
Footnotes From His Life

Shit only gets weirder from there. The many threads are clarified by use of fonts and position on the page. This could only have been accomplished through the sophisticated and revelatory use of footnotes. Danielewski, in effect, questions where narratives can exist in fiction.

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He places the bulk of House of Leaves in the margins, evokes character through commentary, and creates tension with verisimilitude. Who, a reader may find herself wondering, is real here?

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Why, then, do we grant him more authority? This is undoubtedly a great challenge to the nature of storytelling, one Danielewski continues to ask in his work. Doug Dorst and J. First of all, like House of Leaves , S. Entitled Ship of Theseus , and written by the fictional V. Straka, this book is designed to look like an old library copy—it even has a Dewey Decimal number: In the conveniently wide margins, a graduate student and an undergraduate write notes to each other in pen and pencil.

R.B. Merrifield: European footnotes to his life and work.

In addition, sporadically stuffed into the pages are various notes, postcards, photos and letters, left by one student for the other. As in House of Leaves , the format and design of S. To be sure, not all novels that use footnotes do so for experimental or progressive reasons. Even here, though, the footnotes create a sense of reality, since the person who finds the letter is name Ruth, who is a writer.

Still others hope to pull out more emotional elements from footnotes. Hence he has set out to eliminate the middleman: How has it evolved from its start in ?

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I founded it in Baltimore, published it mostly in Baton Rouge, and gave approx. We published poetry, critical essays, art, prose, polemics, translations, the slaughter of sacred cows, and idiosyncratic travel reports from poets suffering all over the world. How has Romania influenced your writing?

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Have there been specific books that have followed this influence? I was born in Sibiu, Romania, a baroque city full of ghosts, famous for burning witches in the 16th century. It was a fortified city with a castle ruled by Baron von Bruckenthal who invented torture instruments, notably the Rack-Wheel, and was a lover of Flemish painting that is displayed today alongside Rack-Wheels and Iron Maidens in the Bruckenthal Museum. I was somewhat influenced by that and by the Bach organ in the Evangelical Cathedral played by a madman, but also by the preternatural silence that reigned in town fifteen years after I was born, because most people had been killed in WW2 and nobody told children the truth.

Talk about discovering translators, specifically discovering Michael Henry Heim. Michael Henry Heim was a genius. Translators can only translate as well as they can write, which is why there are a lot of lousy translations by mediocre writers. College libraries, corseted by budget squeezes, are no longer the principal buyers for the books produced by some academic presses. These books are now packaged to attract a broader audience, the Times says, with "catchier titles, snappier covers, more and better illustrations and fewer footnotes and bibliographies. Some books have dropped the annotations altogether and others have simply moved them from the bottom of the page to the end of chapters or the back of the book where they are properly called endnotes.

Episode 2: Bill Cosby: A Life of Red Flags Footnotes

Norris Pope, the director of the Stanford University Press, says that the amount of notation has waned because much of the cutting-edge work in the humanities is speculative, and it relies more he says on "intellection and reflection" than "on secondary sources and archival materials. According to some, the use of footnotes has actually been in retreat for much of the 20th century: While the economic considerations may be recent, the aesthetic ones are quite old. At their worst, footnotes can be a repository for self-important erudition, a sign of too much research and too little analysis.

They can obscure the principal text, clutter the landscape and, perhaps mercifully, put the reader to sleep. Consider the soporific possibilities of the page footnote that John Hodgson, a country vicar and antiquarian in 19th-century Britain, wrote in his History of Northumberland.

Hodgson's sesquipedalian note makes it easy to see why footnotes have been the frequent target of satire, parody and one-liners. In his farcical epic, The Dunciad , Alexander Pope burlesques both academics and critics, and one of his central devices is reams of pedantic footnotes. The 18th-century German satirist Gottlieb Wilhelm Rabener went a step further, writing a mock dissertation, "Hinkmars von Repkow Noten ohne Text," that is nothing but footnotes.

How It Feels To Be Just A Footnote In Someone Else’s Love Story

As humorist Frank Sullivan observed: As tedious as footnotes can be to read, they can be even more so to produce. For high school students and undergraduates, footnotes seem less a test of research skills or academic honesty than a trial of one's endurance and equanimity. In the heyday of the typewriter, footnotes could easily turn a five-hour assignment into a hour labor.

First, you had to figure out the math: How many lines do I type before I start inlaying the footnotes? Then you had to handle the Latin: