
Reiki Supreme (German Edition)

Putting into practise a common Japanese custom, that is meditation under a waterfall, he received an unexpected illumination and he felt full of divine energy. This being instructed Mikao Usui on the mountain. After that, his mission for the spread of Reiki began, but Usui is also remembered to have been a precursor of the crystal therapy, a worldwide practise of recovery which will become extremely diffused about sixty or seventy years later in some circles influenced by New Age.

For many years, it was thought that documents written by Usui did not exist, until Petter published the outcome of his long research culminated in their discovery occurred in , in a German version and, later, in an English one. It is a work composed of an introduction concerning different techniques of working with energy, a series of questions and answers developed in the style of the interview and, finally, one hundred twenty five poems having spiritual features, composed probably by Emperor Meiji in the Japanese traditional shape of Waka.

Such principles are guidelines that concur, through the unity and the harmony between the individual and the cosmos, to the flowing of the universal vital energy.

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Usui suggested his disciples repeating these principles every morning and evening at loud voice, with authentic availability and opening of mind and heart. Anyway, apart such sources, little remains of his thought and his teaching. However, on the whole, there are no doubts he taught the divine nature of the ki , the importance of the sacred songs, the prayer and the thankings to God.

Moreover, one of the main secret symbols of Reiki in the original version of Mikao Usui, corresponds to the symbols of the supreme divinity worshipped in the Buddhist temple on Kurama mount: He introduces a further and partially different version of the biography of the founder and of the history of the origins of Reiki, even if the Reiki master demonstrates to know the circulating, more or less legendary, biographies.

Besides supplying information which was already known thanks to other authors, Bhatnagar stops on some details that other works left out or skimmed over. Bhatnagar states that the Reiki founder got a doctorate in Literature and was able to speak many languages but, above all, the information according to which Usui turned to spirituality after an economic and financial ruin, is put in doubt.

His religious interest is rather the result of a near-death experience on this type of experience, read: Introvigne, , being survived to an attack of cholera about After his awakening, Usui frequently went up Kurama mount and practised meditation under a waterfall. Being thirsty of knowledge, he studied for a long time the ancient texts of Buddhist medicine at the libraries and the monasteries of Kyoto, experimenting the techniques he learned through the reading. Therefore he became a well known Buddhist master who had a lot of followers, but Usui had the hope of discovering a technique of simple and effective recovery, that could be learned from everybody independently of his own religion and culture.

He went up Kurama mount in order to meditate and deeply understand this system.

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There he received the illumination from the Reiki energy itself. Later on, he devoted himself to deepening his discovery for many years before being able to teach Reiki to the masses. In a private correspondence with the author of the present text Bhatnagar, , the Indian Reiki-master, questioned on his sources, declared to consider the version spread by Mrs. Besides having therefore used some works of other authors Petter , Stein , Lee Rand , Ellyard , he also referred to use the intuitive guide of Reiki itself in a state of trance to know the hidden details of the history of the origins of the same technique.

Moreover, in his volume, Bhatnagar seems to refer broadly to the version spread by the Australian Reiki master Lawrence Ellyard ; Klatt, that announced the discovery happened in , and partly published in English translation, of the diary and a series of manuscripts of Usui, among which the above mentioned The Tantra of the Lightning Flash , dating back to the seventh century, and of which Ellyard himself is informed directly in from the discoverer: He received the text from his father, a captain of the American Army who had come into its possession in Japan in , having purchased it from some monks who were seeking funds to rebuild their own monastery damaged by bombardments in the Second World War.

The "Quasi-Religion" of Reiki

Quite frankly speaking, even lama Yeshe himself, two years before his disciple had published the translation of some excerpts of the manuscripts he had discovered Yeshe, Independently of the historical reliability of the news supplied by Bhatnagar and Ellyard really, an absolutely not negligible question , also the history of the origins of Reiki proposed by these authors, not only confirms the existence of a Buddhist background but also its direct Buddhist origins, objective or legendary , but in any case deeply rooted in the beliefs and the teachings of Reiki practitioners and masters.

As to the several schools and Reiki masters offer more or less different interpretations as regards the modalities that qualify to the practise of Reiki it can be said, in a generalized manner, that the practise of this technique is approached through three levels or degrees, called: According to others, but this is controversial point, it is followed by three more secrets.

As to secretness of the symbols of Reiki that should only be known by those who have had access to the second and the third levels, a wide discussion involving Reiki masters is in progress over the last few years. While someone asserts that the diffusion of the acquaintance of the symbols to the great public great public can finally prejudice their good use and represent a decrease of the respect which is due to their sacrality, others believe that for a pedagogic aim it is advisable symbols may be easily found on Reiki handbooks.

Therefore, not without any wide polemic sequels, others have let the great public know the names and the symbols, their meanings and their graphical representation Manual ; Stein, , moreover revealing some disparities concerning their meaning and, sometimes, the number of the symbols. Attunements must be followed by a period of physical-psychological purification of twenty-one days.

Hawayo Takata herself taught that they induced deep changes into the person on his spiritual, emotional and physical sphere Brown , Initiations enable the initiated through the harmonization and the opening of energy channels, to become a channel of the universal vital energy that, according to the founder Mikao Usui, has a divine nature. In such sense, they also correspond to an awareness of his divine or spiritual self and to the experimental rediscovery of an archetype that can be found in the same energy but also in the experience of the illumination of the founder that gives life to a lineage.

The bond between the student and the Reiki master during the series of initiations perpetuates a lineage of energetic transmission that, through the several masters, flows directly from the founder Mikao Usui. The Reiki master is the means through which the opening of the energetic channels takes place and he has, therefore, the intermediary role, not producing himself the event of the initiation. Carmignani , describes the role of the master introducing a parallel: The initiation rituals have always been a fundamental object of study within religious sciences Ries, to which the phenomenologist of the religion, the Rumanian Mircea Eliade paid great attention in his researches ; To the initiations as they are meant in the circles of Reiki, all the categories coined from Eliade referring to the several religious fields, are not certainly applicable.

Anyway, some aspects and modalities of the rituals of initiation can be seen as a not useless attempt of organisation inside the models Eliade developed. According to this scholar, the rituals of initiation are classifiable into three groups, on the basis of their function: With such a type of initiation, the initiated acquires exceptional powers and gets to a state of life inaccessible to the other members of the society.

If we exclude the category of the pubertal rituals, we can, instead, consider the effects attributed to the Reiki initiations and the remarkable changes from a spiritual but also social and ontological point of view that initiation ceremonies produce on the initiated, to get to several levels of Reiki. Consequently, it is possible to place, somehow, also the initiation to Reiki inside other two groups of initiation rituals considered by Eliade.

Reiki, Religions and Religion. The analysis of the origin of Reiki, the fact that the message of the founder turns out to be incomprehensible if it is separated from the original religious context, the essential reference to an energy that has divine features, the organisation of the rituals of initiation inside some categories found out by religious sciences and the similarities that exist between Reiki and the several extreme-oriental movements which combine Buddhism and Taoism CESNUR, , that cannot elude the specialist of religious movements, could hastily get to the conclusion that Reiki is a religion.

The fact that nearly all schools deny that, it is not decisive at all. Their character of new religion is however given for certain by specialists. In most Reiki schools, instead, these elements turn out to be absent. In the world surely thousands, may be tens of thousands of several different schools of Reiki exist, each one has its own features and often it arranges the techniques and the ideas of Mikao Usui with elements of other origin, of Buddhist derivation, coming from the background of the esoteric, of the New Age-Next Age world and also, sometimes, Christian.

They characterize themselves for an intense activity and a certain public visibility. However in the common opinion it has a spiritual connotation and it is thought to be useful. Besides being a technique for the achievement of the physical well-being and in some cases of the recovery as a complement, in order to improve our own spiritual way thanks to the free flow of the Universal Vital Energy and to its harmonizing function. It is to be pointed out, as an interesting datum, the fact that many Reiki masters have built up themselves and are skilful also in alternative therapeutic practises or techniques able to increase the human potentiality, or they reveal an interest for the oriental spirituality Buddhist in particular.

Therefore not few people declare to have been disciples of Osho Rajneesh. William Lee Rand, together with others authors, in his volume Reiki. The author himself in Reiki for a new millennium precises that Reiki comes from God or from an advanced power Lee Rand, Therefore it enables many people to keep their ideas and their own religious experiences.

Before dedicating himself to the public ministry Jesus travelled in India, Tibet and China and was initiated to Reiki or to a primitive technique similar to Reiki to become a Reiki master. The statements of Lee Rand, who is an author among the most quoted in circles favourable to Reiki, even if they are exemplificative, help to pick some of the essential features of the doctrinal system which is the practical basis of Reiki, that is of the ideas expressed from the totality of the authors and Reiki masters as a theoretical- philosophical justification of the spiritual and physical connotation of Reiki.

The anthropological and spiritual reference picture is characterized by an underlying, syncretistic formulation tending to create a mingling among elements drawn from the various religious traditions. In a generalized manner, and owing to the reasons that are by now well known, elements drawn from the philosophies and oriental religions prevail with a strong predominance of Buddhism. For example the flowing of the energy into the human body is described through the system of the energetic channels and the chakra. In its proposals, made to an external public, the syncretistic attitude yields the step to an open relativism.

Consequently Reiki is described as a not exclusive spiritual way. It can be put together to other ways and to their own religious beliefs. If we keep in consideration the interviews to which a hint has been made, such a conception seems to be deeply rooted in the greater part of the interviewed. In the perspective of the relationship health-salvation Fizzotti, ; Pavesi , the option of the schools of Reiki is openly oriented towards a holistic vision of the cosmos and of man.

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The body and the spirit are actually the two action plans of the practise of Reiki and the harmony between these produces a physical and spiritual well-being. On the basis of these elements, Reiki can simply appear as one of the alternative therapeutic practises, flowing into the immense network of alternatives therapies. It can be framed, in its turn, in the large metanetwork of the New Age. In particular, the historical evolution of the spreading of Reiki to the West and its present very remarkable international expansion, leads to think that such a practise has not suffered any damage but instead it has drawn benefits from the evolution-decline of the New Age.

It has taken place, starting from the half of s, in that phenomenon having a more individualistic character which is called Next Age Introvigne ; Zoccatelli ; Berzano ; Menegotto You needn't even believe for it to work. All you need is the desire to be healed. To start practicing reiki, you have to be 'attuned'. Phillips explains that this is simply a matter of the reiki master connecting you to the reiki energy. Once you have been attuned, you are connected to the reiki energy for life. To use the reiki energy, she says, all you have to do is place both hands on the recipient and the reiki automatically flows.

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If you remove the hands the reiki stops flowing. Of course, the more that reiki is used, the more powerful the energy flow will become,' says Phillips, who offers an initial one-day reiki course at a reduced price for teenagers. I want to make reiki an option for them - I wish I had known about reiki in my teens, it would have made me much more balanced emotionally,' she says. Phillips didn't buy into the reiki energy straight away.

She says she was sceptical at first and did lots of experiments to prove to herself that reiki really did work. Reiki treatments can be done on plants and animals as easily as people - you can even reiki your own food. To test this out, Phillips says she set up controlled experiments with plants - giving some plants reiki and the others none. In every case the plants that received the reiki grew much taller, stronger and healthier.

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She even tried giving reiki to oranges and found that those that had received the healing energy remained fresher for much longer than those that had not. Reiki can also be done on yourself, simply by putting your hands on your body. Phillips says her teenage students find this especially useful when it comes to exam time.

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It also works to help you get to sleep. To learn more about reiki or about classes check out Chantal Phillips' web site: Skip to main content. Sunday, 17 August, , Most Popular Viewed 1. Video shows shocking racist assault on Asian woman in New York subway.

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