
Let Your Light So Shine: Live a life of love

The truth is there are lots of nonChristian people who are probably much better good deed doers than some Christians. Random acts of kindness…a good practice, but Jesus is talking about more than that. Some people think that words are the best expression of light. And yet we all have experienced the empty effect of slick speaking people who have more agenda than compassion.

Some people think putting their lamp under the basket is the best method, as if being a follower of Jesus should be some sort of secret. We understand the discomfort of being honest and transparent about our faith. Others may feel offended or may judge us. Worse yet they may seek to isolate or persecute us. With such utter contempt. As if the Bible is all made up. But regardless of our circumstance, we are called to be people of faith who love.

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NOT people who intimidate others or badger them, but people of love, people of light. What is the point of being given a light if we are going to put it under a basket? Will you make it a priority to let your light shine brightly today? L ove God with all your heart, mind, body and soul and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. L et your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Jesus makes sure we make no mistake. Basically, we are to love with everything that is in us. Loving God and loving others is our job description. Probably you know those who gave up on God because they lost a loved one, their health took a turn for the worst, they were betrayed by someone close to them, they felt unprotected. Maybe you experienced this at one time too. Think you are immune to such idolatry? Like ending Psalm 23 with the first sentence, the Lord is my shepherd; that is enough.

God created us with a soul designed to love Him and be loved by Him. Love comes from God because God IS love. God demonstrated His love in this: It is His love that shines in us. That light shines into the despair of our dark griefs and empty pursuits. It reveals hope that brings transcending joy and peace. It illuminates our path and causes fear to flee.

It frees us from the captivity of all our false gods. When the love of Jesus shines in and through you, you find freedom to love without expectation.

Let Your Light Shine

Jesus says, we shine our light so others may see the real Jesus and praise God. I remember when I wired my first house.

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  • Let Your Light so Shine: Live a Life of Love - T. Fields - Google Книги.

I wonder how many times each day we turn things on and off. Unless you are a kid. In which case you simply turn everything on and leave it running! We turn on a smile and then off again. Turn on attention to those we value and off to those we find bothersome. We find it difficult to turn off things like our phone and FB or the TV even in the presence of those we love so sometimes the switch gets stuck half on and half off.

I wonder how many times we turn on a switch to connect us to God for a few moments in the morning and then off again as we go on to our other tasks. Then on again for a few moments at night before we switch everything off at bedtime. Even then sometimes our minds keep running in the ON position.

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  8. Have you ever seen one of those light switch covers that can be locked into position so the light or power to an outlet is always on or always off? What if you simply turned on the switch when you connect to God first thing in the morning and then, like a child, just left it on all day, never turning it off.

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