradition — and this has initiated a process of transformation that, if nurtured and protected, will lead to the actualization of the divine in the human being.

Jim Carrey spoke on the GREATEST secret in humanity?The science of the SACRED SECRETION/CHRISTwithin

Such a person will relate from the Divine in himself or herself to the Divine in another. Fragments of the Ancient Fire.

18 Unmistakable Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Philosophy of Fragmentism Series. Intentionality is that baby step that opens the doors of perception. It requires an effort of sustained attention and commitment which is rare in our time, as our minds are distracted and reshaped by the rapid-fire stimulus of media through every possible venue. We are each responsible for reining in our attention, taking command of this power of focused awareness, and purposefully choosing how we will live the moments of our lives.

We can waste and dissipate them, like leaking cisterns that can hold no water as the prophet Jeremiah said in ancient times, or we can center ourselves intentionally and live fully in the present moment which then opens a meaningful path into the future, even when our plans are not entirely clear. Intentionality calls forth the best of our human nature and all its potential. It all begins with a decision to live in such a way, a decision that we refuse to betray. We then become useful to the Universe and to our fellow human beings.

That is how bliss enters our lives. You will find what you seek, because Spirit will lead you to it, and even though there is much disappointment and much chaos out there, eventually you will be led into those rare places where something different is happening, where priority is given to a Way of Being, a Way of Life, a Way of Loving Kindness which is the Way of Christ; a place where people are being sensitized and made self-aware and gentler, so that in the combined community we have truly a body of people joining together for that common purpose of awakening to Spirit, of loving their Creator, and of making a difference in this world.

Nottingham, Yeshua the Cosmic Mystic: Beyond Religion to Universal Truth.

A Powerful Initiation into a More Full-Spectrum Christhood

We're not dealing with inculturated things, with prejudices of different times and places, we're dealing with ecstatic love of God. Think of Rumi the poet, also known as Mevlana, whose delight in the reality of God caused him to dance spontaneously and it gave rise to the Dervishes of Sufism, the mystical dimension of Islam. Keep searching, for it is to be found. You will find that pearl of great price, in fact you will be led to it.

Benefits of Awakening of Kundalini

So don't give up! One day, you will be given that which will set your heart on fire and you will become a new person, the person you were always meant to be.

Change happens one human being at a time. It is your transformation, my transformation, that will make a difference in this wondrous but troubled world of ours, as we become who we truly are. It is an experience encountered where there is neither somebody experiencing nor a thing experienced. Only this reality is spiritual.

Invocation of Christ Consciousness

In other words, as what you are is not a state, it is a waste of time and energy chasing more and more experiences in the hope of coming closer to the non-experience. People are so trapped within their mind, that they end up always acting inside a theatre, in which their part has been foreseen long before they entered the roles they represent. Likewise, they become easily predictable, programmable, influenceable, manipulated, played like a string puppet. And these puppets become funnier, when mentioning mental programming, fearing mental programing and attacking mental programming, while not realizing that they are doing it, using the words, and gestures, and even phrases, that they were programmed to do, by those who program them.