
The Complete Collection of E. M. Bounds on Prayer

It was as normal and essential to him as breathing. But though he was in prayer constantly, it never became a chore to him. Throughout his life, whether he was ministering to troops during the Civil War or bringing God's Word to his congregation, E. Bounds relished his time in conversation with God.

Though only two of his books were published in his lifetime, The Complete Works of E. Bounds on Prayer combines all eight of Bounds's classic treatments of prayer. Paperback , pages. Published July 1st by Baker Books first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Complete Works of E.

Bounds on Prayer , please sign up. Has anyone ever led a small group or been part of one that used this book? It is highly recommended! See 2 questions about The Complete Works of E. Lists with This Book. Jul 26, Wendy rated it it was amazing. I am currently reading this book as part of my daily quiet encounters with God. Excellent book on the vitally important privilege of communicating with the Almighty, very personal God. I would highly recommend this book to all of my friends.

It will challenge, chide, and encourage simultaneously! If you want to know just how much things have changed in the last years, in terms of spirituality and faith, you should read this book. Then again, if you want to see just how little they have changed you should also read this book, for the challenges Bounds lays forth are essentially the same ones we would lay before Christians today.

Questions are the order of the day: Do you want to lead,Do you want to pastor, Do you want to preach, teach, be a missionary, see God change the world Bound If you want to know just how much things have changed in the last years, in terms of spirituality and faith, you should read this book. Bounds has only a one word answer for you, and it's the same as his highly recommended book. Aug 18, Lara rated it it was amazing. One of the best quotes in the book that has stuck with me Jul 12, Clarkboys6 rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: How much do you value your sleep.

If you decide to go on this journey with E. M Bounds, be prepared for a life-changing experience. For anyone desiring a deeper walk with Christ and a more intimate relationship with God, this book is required reading. No longer will you be content with a few stolen moments in distracted prayer. Bounds will convince you that your powerless walk and constant hunger for more of God is but a symptom of a stunted prayer life. If you are content, complacent, and satisf How much do you value your sleep.

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If you are content, complacent, and satisfied with superficial Christianity It will drive you to your knees! Jul 23, Kathy rated it it was amazing.

This book will make you reevaluate your concept of prayer and your faith in God's willingness and ability to answer those prayers. Bounds conveys the fact that superficial prayers are empty and pointless, and that earnest prayers are an essential part of a Christian's relationship with the God of all creation. You won't read this and come away with the same mindset of "surface" praying. It contains all eight of Bounds' books on prayer.

My favorite Christian book of all-time Occasionally, I want to go back and reread works that have moved me and encouraged me in the past. And if it's a personal relationship with God you want, there is no better "how-to" book. Church life I'm kinda tiring on but growing a deeper relationship with God is something I'm always desiring.

Experience the Wonders of God through Prayer

Apr 26, Heather rated it it was amazing. Let's say that if prayer were hard work and it is , this is the whip that drives me to my knees.

It's divided into sub-sections that make it a book that can be worked through over a long period of time I still am. I love that he calls prayer a "struggle" and a "wrestling" with God. You'll be glad you did. May 08, Keila rated it it was amazing. No personal library is complete without The Complete Works of E.

The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer

It will forever change what you think about prayer. It will change your life.

Power Through Prayer by E M Bounds😇

I'm marking this done for now because I've finished the first book in the collection and I need to sit and soak in all I've read. This is not a light-hearted read for someone wanting to know more about prayer. Instead, it's deep and thought-provoking, challenging and inspiring. This is a book I will return to many times over the next several years, both to remind myself of what I've read and to read a little more. Sep 14, Cindy rated it it was amazing. Can't say enough about this book.

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Introduced it to my husband and he agrees, it is the best book on prayer. It is challenging to read. But so worth it. If one is interested in prayer, this is a must read book. Jan 14, Andy Anderson rated it it was amazing Shelves: Great book on a man who prayed great prayers. Awesome book on prayer. This is an excellent book that every Christian needs in their personal library. Bounds classics on prayer will motivate you to the prayer life that God desires for all of his children to have.

I loved this book! I highly recommend it!! Have you ever been convicted about your lack of sufficient praying? This book stirs that fire! Read this book and watch God continue to prod you to spend more time with Him! This is a collection of eight short volumes by E. He is less known than many Christian authors. He wrote other books, but he always loved prayer, and one gets the feeling that his books on prayer were his favourites.

Bounds was a Methodist Episcopal South pastor and writer in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The denomination was also known as the Southern Methodist Church, and it is now defunct; through various mergers, it survives today as the United Methodist Chu This is a collection of eight short volumes by E. The denomination was also known as the Southern Methodist Church, and it is now defunct; through various mergers, it survives today as the United Methodist Church. His daily practice was to spend several hours in morning prayer.

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His devotion to the practice shines through in his collected works on the subject. Find out how to do so on our page: They are hidden treasures, wrought in the darkness of dawn and the heat of the noon on the anvil of experience, and beaten into wondrous form by the mighty stroke of the divine.

They are living voices whereby he, being dead, yet speaketh! A forceful writer and very deep thinker, Bounds spent the last seventeen years of his life reading, writing, and praying. He rose at 4 A. As breathing is a physical reality to us, so prayer was a reality for Bounds. He took the command, "Pray without ceasing," almost as literally as animate nature takes the law of the reflex nervous system, which controls our breathing. Because Bounds so diligently practiced what he preached, he was able to capture the essence of prayer, and his works live on to call today's Christians to higher discipleship and an energetic prayer life.

The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer | Baker Publishing Group

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