
The Art of War [Illustrated]

From perceptive descriptions of the nine varieties of terrain, to advice on how to gage an enemy's weaknesses and strengths, to suggestions on the employment of secret agents, here is timeless advice on combat and military strategy. Sun Tzu's writings are unsurpassed in depth of understanding, shedding light not only on battlefield maneuvers, but also on the relevant economic, political, and psychological factors that can shape the outcome of warfare. Equally important, the precepts outlined by Sun Tzu over two thousand years ago can be applied with great success outside the theater of war.

Indeed, it is read avidly by corporate executives worldwide and has been touted in the movie Wall Street and the television series The Sopranos as the ultimate guide to strategy. Finally, this edition offers the definitive translation of Sun Tzu's text, by former U. Remarkable for its clear organization, lucid prose, and the acuity of its intellectual and moral insights, The Art of War is the definitive study of combat. It is an essential book for military history buffs, and an ideal gift for anyone who is interested in tactics and strategy, whether on the battlefield or in the boardroom.

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The late Samuel B. It has a profound influence on both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. Frankly, I got tired of my husband quoting this and having no idea what he was talking about. I must love him a great deal because this was so not my thing though I valiantly struggled my way through it. I'd say about three quarters of the book was commentary and translation quibbles on the text itself, which is really rather brief and kind of pretty in a "this is how you kill a bunch of people" sort of way. My big take-aways from this were Frankly, I got tired of my husband quoting this and having no idea what he was talking about.

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My big take-aways from this were: And also be super sneaky about what you're going to do. Thus one who is skillful at keeping the enemy on the move maintains deceitful appearances, according to which the enemy will act. Don't stick to orders from an emperor who's really far away because he doesn't know what the heck is going on like you do.

Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions. This knowledge makes you strong so other people can't determine your future. Use it to win your war. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well done! What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease. If either of these things suck, you're in trouble. For example, if the dudes you're going to war against put their pots and pans away, they're planning on dying in battle.

So, that's The Art of War. Now back to my regularly scheduled reading. View all 21 comments. Feb 05, Ahmed H. It is hard to speculate that this book has been written for one single era When you read it you realise it meant to stay and teach all the humanity, a book that needs to be taught in schools, teaching kids how to THINK Such a damn complicate world: Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. Do not climb heights in order to fight. So much for mountain warfare. Spies are a most important element in war, because on them depends an army's ability to move.

View all 8 comments. View all 6 comments. Jan 08, Michelle rated it liked it Shelves: This was on the "Surprise Yourself" stack at the library. I took the latter even if I think I'm more of a lover than a fighter. Besides, the stack was on the front desk, choosing the former is kinda awkward. I am quite surprised I finished this book. I felt like I subjected myself to study even if I'm not required to do so.

It's actually quite entertaining, more so that I know that there won't be a test later. Despite the title This was on the "Surprise Yourself" stack at the library. Despite the title, the text I don't know if I should call it a primer is more concerned with nonviolent strategy: He made a lot of useful and brilliant points but this all I can remember. Most of the stuff I have read just went down the drain! Like I said, I'm a lover, not fighter!

The Art of War : Illustrated Edition by Sun-Tzu (Hardcover, ) | eBay

I'm not sure how to take that. Bottom line, I'm a lover not a fighter. I started this because I know that many people love this work and say they get a lot out of it. But it became clear to me after quite a few pages that The Art of War really is about fighting a war no matter what other people might interpret it to be. So I'm not interested. Never get into a land war in Indo-China. Never make a bet involving death with a Sicilian. View all 12 comments. In this work you will learn how people are to be treated and dealt with.

The work was written for men in command and leaders of states. It is for the ambitious and strong spirited; do not seek morality lessons here. Sun Tzu has been translated and interpreted countless times by people with little knowledge of true combat reality on either the physical or mental level. Most of the available translations and i Quick Demo: We are living in a global network and must think in decisive terms if we are to succeed. He also chooses to leave out the valuable commentaries, which are supposed to be as much a part of the work as the original.

We are grown-up and intelligent enough to develop our own understanding without the need for quaint allegories. There is nothing sacred here. I find that approach unnecessary, limiting, and a waste of time to the educated reader. And here is a fun fact: Well, the book is a bore and a complete failure. That is why Art of war is an enduring and much loved classic.

The author obviously has no clue about all this. He thinks it is a good idea to just present the text as-is, without ornamentation, without poetry, without any hints at broader applications beyond the battleground — Because the global corporation IS a battleground! Not realizing that once you strip away the poetry, you also strip the power of metaphor and what you have left is a dated txt that talks of war and claims to be for managers.

It makes no sense to be told in plain prose to poison your enemy and insult his wife. Idiotic, without even being entertaining.

The Definitive English Translation by Samuel B. Griffith

Takes all the fun out of reading a bad book. View all 23 comments. Jun 03, Roy Lotz rated it really liked it Shelves: The Art of Goodreads 1. The greatest books are the ones you never have to read, and the greatest words are the ones you never have to speak. Likewise, the greatest book reviews are the ones you never have to write.

The Illustrated Art of War

There are five types of books: To begin a book, find its weakest point. This is commonly the first page. Do not turn the page too slowly, as you will make it greasy; do not turn it too quickly, a The Art of Goodreads 1. Do not turn the page too slowly, as you will make it greasy; do not turn it too quickly, as it might tear. If a sentence is giving you trouble, make like you're going to skip over it, and then read it all at once really fast to take it by surprise! If a sentence is particularly difficult, yell it at the top of your voice, trying to imitate the sound of the cock when the sun peaks over the distant mountains.

Do not let your teachers or professors know if you have actually read your assigned readings. Keep them in suspense. Then you can subject them to your will. To impress the erudite girl, take well-known quotes and misattribute them, so that she can correct you. She will feel smart, and you will rush in for the kill!

If you can see the sun, you do not have the keenest vision. If you can hear the thunder, you do not have the keenest hearing. Likewise, if you get the most likes, you do not have the best review. Love is a battlefield, that's why I always wear camouflage on first dates. You can apply the lessons of military tactics to any aspect of your life, as long as you don't mind going to prison.

If you read the English translation of The Art of War backwards, and in a Jamaican patois , it exactly reproduces the original Chinese. If a word is giving you difficulty, you have two options: The Empire in Star Wars could totally have won if they had just used more spies. The same goes for Sauron in The Lord of the Rings. When running out of ideas for a book review, the wisest course of action is to stop. The second wisest action is to keep going. Feb 17, R. Gold rated it really liked it. Glad I finally read this book.

I know it's considered one of the ultimate classics and I had always put it off because it's short, justifying the procrastination to myself by saying "I can read it in a day it's no big deal if I start tomorrow. I found the chapters on maneuvering and land to be the most fascinating. The direct descriptions and exact measurements of how to respond in these situations were enthralling.

We all know one person who has an answer for everything. This is how I feel about Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu, literally, has an answer for everything war based. How to win at war I could never consider war as a form of art, but Sun Tzu has provided a detailed manual of how to survive it. Then, and only then, might you be ok. This book is certainly one for the generals who must consider victory first and overcome the loss of human life. However, despite the convincing nature of his arguments, I do feel like there would be a situation where his logic failed him.

There will be a situation where an unforeseeable circumstance defeats his approach and leads in an unexpected defeat and complete rout. No manual of war could ever be completely extensive even if it appears that way. Easy to read One thing that struck me when reading this was the sheer approachability of it. I expected it to be very complex and intricate. The manoeuvres and counters are conveyed in a simple, yet comprehensive, manner.

I was unable to find one, though I think if someone used this in war they may find it. I am glad of the simplicity of it, though, because it made the book very approachable and easy to understand. This was such an interesting book to read. I feel like I learnt a lot from it, which is quite scary really. I do recommend giving this book a read though, just for the sake of reading something completely different.

A tactical three stars View all 10 comments. Aug 25, Lily rated it it was ok. If you've ever picked up a self-help book where the author is repeatedly stating the obvious, then you've experienced the writing style of this book. The overall concepts could've been summarized in a short essay rather than a book.

Its length is a testament to its antiquity, though the author has done a noble job of re-ordering and editing bits of the chapters to provide continuity and to delete repetition. Oriental philosophy is often ripe with a kind of double-speak and this book is no excepti If you've ever picked up a self-help book where the author is repeatedly stating the obvious, then you've experienced the writing style of this book.

Oriental philosophy is often ripe with a kind of double-speak and this book is no exception. The main idea, covered ad nauseam, are that generals must be wise, adapt to changing situations, and maintain order.

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  • What people get out of this book is whatever they want to read into it. This elegant hardcover gift edition uses Lionel Giles's classic translation and stands apart for its gorgeous design and fine Chinese illustrations. Giles's extensive annotations and commentary on Sun Tzu's aphorisms and proverbs are also included. Additional Details Original Language. Behold a Pale Horse: Signet Classics by George Orwell A beautiful book with fantastic color illustrations.

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    Quite beautiful book Bought as a present for my husband because Sun Tzu is a classic for readers. Becoming by Michelle Obama Hardcover Book 1.

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