
Konstruktion von Identität am Beispiel der Inneren Mongolei (German Edition)

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Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy. Visit our Help Pages. Audible Download Audio Books. Wenn sie nach Osten geht, wird sie braun, gliedert sich sich zu viel dem Weltenall an, und stirbt aus. Wie sie nach Indien gezogen ist, bildete sie die innerliche, poetische, dichterische, geistige indische Kultur aus. In her view, as exposed in The Secret Doctrine the rootraces represented the humanity during a certain era.

There was, for example, the Lemurian Rootrace, the Atlantean Rootrace and after the downfall of Atlantis the Aryan Rootrace, divided in several subraces, like the ancient Indian, the ancient Persian, the Greek-Roman, etc. Also the subraces represented different cultural episodes or stages in the development of mankind. Nevertheless, she discussed the Rootraces in terms as: Redskins, Eskimos, Papuans, Australians, Polynesians, etc. Those who realize that every Root-Race runs through a gamut of seven sub-races with seven branchlets, etc.

But in general in Steiners teachings eurocentrism is dominant, with a very special role and mission for the European Aryan white race. Steiner in Aus der Akasha-Chronik: Man denke sich zwei solcher Wurzelrassen den Lemuriern vorangehend und zwei den Ariern in der Zukunft folgend, so gibt das im ganzen sieben. Es geht immer eine aus der andern in der Art hervor, wie dies eben in bezug auf Lemurier, Atlantier und Arier angedeutet worden ist. Und jede Wurzelrasse hat physische und geistige Eigenschaften, die von denen der vorhergehenden durchaus verschieden sind.

But this is a broader notion of the concept Aryan then used for example by the Nazis. With Rootrace they mean the dominant and cultured part of humanity during a certain episode. Steiner is more indirect, but in other works he is quiet explicit that for example the Native Americans are decadent dissents of the Atlantean race and not a part of the ruling Post Atlantean Rootrace.

In the Akasha Chronik he calls the population of Oceania decadent dissents of the ancient Lemurians. Gerade darin liegt der Grund, warum sie im Niedergang begriffen sind. So we can conclude that with the term rootrace stands for not just an era but for a part of humanity that is dominating a certain era. And the Native Americans were not a part of it. Das alles hat er, der Sohn der braune Rasse, nicht mitgemacht.

Nicht alle heute auf der Erde lebenden Menschen stehen auf derselben Stufe der Entwickelung. Diese Anschauung is den Ergebnissen der Geistesforschung nicht entsprechend. Der bleiche Mann hat kleine Zeichen, in denen Zauberwesen stecken und aus denen erforscht er die Wahrheit, denn es ist nicht gut.

Der braune Mann sucht nicht in solchen kleinen Zauberzeichen die Wahrheit. Aber sie hat sich bewahrt den Glauben an einen monotheistischen Geist, der aus allen Lauten der Natur zu ihr spricht. Wir haben also einen geraden Entwickelungsstamm und abgehende Seitenzweige, die verfallen siehe Zeichnung, fig. Da sehen wir wieder Wesen sich. Diese Wesen entwickeln sich weiter, aber in absteigende Linie, und aus ihnen entsteht das Affengeschlecht. Menschen und Affen, stammen von einer Form ab, die aber eine ganz andere Gestalt hatte als die Affen und heutigen Menschen.

Because acc Steiner the native Americans were still a part, or decadent dissents, of the Atlantean rootrace. And in our era the dominating race is the Aryan race, from which the native Americans are not a part of. During the Atlantean ers, the Lemurian era, etc. Like there is an evolutionary line of the material form of natural life, Steiner believed there is also an involutionary development a declining line from the spiritual world.

Human kind in Atlantis and Lemuria were made of a more etherical stuff than the complete material human beings of today. Steiner describes this process in several works. This chapter is more than hundred pages and probably to complex to give even a short summary. I have translated his explanation of two paragraphs: The balloon floats to the earth. The moment of landing is constantly postponed because elements of this human essence separates and leave the balloon. First the balloon decreases less rapidly and, secondly, the space is increasing for developing the human essence.

Many elements are successively emitted: There are two parallel levels on this development: The anthroposophical evolution model, drawn by Hermann Poppelbaum, as it appeared in Mensch und Tier Texts translated in Dutch. Most of the text will be clear, except probably the descriptions on the involution and evolution line. Along the involution line: Along the evolution line: The hardened forms evolve each in their own earthly way.

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The existing animal forms are the result of centuries of specialization. Every animal is a specialist … then when the primates, the apes, are leaving the imaginary balloon to incarnate on earth.

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Then the predecessors of humans are following. Under these early human forms we reckon the Peking Man The current man comes not from these precursors and certainly not from the ape men, as it becomes clear. When all these precursors arrived in the visible world, in the imaginary balloon, there was one form left. The latter form occurs gradually in the visible around 50, BC. This is what we call homo sapiens. According to Rudolf Steiner, these first people figures were as thin as the scent of a flower. The materialising process is continuing. Slowly the physical body materialises to cartilage.

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Then there is a hardening till the current hardness is achieved. If you think back in time, keeping in mind that the bones were still soft, you may never be found fossil remains of the ancestors of the current humans. It is interesting to have a look on two fundamental quotes of Rudolf Steiner, both from two essential works. So wie der Mensch einstmals unvollkommener war als heute, so waren sie einmal vollkommener, als sie heute sind.

The origin of the evolutionary development lays in the spiritual world. The human kind was originally a spiritual being. In the long history as terrestrial arose essentially as a secondary development in addition to humans and the animal world, the plants and mineral world see again the model of Poppelbaum to understand this assumption, FS. Both the terrestrial and the spiritual man made in this long history evolved. The animal is in that sense the precursor of man, but the spiritual man is the precursor of the terrestrial animals and terrestrial humans.

The original animals were then derived and according to Steiner human body shapes were developed higher than the current species. The current monkeys are dissents of relatively higher developed animals, which are dissents of the ethereal formed people of that time. But in my view the best parts of the report are when it explains anthroposophy. These parts are outstanding. But in qualifying passages like this in my view the report misses the point.

Sie waren zu baldigem Aussterben bestimmt. Der Mephistopheles ist dasselbe Wesen. On this passage the commission has a short comment: But the most interesting is, Steiner confirms his view on races again. Steiner said this many times. Here with just one general remark, but much more detailed in Die Mission einzelner Volksseelen and in , one and a half year before his death in , in Vom Leben der Menschen un der Erde GA Da entstehen dann die Malaien; die werden braun.

Ja, warum werden sie braun? Sie nehmen mehr Licht in sich auf. Sie haben sich schon. Die stirbt an der Sonne. Was ist die Folge? Ihre Natur ist eigentlich eingerichtet, dadurch schwarz zu werden. Da werden sie kupferrot, werden Indianer. Das Irdische ihrer Natur ist ja ihr Triebleben. Daher sind sie auf sich selber angewiesen. So they were harsh on this lecture for the workers on building the Goetheanum in Dornach.

There are some differences; for example he states that the predecessors of the Native Americans are Black Africans. Earlier, and more often, he said that the Native Americans were a kind of Atlanteans who survived, but became decadent. But this is the only thing in which he is not consequent. There are many, many more examples, too much to discuss them all.

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But that is not the aim of this article. Helmut Zander in his major work Anthroposophie in Deutschland:. Dies war Steiners Versuch, dem biologischen Determinismus zu wehren. Ja, die Tatsachen sagen es, da ist nichts dagegen zu machen. Zudem bleibt auch hier die Evolution das unangetastete Gesetz der Kultur: Rassen seien ein Intermezzo der Menschheitsgeschichte.

The race is just a temporary step and just one factor in the development of an individual soul, on its journey through different incarnations. Zander shows one passage of the 4th lecture of the Mission einzelner Volksseelen, but there are many more of such passages, that the differences between races will disappear in the far future acc. Hier liegt ein zentrales Problem seiner Rassismen, sie sind der Ausdruck eines tief im Ein weiteres Zentralen Problem liegt im Rassenbegriff: Gibt es einen Rassismus bei Steiner?

Wenn Rassismus die Bindung wichtiger Elemente der Anthropologie an augenblicklich existierende Rassen bedeutet, seien die biologisch oder spirituell definiert, dann kann man Steiner als Rassisten bezeichnen. Indem man sie als Zeitgebundene Vorstellungswelt historisiert, sich insoweit davon distanziert und in normativer Hinsicht als Irrtum verwirft.

So far this long passage of Zander. I have to say I just agree with these last conclusions and suggestions of Zander. I argued more or less the same in this article. So I believe this is the main problem, but possibly also the most important challenge of anthroposophy in our current time. Nevertheless I believe this is the fundamental point. The same kind of thing was also said by Jana Husmann Kastein, also from the Humboldt University I cited her article several times before. I think every even orthodox but decent anthroposophist should agree with that.

A Bridge too far?

A different issue is the question of anti-Semitism in the work of Rudolf Steiner. The opinions about this sensitive issue are different. But the things are not what they look like. Steiner has always been the most consistent pronouncing against anti-Semitism.

For example, the Jewish Professor Deborah Lipstadt, who was charged unsuccessfully for libel in court by the revisionist David Irving!

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He had been attacked himself by anti-Semites. But he was not a supporter of the traditional Jewish tendency to live in racial segregation in relation to the other men, in his view an aberration. I heard this myself in the fierce debates I participated in, with different Dutch and Belgian anthroposophists. But on the other hand, Steiner criticized also anti-Semites, which he considered as not very intelligent. It has been mentioned by the van Baarda Commission, but they also missed the point. In my view this is the most serious and close to real anti-Semitism. Die Mythe hat in wunderbarer Weise diese Tendenz erhalten.

The report hardly discusses this specific quote and almost ignores the remarkable things Steiner has to say. The commission makes one short remark: And why does the commission advice us to understand this passage with our intuition and not with our ratio? But anyway, this is not a very elegant passage of the report. Later this anti-Semitic notion was used for the Nazi propaganda film Der ewige Jude, in Steiner uses also this term.

But for this article it is sufficient to mention this remarkable passage. In einem Zentralen Punkt blieb sich Steiner treu. Daraus resultierte auch seine scharfe Abneigung gegen den Zionismus. Nach der Wende zu Esoterik um leitete Steiner seine Sicht des Judentums aus der Wurzelrassenlehre ab, kombiniert mit Motiven des traditionellen christlichen Antisemitismus. Aus einer angeblich besonders starken Blutsbindung der Juden schlussfolgerte Steiner abstrakte Strenge und Unerbittlichkeit. Er leitete daraus allerlei Klischees ab: The words of this passage, original from GA , are a reprise of what we have seen earlier.

Some races became decadent, but the higher souls incarnated in newer and better forms. The sad thing is that some contemporary anthroposophists still use these kind of arguments to defend Steiner, also in the many debates I participated in, totally unable to identify this as racism. This was in case of the Native Americans. But the higher souls of the former spiritual natives have now incarnated in new forms, so nothing wrong with that. Because what do they have to say about this passage cit.

Also here, Steiner uses the word Race in a Theosophical way, somewhere further he mentions some peoples from Atlantis. On earth there have to be physical bodies which are necessary for the next stage of development of those souls, or fitting with the individual needs of these souls. If every soul went through a certain development, the races which were necessary for this development are dying out, because there is no need for any soul to incarnate in such a race.

So the human soul is not dependent on a race, the human souls themselves decide which races will appear on earth. With the decadency of a race Steiner means that the bodies of that race were stagnated in their development. And with decadent, Steiner means not developing anymore, which means stagnation. He mentions another example: But there is one thing we can be sure of. Radical anti-Semitism or Holocaust revisionism are not to justify in the tradition of Rudolf Steiner, beside that it is also immoral in general. Jens Heisterkamp, prominent anthroposophist in Germany, one of the authors of the Franfurther Memorandum and editor of Info3, on the Russian anthroposophist Gennady Bondarew: In an article of Rene Zwaap, on , we could read that Ron Dunselman, chair of the Dutch Anthroposophical Society, made a strong effort at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to withdraw a visa for the Russian anthroposophist Bondarew, who was invited to come to the Netherlands, ironically by the prominent Dutch anthroposophist Willem Frederik Veltman and the banker Rudolf Mees, a strong supporter of anthroposophical initiatives in the Netherlands.

Things appeared far more worse than he expected. Bondarev appeared not only a severe anti-Semite but also a Holocaust revisionist, basing himself on the ideas of the French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson we will see this name again. Although supported by the organisation of Veltman and Mees, who even invited former foreign minister and ex UN High commissioner on the Minorities and Human Rights, Max van der Stoel, to join the committee of recommendation, for Dunselman this was enough reason to try to keep Bondarev away from a congress he was invited to speak, in The Hague, October Although this was a little bit a blamage for a general respected ex minister Max van der Stoel and some other prominents according to this article van der Stoel appeared to be a former classmate of WF Veltman, for that reason he joined the committee the Dutch anthroposophical community made a principal statement.

This gave some troubles within the anthroposophical ranks of the Netherlands; for example WF Veltman, one of the most prominent but also an outspoken conservative member of the Dutch anthroposophical society, withdraw his membership. A year before, two parents of children on a Dutch Waldorfschool contacted the media after they found some racist text and a drawing in the school cahiers of their children. Again this arose a lot of publicity and finally Mr. Christof Wiechert, vice chairman of the Dutch Anthroposophical Society was interviewed on the radio. He explained some passages of Steiner by pointing at the vitality surpluses of the black footballplayers of Ajax and on the tragic events of the massacre of Wounded Knee, to suggest that Rudolf Steiner was right with his insights about the native Americans as a dying race.

After this happened, on a special general assemblee, the Dutch anthroposophists decided to install the van Baarda Commission to research the work of Steiner for possible racism. This story has been told many times, at least in the Netherlands. But the most interesting thing here is, we have seen the Dutch anthroposophists acted quiet effectively in the case of Bondarev.

My question is, why even promoting on all the Dutch anthroposophical websites a magazine and website which is at least as radical as Bondarev? The difference with this website is, that it is all in Dutch and available on the internet. Click here for the German translation edited by Michael Eggert. That does not mean that the fifth culture period must be a repetition of the Egyptian period.

It should be a mirror in which the new element, the Christ-impulse, is included. Ahriman tries to make a repetition of it in which every reference to Christ is missing. It seems that he, the Antichrist, is creating a kind of anti-religion in the lives of many with the main doctrines: Adultery was no longer punishable. Several commentators pointed out that business and trade compliance of a contract while suddenly obvious — where a voluntary personal commitment of faith to marriage — is not a contract that should be respected.

That a democratically elected parliament in a country that thinks otherwise can not be accepted, the concept of multi-culture can only be used for traditional social institutions to move aside and, of course, not to keep them. The idea that we are committed to forming a co-based family of faith is unacceptable in that religion: In the Western world everyone is free to think what he wants on a particular historical fact.

Has someone the opinion that Napoleon never had a campaign in Russia, and he writes a book with arguments for that proposition, he can do. Stalin and Mao were responsible for the deaths of millions of people, but nobody seems to be disturbed by these facts. Why systematically revive and picture the German war action? There is obviously no doubt that the Anglo-Saxon occult lodges know that a threat for them only can come from Central Europe.

And as to frustrate each operation of a spiritual impulse, Germany is depicted as the origin of all evil. Where the Mystery of Golgotha is the spindle in the spiritual development of humanity for all mankind, a shining beacon in the joint search for the right way to realize the Christ Impulse in the world, we are on a central mental-rejection point, the black hole in human history which everyone must avoid and that humanity unites in a common hatred against ….

Because it is no coincidence that the Holocaust was to be kept alive for a constant hatred against the German people, against Germany as an area for which humanity should be careful and vigilant. Even before the war the hate propaganda already began. Previously, in the cinema new movies were always shown before the film began. In died Jack Glenn, the man who made movies in the United States.

Occasionally, this guy made arrangements of world events played by actors in a theatrical sequel decor. It contained a scene of a concentration camp, filmed on Staten Island with New York actors. Much of the film was included in the Third Reich by a freelance cameraman, but Louis Roche Ment, the producer, had the feeling that the film was censored by the German authorities and ordered Glenn to dramatize the Nazi brutality. Millions of Americans who saw these new movies in their local cinema, were convinced that what they saw was reality.

The fact is that after the war the Allies hired Hollywood producers to make propaganda films for army use. The documentary revealed that the scenes of SA brown hordes who molest their enemies who were in the streets of Berlin and the Jews in Vienna who were cleaning up the sidewalk, were filmed in the scenes of Hollywood. The Japanese soldiers babies on their bayonets tasks and other atrocities were also hate propaganda scenes from Hollywood.

I am not saying that these facts do not actually have occurred. But modern television makers are now using those images to fill their own reports, just as material from the former Soviet GPOE is used as authentic. For years they have deceived the public and fed the wheel of hate. On the website of David Irving http: Another clever piece of propaganda. Shortly after the release of the film, the first cameraman in a German magazine declared that they intentionally wanted to create documentary impression so that later even less critical — fdw generations would be easily convinced of the veracity.

The film is however based on a novel, the product of the imagination of a writer, Thomas Kenneally. But there is something strange that happened. For the same reason as then: Germany is the source of all evil. Each question of the defence is rejected because of national security. Although one of rougher category, it is not the only one in its kind.

Choose freedom of religion, commercials will show the way. Allah will show the way. Middle part under Rudolf Steiner: Direct democracy keeps the western economic and the eastern spiritual tendencies within their boundaries. In another article, The Ahrimanic personality, after a description of how the demonic the character of the Rothschild family is we can read:.

That they might predominantly by Jews at this time is no longer relevant. As you can deduce from the article above even their own family members are not safe if they are willing to receive the ahrimanic inspirations. We said that the efforts of occult lodges are designed to suppress every spiritual impulse of the Central European spirit.

From there alone could come the only model for society that can fulfil the needs of mankind in the era of the consciousness soul. But this model, the Social Threefolding, means the end of the dominance of certain elites. And that is exactly what only can come from Middle Europe. From the Belgium-Brussels the European Moloch got prepared, decorated with western thinking, which seduced Central Europe. The Eastern areas were powerless and waiting for the impulse from Central Europe.

It is because of the powers of the same centre that Hitler and Stalin could come to power. Nazism and Bolshevism have disappeared now, but the totalitarian system are restructuring themselves, both in Europe as in North America. Also this passage seems totally paranoid. The reason why they publish the words of this personality is explained as following:.

There is obviously more behind this than what the legislators themselves do believe there is; a useful and cost-benefit principle in morality. So the people were all just deceived by the idea that the principle that life must be slain if we decide there is no chance for a live in dignity.. This was the slogan of the Dutch feminist abortion activists during the seventies, FS.

In fact they are desperate, like the Indians who were forced by the Spanish conquistadors to work to death in the silver mines, desperate killed their own offspring. Even the Angels and their hierarchies will be confused! Maybe this is a probable reason why nowadays there are so many broken families: After this remarkable conclusion they published an interview with a militant Catholic anti abortion activist and Holocaust revisionist, Johannes Lerle, after the following introduction:.

And perhaps we should be as inventive as Johannes Lerle! How come we read in an interview with him on the Catholic website http: We translated this as the first questions and answers to understand. If a dissentient is called a denier Leugner , then you are in the religious sphere.

Because csidering historical facts you can deny whatever you want. You may ignore many historical facts: All one can deny, except the crimes Hitler. Yes, a great problem. Because the fundamental right of free speech should only be limited by general laws, and not the exception for laws that deny the crimes of Hitler are punishable, while all other crimes and problems with impunity and denied excused them. An Exceptional inconsistent with the Constitution, the Holocaust into a religion doctrine imposed by the State. To deny it is forbidden, just like heresy in earlier centuries.

But the problem is it that only God can provide an article of faith, nobody else. And about the Nazi gas chambers is simply nothing in the Bible. But I have learned at school the lie that the Nazi regime made soap of human bones and lampshades of human skin. In Germany we say: This is going on in the same way. I show this very detailed maybe too but I think it is important to show what this magazine is doing. For me there is still the question why? Because the main aim of this website is in there own words: Holocaust denying is not the only activity of this magazine which should be questioned.

There is more, maybe to many.

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Although this is a concept of Steiner himself as they explain , the way they describe this is typical for de Brug:. Several inspired artists have already described how this future will look like. Since , the business rapidly affected. This is not only determined by anthroposophists. The Internet is overloaded with websites of the various facets of this trend and highlight different assumptions and present conspiracy theories.

The difference of these theories with the anthroposophical interpretation is that we assume that this is organised by a spiritual entity, an organized power of non earthly or materialistic origin, while non-anthroposophists search the guilty ones within the earth atmosphere Freemasons, Lodge, Illuminati, Zionists, capitalists or outside the earth atmosphere, where they assume work of more or less material intelligences UFOs, etc.

If we read the descriptions of Caesar how inspired the Nervians fought against the Romans till the last man died, we conclude that in terms of individual courage they were higher developed than the average Roman. The Romans fought with more technology, in certain tactical setups, so with the cold, calculated reason. You could say that the people who wrote these articles are completely insane sometimes it is more Starwars than anthroposophy, with Ahriman as the Dark side of the Force, or the Dark Lord of the Sith. Maybe, but they are very capable to read Rudolf Steiner, as they discuss a lot of his work on several places on this website, even his complete scheme of evolution, based on the different texts of Geheimwissenschaft about the past and future.

Both editors of this magazine are respected members of the Belgian anthroposophical community. They have several functions in the anthroposophical scene and are giving lectures on different anthroposophical subjects, also at the Rudolf Steiner Academie in Gent, one of the most respected anthroposophical institutes of Belgium. And they are not the only ones who write these kind of articles in this magazine. There are also others different guest authors. So if these people are invited to give lectures about complex anthroposophical concepts like the Ahrimanic future I will take them seriously.

Jos Verhulst, a prominent anthroposophist in Belgium and also respected in the Dutch anthroposophical scene. But Verhulst is not a marginal figure in the anthroposophical scene of both the Netherlands and Belgium. So here a few passages of what he writes in de Brug in his article with the optimistic title A short preview on a terrible future:.

In the shadow of the Holocaust, which acts as an Ersatz-Mystery of Golgotha of the secular world religion, the taboos are increasing. The sky above the Free Word is darkening rapidly, and the world becomes a stifling web of restrictions on speaking and even thinking. But everything is more or less organised. The real leader is not human but a spirit of anti-civilization, which more and more the powerful of the earth are willing to receive.

Who is watching how ideas and social norms are accelerated moving in the same direction, can not hide for this conclusion. After this quiet paranoid theory I think it is Ahriman Verhulst is mentioning a lot of examples from Canada, most from the gay rights movement I still wonder why this is such an issue for anthroposophists, but it apparently is, especially for the authors of the several articles on this website.

Just as in Belgium in the Netherlands the political class converted to the anti-discrimination ideology. In our northern neighbour country, even the Constitution begins with the proclamation of this human hostile principle this is nonsense, FS [79]. The consequences of such a step should be more reflected. What are the logical consequences of the fact that people are more open to disclose their criteria for choosing a marriage partner?

This means nothing else than that the marriage choice itself is basically nationalized. The political class has the right to intervene with the introduction of the anti-discrimination laws, including the right appropriated to this life domain. It is one of the last stages of the collectivisation of family life.

Individuals with such laws against the state step by step in the same ratio as the ratio has a rabbit against rabbit breeder. People have gradually manoeuvred into a position where they are in the eyes of the political class a kind of culture subjects. Do not think that this is far-fetched. About thirty years ago someone had said that the currently existing laws on real marriage, abortion, censorship, etc. However, it is now ready. What will be thirty years our part? What are the objectives that our guardians now have in mind? Towards this direction we will evolve. For us it is a challenge to find the right ideas and thoughts to come and to distribute especially the thoughts of the social threefolding, that the human beings live together within three areas, each with its own principles.

The situation of the first Christians in the catacombs of Rome was also not very bright, Nero and his fellows accused them of burning down the city, that they were terrorists! But ultimately the Empire collapsed by its own unwieldiness. If you have a look on this collection of articles you might question what all this quiet depressing and xenophobic stuff has to do with anthroposophy. There may be some racism in the work of Steiner, but why transmitting the ideas of David Irving into the anthroposophy?

And why all this self declared victimization? This kind of pessimism or even fatalism, which also dominates these articles, has a certain tradition in anthroposophy. I think de Brug perfectly fits into that tradition. If there is one example of this pessimistic voice, it is Sigismund von Gleich, an original German anthroposophist who lived for a long time in the Netherlands. In de Brug, the editors published a short excerpt of this work. Maybe it is worthwhile to show it here translation of the Dutch original, which is a very confusing text, even almost unreadable in Dutch, FS:.

The Earth went through different stages which we designate by the name of a celestial body, eg. Saturn, Sun and Moon. As you know we live now in the fifth culture period of the fifth period. After the fourth period, called Atlantis, followed by the Deluge. It seems that in anthroposophy all large, well-known cultures have a place, except one: That has to do with the strong sequel of Atlantic elements in this culture. Sigismund von Gleich searched for the origins of various peoples, and discovered interesting connections.

A number of terms he used in modern anthropology is no longer used Indo Germanic became Indo-European, etc. We will therefore begin the story with Noah:. Noah had three sons: Japhet, Ham and Sem. How should we reveal these historical ethnologic insights from the spiritual science of the history of the ice age? Japhet meant the bulk of the Indo-Germanic mankind. Actually Japhet stands for the Euro-Caucasian humanity. This image tells us: The promethean power of the brain of the Aryan-Caucasian people in the post-Atlantic period was developed, first in the high rocky mountains of the head, the Jupiter-thinking seated in the brains.

Japetos and Prometheus are at the beginning of the Greek family tree. Rudolf Steiner described Plato as a typical representative of this spirit.

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It is the origin of the dynasty of the. All the people there regard it as a holy mountain chain. The origin of both the Indo-Germanic peoples as the Semites can be found in that part of the Atlantic rootrace, occupying the northwestern European part of Atlantis, to the area of Hyperborea, and the areas in Asia.

Sem or the Semites sprang from the same blood, but formed a separate branch. The Semites emerged as a strange mixture. Sem is the mixture of pre-Aryan element with the North Asian, Mongolian Turanian-world flow attached. This is what Sem while the pre-Aryan element, especially in the more Chinese element lived, although the Mongolian part had become strong.

Finally, the Sem-Semite element of the subsequent time when the Eurasian-Aryan element, the Turanian had recast in a positive way — in contrast with the Chinese element. The result is a very special polarity between Semites and the Mongolian-Turanian Chinese elements. The two are related, but opposite in their polarity! In both ethnic groups the blood is highly organized, working alongside the general human forces of the sun especially the forces of Mars in case of the Turanians. But in the Mongols these solar effects are overwhelming, while with the Semites there is the reverse situation. However, both varieties are very aggressive oorlogszuchtig!

It is one of the main imprints of the second period after Atlantic culture which the constellation of Gemini is the emergence of the Semites and the polar opposite Chinese, which in many respects belong to each other as light and shadow. The old Chinese culture, which around from Inner Asia Turkistan went east where it awoke, wanted to keep the Luciferian Spirit of Atlantis, but the old Persian and old Semitic-which developed parallel to them- dived bravely into the darkness of the matter and fought with the earth-darkness.