
The Clique Summer Collection #1: Massie

Even though this is a sly and despicable method, it works, and she soon becomes Be Pretty's highest seller. Since she did so well, a ceremony is held for Massie, but Anastasia Brees, the owner of the company, is horrified at Massie's negative methods. At the end, Massie steals Anastasia's purple hair pen, and gives herself what, in her view, she "deserves. The book ends with Massie walking down a shopping district with her mother, and she agrees to meet her mom for lunch in a little while- new, because Kendra normally refuses to let Massie shop alone.

She's declined the offer, but when she shows the purple streak, she is given them immediatly, along with an offer for an espresso. She proudly walks out of the store, declaring that purple and gold are a winning combination. Sign In Don't have an account? The front cover of The Clique Summer Collection: Read this and find out! Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Massie Block is your typical spoiled rich kid. Over the summer she goes to riding camp, and she's entering a competition. She has the best team in the world, The Galwaugh Goddesses. Except for one problem. Fall-a Abdul who simply cannot stay on a horse!

So she makes a really smart choice and glues her to the saddle. Soon everybody finds the glue, and Massie gets the hoof!

Massie (Summer Collection)

And to top it off, her parents cancelled all of her credit cards,and they won't turn them back on until Massie repays them riding camp tuition! Can Massie pay them back, or will the alpha be stuck a slave in Southampton forever? I bought the series minus this book for my granddaughter's birthday present. I was worried that I would not be able find the sixth book on time to complete the series, but I found it easily on Amazon as a "used" book. The seller advertised it as being in "like new" condition. I was happily surprised to see that it looked absolutely new and that it matched the other five books perfectly!

My granddaughter loves these books and is sharing them with her girlfriends! I could not put this down! Massies summer "jobby" was a great idea. I think the end is cool, I love the "code purple". This book circles only around Massie. I recommend this for 6th to 8th graders because it's the age of all the girls in the book.

I really enjoyed reading this book and you will to! Excellent product, excellent quality, shipped promptly, will be back. Bought the whole collection. Great as usual well actually amazingly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! The clique summer collection has just got a thousand cheers hooray and a great start to an amazing summer book collection!!!!!

This book actually surprised me more than most of the Clique books, whose outcomes can often be easy to predict. It is short and somewhat lacks a positive message, which was disappinting to me as a teacher, but for a casual fun read, it was pretty good. One person found this helpful. See all 46 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.

Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. The Clique Summer Collection 1: Sep 09, Zoe G rated it really liked it. I thought that this book was good but not great. There wasn't very much action or suspense in this book. I did like how the tone changed so many times though. I would recommend this book to people who are into books with drama and fashion. Mar 31, Nyla rated it really liked it. Dec 23, ktheland rated it it was ok. Please grow up, Massie. If these girls don't get some character development soon, I am going to be pissed.

Apr 20, Manny Soto rated it it was ok. But I still liked it a bit. Feb 21, Jeff rated it really liked it. It's fluff, but it's quality fluff in my opinion. However, with the 5 book Summer Collection mini series in which Lisi Harrison gives each of the 5 main characters a solo spot, I feel a bit compelled to offer reviews on the characters at this point, given the extra focus each one receives especially Dylan and Kristen, who are usually the least utilized of the 5. For being only pages long, MASSIE appropriate that the "alpha" of the Pretty Committee would go first, although an equally good case could've been made for saving her for last does take a while to get going.

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Essentially, Massie gets caught cheating at her riding club and her parents finally hold her feet to the fire and make her get a summer job to pay back the registration fee. Massie becomes a sales rep for a fictional cosmetics line and subverts the Be Pretty company line of "Beauty from within" to ratchet up monster sales. In a back of the book interview from another title in the series Harrison said she wanted to tell a comedic version of such characters and she really succeeds. This was not the impression I first got with the first few books in the series, but the comedic aspects have definitely made themselves known as the series has gone on and Harrison has a gift for humor.

What I really enjoyed here is that Massie stays Massie.

Massie (Summer Collection) | The Clique | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Despite the unlikable qualities of the character and there are several including hypocrisy, selfishness, vanity, bullying , Massie is also portrayed as a character in constant "ON" mode. She has created this life for herself I very much look forward to getting to CHARMED AND DANGEROUS, which details how the PC was created in the first place , granted, but it can't be easy to have to make all the decisions even though that's what you want and stay up on trends, plan activities for the weekly sleepovers, be conscious of the least little changes in the school social structure and so forth.

So while there are plenty of other characters who see the bad sides of Massie, Massie either doesn't see them or refuses to be made to feel guilty for them. She very much believes as she was born into wealth and status she is under no obligation to feel shameful of it. In fact, she feels very much obligated to live up to it.

Harrison subverts the "message" story template. Near the end of the novella I did halfway expect a "I've learned something from this" moment from Massie. But it doesn't come. I docked a star for the relatively slow start, but once Massie get to selling makeup the story is very funny and entertaining. It makes sense that Massie as a character is so well defined here. She's the main character of the series so it makes total sense that Harrison has the best handle on her. Jun 01, Mary Elizabeth rated it liked it. Although this Clique novel effectively explores the dimensions of human greed and of selfishness through Massie and brings forth realization, it cannot be denied that it lacks the distinctive features composing the Clique series.

In fact, readers will likely miss the Pretty Committee's camaraderie. Overall, readers will profit more from reading the other 15 books in the series. Jan 04, Ablondebibliophile rated it liked it Shelves: Watching Massie act like a spoiled diva is always fun. There's a lot of scheming in this short little book and watching Massie rise to the top, fall quickly, and rise again was engaging.

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Unfortunately this book really lacks heart and some of the other redeeming qualities of the series. Sep 30, Cameron Turpin rated it liked it.

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  8. This book was a fun read, and a chance to feel what it feels like to have the extreme luxury of ample money. While the book was definitely not written for life lessons and literary merit, I still enjoyed the the witty words and exciting twists that made me want to read more. Jul 24, Heather rated it it was ok. Am I supposed to hate this girl? A fun if shallow story about Massie getting kicked out of horse camp and taking up a summer job in cosmetics so she can get a special purple streak in her hair and the sunglass she wants.

    Nov 09, Alexis Leavitt rated it really liked it. I read this years ago.

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    Probably in middle school. It's a good little short story to be expected of the Pretty Committee leader Massie Block.

    1. www.newyorkethnicfood.com: The Clique Summer Collection #1: Massie eBook: Lisi Harrison: Kindle Store.
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    7. The Clique Summer Collection #1: Massie.
    8. Mar 13, Tiffany Spencer rated it really liked it. Massie gets kicked out of riding camp and is sent home to her parent's summer home in NY.

      Bestselling Series

      Instead of rewarding her her parents do something that's never been done in the history of the Clique books and instead make her get a job to pay them back for the money they spent on her at camp. But there's nothing BE-coming about the tactics she uses on her customers. First I was thinking here we go because it looked like her trick worked. The Galawah Girls were gonna win and Massie was going to get the cover of the magazine. I mean that glue must have been the same glue on that commercial back in the day that had the man suspended from the rig by the helmet. You got away with the deception with the glue.

      That's what I thought? Massie who seems to have NO problem stabbing someone in the back is now in tears because her summer friend's returned the favor of the countless books she stabbed Claire in the back? The lady over the camp kicks Massie out like she stole something. No time has passed between telling her she's suspended and getting back to the stables before she's banging on her door telling her her ride is there. That's barely enough time to pack that designer wardrobe of hers.

      And then you mean to tell me all she has at this place is riding gear? I don't think I can take any more happiness and glee. I thought this book was going to be a boring horse filled book with competitions. It's turning out to be the reward for having me suffer all the other Clique books. Does this chick use the bathroom and diamond's come out?

      She has 3 failed attempts and then she's practically being inducted into the BE-hall of fame. I can't believe it took this many books for someone to tell her this to her face. But part of me admired her sticky-fingers surprisingly. It's a writing move I would have made. I wanted to give this a I had the potential to be the highest rated Clique book I have read thus far.

      But because the book didn't learn its lesson like in the others and instead of just having Massie not get not one thing, in the end, go her way, because I don't know why it is the author is afraid of having this spoiled brat brought down a level I'm knocking it down to an 8.

      It was almost perfect despite the sheer ridiculousness of trying to make us believe that what she did was remotely possible. But it was an entertaining read and delightfully not as long as the regular clique books. I did enjoy the plot of this. And I thought she would just happen to get a job that well of a fit in a week. Which isn't realistic either but ok. That's basically this whole series. Sep 05, Ray rated it it was ok Shelves: Massie is the first book of the Summer Collection, a group of side stories revolving around the members of the "Pretty Committee" from Lisi Harrison's "The Clique" series of popular and controversial books.

      Each of the Summer Collection titles follows one of the characters through her summer vacation in between the seventh and eighth grades or, chronologically, in between Sealed With a Diss and Bratfest At Tiffany's in The Clique series. Massie Block has been caught cheating, and as punis Massie is the first book of the Summer Collection, a group of side stories revolving around the members of the "Pretty Committee" from Lisi Harrison's "The Clique" series of popular and controversial books.

      Massie Block has been caught cheating, and as punishment she must find a summer job. She quickly lands her dream "jobby" selling cosmetics for a rising star business mogul, but along the way she discovers selling beautiful isn't all its cracked up to be. Massie's narrative almost entirely boils itself down to the type of scheming, backstabbing and bullying that have become hallmarks of her character - all behavior that is celebrated at the end of the book, another hallmark that has come to define The Clique. The primary differences are that she lacks the rest of the Pretty Committee and thus has to find new targets along with a shorter narrative.

      Primarily for teen girls; male readers may be put off by the pacing and genre. Girls who love fashion will greatly enjoy the descriptions of clothing within this book. Older readers nostalgic for high school "slice-of-life" stories may also highly enjoy this. Many readers may be put off by potentially negative messages and other controversial or offensive content. Medium-easy 2 to 3 hours Negatives: Apr 13, Jazmine rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: She gets the perfect idea, to be Be Pretty Cosmetics girl.