
Crimes against the State, Crimes against Persons: Detective Fiction in Cuba and Mexico

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When will my order arrive? Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Literary Theory Literary Studies: A Crime Fiction Reader: Craft and Criticism brings together classic and contemporary writings on a genre that is more popular now than it has ever been. It is comprehensive in multiple ways: The first section, "Defining the Genre," brings together critical statements about the genre of crime fiction from some of its central practitioners as well some of the most famous early attempts to regulate, critique, or defend the genre.

A Crime Fiction Reader : Craft and Criticism

The essays in this section are designed to give students the ability to reconstruct both the history of early debates about the value of crime fiction and the formal and thematic characteristics of the genre that constituted the focus of such debates. The second and third sections, "Key Authors" and "Traditions in Crime Fiction," collect a sample of the most influential critical work about some of the leading writers, traditions and subgenres of crime fiction.

  • Crimes against the State, Crimes against Persons.
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Crime fiction has long been known for attracting critical attention from writers with an enormously wide range of theoretical concerns and affiliations. The fourth and final section, "Theoretical Approaches," reflects that history and diversity by including samples of critical work from multiple viewpoints, including feminist, Marxist, formalist, post-colonial, and psychoanalytic. This section renders A Crime Fiction Reader suitable not only for classes in crime fiction per se, but also for classes on critical and literary theory that use crime fiction texts to introduce students to a wide range of theoretical issues and positions.

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The Best Books of He also published Siete variaciones policiales: The author cleverly introduces into the story U. One of the most interesting writers is Arnaldo Correa.

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His El terror Terror , Editorial Letras Cubanas, Havana, is a collection of 16 stories that are not overtly ideological and give evidence of the existence of criminal activity by citizens in Revolutionary Cuba. Akashic Books, incidentally, publishes a good bit of Cuban noire literature.

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There are two relatively controversial Cuban mystery writers who merit special attention. Leonardo Padura Fuentes has created a rather non-flashy detective- Mario Conde — who has been featured in four novels to date. The third, Mascaras Mascara , Ediciones Union, was initially banned in Cuba and published abroad, winning a Spanish literary prize.

His work is unusual for Cuban mysteries in that it employs a Spanish vernacular language and reflects the new post-Soviet supported reality on the island. He has also published with John Kirk a book of interviews and reflections on Cuban cultural trends- Culture and the Cuban Revolution: Conversations University of Florida Press, Gainesville, The story features a Cuban schoolteacher, the son of a Cuban mother and a U.

It is a bit of a potboiler but interesting. In Cuba he has published many novels under the pen name Javier Moran e. Padura and Latour testify to the gradual erosion of restrictions on crime writers today.

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Two other authors who have employed the island as a venue should be mentioned — Daniel Chavarria and Carolina Garcia- Aguilera. It involves a Cuban prostitute and a Canadian businessman and is fast-paced, sexy and provides an interesting glimpse into contemporary Cuba. Garcia-Aguilera is a Cuban-born Miami writer who sets most of her work in the exile community of Miami.