
Meine Deine Nachbarschaft (German Edition)

Und man ist niemals damit fertig.

Deine Freundinnen und Freunde, deine Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die Konferenz, an der du gerade teilnimmst. Sie haben nur eine einzige, einfache Regel: Und … unsere Form-Gesellschaft ist auf einmal extrem gespalten.

Du sollst nicht vertrauen (German Edition)

Lass die Simulation einige Male laufen. Benutze den Regler um die Vorurteile der Formen einzustellen:. Die Welt startet getrennt. Was passiert, wenn du die Vorurteile verringerst? Was passiert, wenn die Formen nur ein wenig Vielfalt verlangen? Danke, dass du diese Geschichte gespielt hast! Wir gaben seinem Modell ein Happy End.

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Falls dich echte Daten interessieren, lies beispielsweise W. A Test of the Schelling Segregation Model von Hunde sind an die Leine zu nehmen.

Learn German - Possessive Pronouns - Nominative case - German for beginners - A1 - Lesson 24

Ich hatte in meinem Leben viele Hunde. Ich hasse es, wenn Hunde an mir hochspringen.

  1. Gender specific pronouns for animals - German Language Stack Exchange?
  2. Possessive Pronouns in German Grammar.
  3. Your Answer.
  4. Table of Dependent Possessive Pronouns.

Ich hatte mal eine Katze, die hat mir fast jede Woche eine Maus angeschleppt. Gender is completely unimportant here. Your example however violates the rule as you refer to gender in the second sentence. This implies that her gender actually is important to you, therefore you have to use it in the first sentence at least it would sound more natural:. So you cannot — or at least should not — use er in your example. Again, you could, if gender is not important:.

Ich hatte einen Hund. Wenn man den alleine gelassen hat, hat er die ganze Nachbarschaft zusammengebellt. However it is more tolerable to not use the correct gender, even though it appears in the sentence, as opposed to humans:. Some feminists use female forms in their texts and claim to include men. Ich habe einen Hund. It really depends on how much you want your dog to be recognised as female.

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You can not , however, use something like meine Hund. Im Beispiel "Ich habe einen Hund.

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English speakers do not even have a single word for the animal species which includes bulls, calves, steers, heifers, and cows. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Gender specific pronouns for animals Ask Question.

Parabel der Polygone – eine spielbare Geschichte zur Form der Gesellschaft

For example, Ich habe einen Hund. Where is the line between grammatical gender and biological gender? I would say that there is no real line as the biological gender is not important to most people. Most non-dog-owners always say "he", even though they know my dogs are females. Dog-owners on the other hand care more about the biological gender and refer to a female dog as "she", but again, not all of them. It's one of those "delicate" topics where there is no real right or wrong, because even a female dog is a dog, and it's "der Hund" masculine.

The same but the other way round goes for cats. It's always "die liebe Katze", although it's a male "Kater" -. But you don't know the names of any of those animals: Also interesting is the case when you don't know the animals's genders: And this are the genders of the used animal-words: Der Hund Grammatical gender: Das Schwein Grammatical gender: Der Eber Grammatical gender: Die Sau Grammatical gender: Die Ziege Grammatical gender: Der Bock; der Ziegenbock Grammatical gender: You make it sound as if the example in the question Hund … sie or Katze … er was strictly not acceptable, but it really is.

The use of gender-specific animal nouns is quite optional. This is what I wanted to express in my answer. German grammar allows this variations:

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