
The Knowing: Awake in the Dark

This week the actor Kim Cattrall told the Radio Times about her chronic insomnia, claiming it forced her to pull out of a London stage play. When we asked for your stories about insomnia, we heard from from self-described poor sleepers about how long they had struggled and how they dealt with it. Some put their sleep issues down to genetics.

The Knowing: Awake in the Dark - Nita Lapinski - Google Книги

Annie Doyle, who is 45 and from Lincoln, says it runs in her family. Doyle says insomnia makes her feel down and sluggish.

I make poor decisions, treat people badly and worry obsessively about crashing the car. She also prioritises living in an unstressed way and uses a seasonal affective disorder light for six months of the year to keep her circadian rhythm in sync. For others, insomnia is triggered by a big life event such as the death of a loved one or a breakup. Lynn, 48, from Liverpool, struggled with sleep after the death of a close friend. The following night I slept about seven hours.

I now try not to look at the clock. I keep the room as dark as possible, not too warm or too cold. Breathing techniques also help. I was worrying that my mother would die in childbirth.

The Knowing - Awake in the Dark

It's easy to feel stressed when you have tests at school, after-school activities, team sports, and chores around the house. If you're starting to feel overwhelmed — like it's all just too much — speak up. Your mom or dad can help you put some balance in your schedule. It may mean cutting out some activities so you have more free time. A major change in your life or daily routine can easily cause sleep problems.

Changes like divorce , death , illness, or moving to a new town can affect your ability to sleep through the night. During a difficult time, it helps if you feel safe. Try bringing a comforting object to bed with you, like a blanket a relative made for you or a favorite stuffed animal.

It might take a while to feel better, so talk with your mom or dad about what's bothering you. Even if the problem can't be solved, just talking it out can help you sleep easier.

See a Problem?

If you feel too hot, too cold, hungry, or crowded, you won't get to sleep like you should. Prevent this by creating sleep-friendly bedtime space:. Most of the time, talking with your parent is all you need to do to handle a sleep problem. Your mom or dad can help you improve your bedtime routine and help you be patient while you develop new sleep habits. But if a kid has really tough sleep problems, he or she might need extra help.

That could mean talking to a counselor or psychologist about stress or sadness the kid is feeling.

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Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Knowing —awake in the dark is a true story that will take you on an unexpected journey into the mind of a clairvoyant child as she navigates the harsh and painful realities of her life.

Nita Lapinski describes her experience with such vivid detail and brutal honesty that it will strike your every emotion. You will love her. You will despise her. You will long to comfort The Knowing —awake in the dark is a true story that will take you on an unexpected journey into the mind of a clairvoyant child as she navigates the harsh and painful realities of her life.

You will long to comfort her but ultimately, her story will challenge your spirit and encourage you to embrace your own humanity. Imagine being born with the five Clairs.

What to Do if You Can't Sleep

Spiritual gifts which manifest in the ability to see spirits, hear voices, witness past, present and future events coupled with an intuitive knowing, all responsible for saving my life. My story is about how having clairvoyance with other gifts molded my life in a unique way ultimately allowing understanding and healing. Published November 28th first published November 26th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Knowing - Awake in the Dark , please sign up.

Be the first to ask a question about The Knowing - Awake in the Dark. Lists with This Book.

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nov 06, Sarah rated it really liked it. I won this book in a giveaway on Goodreads! I was intrigued by the idea of this story when I read the description and I am happy to report that it did not disappoint. I was drawn in and captivated by the book based on true events and by the characters themselves.

I have always been attracted to darker novels featuring themes of "hard times", battling addiction, abuse, etc. If you are attracted to similar themes, you might enjoy this book. Although I have never personally been the victim of phys I won this book in a giveaway on Goodreads! Although I have never personally been the victim of physical or sexual abuse, because of other traumatic events and low self-worth I have experienced, I could relate to the main character, Nita.

This book is full of tragedy and sorrow, but also includes some interesting insight into the lives of victims of abuse, victims of their own poor decisions, and into the mind of a criminal. Not for those looking for something light-hearted or upbeat. Although I do not necessarily agree with the main character on some of her views on why things happen in our lives, I can understand why someone would want to believe those things and feel that it could be a useful coping mechanism for someone dealing with traumatic experiences.

I was also interested in the parts of the book that explain psychic phenomena or "the knowing" in more detail since that is something I have always been curious about, even though I am not sure if I believe in it or not. If the book seems interesting to you but you are on the fence, I would recommend giving it a chance. It was easy to get through and it held my interest. There were one or two distracting parts as far as the writing where I felt that it ended a chapter too abruptly or started a new thought in a way that made me have to pause to figure out what the author was referring too but for the most part, it was well written, descriptive, and a good read.

I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. Also, I would like to add that if the experiences described in this book are true events that the author went through, I very much respect her for being brave and open enough to share those experiences with the rest of the world. It could not have been an easy thing to relive and write about and allow the risk of having others judge her or comment on Thank you for sharing, Nita and I am glad that you have found strength and happiness! It is a work of nonfiction by a woman who is not an author by trade.