
La fotografia (Italian Edition)

Endorsement For the quality and effectiveness of its didactic model, this Masters course has been endorsed by: Project Lecturers Learning directly from practitioners is the best way to pick up the most advanced visions and methods at source. Raised in the art world, he opened the Ca 'Di Fra' Gallery in Milan in with his father and sisters.

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Curator and private consultant for collectors, he is a talent scout for young photographers and organizes exhibitions of young Italian and foreign photographers of international renown - such as Antoine D'Agata, Jacob Aue Sobol, Michael Ackerman - in public spaces, photography festivals, italian galleries and international photography centers. In he founded Periscope Photoscouting, an online consulting platform for emerging photographers or artists who use the photographic medium. He works on long term independent project using photography and video. Member of VII photo Agency in NYC, he has devoted himself to the study of social issues, exploring the relation between power and individuals, to give voice to the fragility of human nature.

He was based in Iraq from January three months prior to the invasion of Baghdad until the end of as a contributor to Time Magazine. His works have brought him numerous awards. He regularly contributes for leading publications all over the world, and his projects have been presented as installations, exhibitions and screenings at festivals and galleries worldwide He is engaged with educational activities, regularly lecturing at universities and teaching workshops internationally.

Graduated in Philosophy from the University of Bologna. Since , through photography and video, her research has been moving on a fine line between imagination and reality, where the subject always establishes a relation with the natural elements and, at the same time, attempts to transcend the limits of the body and the mind. She often uses scale models to recreate real or imaginary places, which are then illuminated and photographed in her studio as in the project The cities of thought.

In recent years her research has focused on exploring the Italian landscape, with the publication of The third Venice and Atlas Italiae. Alongside the artistic career, she has dedicated her time also to the education activity and, for the past ten years, she has been leading the Conversation around photography, a series of talks with photographers and critics about contemporary photography. Art director for the daily Le Parisien in , he became a freelancer in and published four books: He was director of two documentaries: He took part in the 60th anniversary of Magnum Photos in and has collaborated with the French photographer and director Raymond Depardon for fifteen years.

He is also a curator: Academically trained as sinologist and professionally as photographer, he is an artist and author. He runs the publishing house Rorhof with his brother Michele, regularly teaches about photography and his art practice and occasionally curates exhibitions. He studied Oriental languages in Venice and Beijing and completed several international internships, scholarships and residencies, including in institutions such as Magnum Photos Paris, , Fabrica Treviso, , Bevilacqua la Masa Foundation Venezia, and Rijksakademie in Amsterdam Bossan has been managing complex editorial projects for years, discovering young talents and guiding them in creative research.

A photoreporter, his works have been published on top international magazines. Member of the faculty of Fabrica as head of the Department of Photography since , since he is the editor in chief of Colors magazine and since January he has been in charge of the Editorial area. Since he has edited a series of books for Fabrica, as well as the multimedia projects Sciabica and Lok Sabha. He is also the editor of the collection of books Up to now, Fabrica Photography.

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Professional full-time photographer since , he focuses his work on the balances of power in the Middle East in the wake of western intervention, as well as its consequences on the civilian population. In , he joined Contrasto, a major Italian photographic agency. In , he became a nominee member of Magnum Photos. He lived in the Middle East from to , dedicating himself to long-term projects regarding the aftermath of the fall of Gaddafi in Libya, the conflict in Syria, and its spillover into Lebanon.

In , he and his creative partner John Kramer founded the agency KesselsKramer in Amsterdam, which now has a successful international reputation. In addition to his advertising profession, Kessels is passionate about photography, as a collector, curator, book publisher and magazine editor.

Method Lecturers There are some kinds of practical and theoretical knowledge and abilities that cannot be learned overnight, but need tailored tutoring. He entered a darkroom for the first time when he was After a period as an assistant photographer, he started his professional activity as a freelance photoreporter. Driven by his interest in high-quality black and white printing he moved to London to gain a deeper experience collaborating with three labs, after which he decided to move to the U.

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After ten years spent abroad to continue his studies and experience on old photographic techniques he returned to Milan, where he first worked for some laboratories and later founded his own studios-labs Studio Vaiarelli-Zone Five and Silverprint before joining a professional and highly qualified team to create photography projects for Fine Art. He keeps travelling between the UK and the U.

In Candlestar inaugurated the first edition of Photo London and in four years established itself as a key event in the international art world calendar. Fariba began her career at the London Institute now the University of the Arts London , in when she took up the post of Principal Lecturer in computer design.

As a curator and pioneer of creative education, she has been responsible for developing ground-breaking projects, which established the Unit as centre of excellence for the innovative use of digital media. This brought her many awards, including a Bafta nomination. She is renowned as promoter of the work of contemporary Iranian artists. Her ground-breaking exhibition Burnt Generation showcased life in Iran through the lens of eight major photographers, opened at Somerset House in and is still touring globally. After the Master in Professional Photography in , he began his career as a photographer, realizing various advertising campaigns and catalogs.

Since he becomes Adobe Certified Expert for Photoshop and he is part of AdobeGuru, the group of official experts in the field of Digital Imaging, performing throughout Italy software demonstration activities, seminars and various launches of Adobe products. He works as a digital photography teacher collaborating with some national associations and with various schools in Italy. As post-production he worked for three international advertising campaigns commissioned by the Contrasto agency for the brand "Jacob Cohen", working on the photos of Elliot Erwitt. After graduating in Philosophy in with a thesis in Aesthetics at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", he attended a course at the Roman School of Photography and began his work as a documentary photographer.

Represented since by the Contrasto agency, his works have been exhibited in museums and published in major national and international magazines and websites. Zoppellaro studied Photography in Milan from to , and in , after collaborating with the Department of Photography of Fabrica, he moved to England where he started shooting for various magazines and music labels. In October he inaugurated his solo exhibition Heroes?

In September he published his first book, Appleby, on Irish travellers, published by Contrasto. After studying philosophy in Pavia and in Strasbourg and some experiences in publishing, she became passionate about photography.

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Since she works for Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia in the prestigious headquarters in Milano as Manager of activities. Here she follows the organization of all projects aimed at the public of Forma: She collaborates also with Contrasto, one of the most important publishers of books and publishing projects dedicated to photography. She has been a member of the jury in many photographic awards and portfolio review. From until she is gallery director of Photology, in she starts collaborating with Contrasto Group, where she created the printroom dedicated to photography collecting, Contrasto Galleria, of which she is director as of today.

She collaborates to the exhibiting program of Leica Galerie Milan and is a regular lecturer of portfolio at Fotografia Europea Reggio Emilia and Photolux Lucca festivals. Her approach to photography is focused on the collecting area, which has specific and peculiar parameters and criteria. In he published his first book, Augusto e gli altri Mazzotta dedicated to children with disabilities. His work won the Kodak award in and was included in the book Istanti di Russia Peliti, accompanied by a travelling exhibition.

A work of some years on the Giro d'Italia was published by the Italian and international press and included in the book In Giro, Contrasto, , in he published Album. His photos were published in a portfolio on the top international magazines and were exhibited in several individual and collective exhibitions in various Italian and foreign museums.

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  6. fotografia.
  7. Many times member of the international panel of the World Press Photo and of the board of the Henri Cartier-Bresson award. He edited the book Fotobox, which reached international success with over , copies sold worldwide, and the huge volume I of the series Grandi Fotografi, with monographs about twenty of the most important world photographers, published in five languages.

    La fotografia in Italia – and Photography and Italy

    Currently he is president of Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia in Milan, the most prestigious institution for communicating Photography in our country, with over exhibitions set up in Italy and abroad. With over thirty years of experience in photography, he gained a deep and complex experience in shooting and printing: After that he started important collaborations with photojournalism agencies like Daily for Press and AP focusing on sports, news and nature. It was only in the s that more than a committed few within Italy began to take photography seriously as a profession and as a cultural medium.

    Studi sulla fotografia , Milan: Classic works on Italian photography that take different approaches, such as those by Giulio Bollati, Ando Gilardi, Paolo Costantini, Italo Zannier, and Quintavalle himself have never been translated into English, and some are now out of print. Italy produces hundreds of photography exhibition catalogues and coffee table books each year, but still relatively few studies of the medium that specifically focus on its Italian history.

    Pelizzari begins by locating the introduction of photography into Italy in the context of both the enormously challenging task of modernizing and unifying the politically, economically, and geographically divided peninsula and the urge to document and record its past glories. Fascism, Futurism, and the development of Italian photographic modernism form the thematic nucleus of chapter 5, whose photographs illustrate the imbrication of all three, as well as the attempts by some photographers to move beyond them.

    This brings Pelizzari to a discussion of postwar Italian photography in chapter 6. Here she contrasts new kinds of photography often produced for illustrated magazines: Indeed, the restrictions of space and the need to cover an extensive time period required that Pelizzari generally limit herself to brief but pithy discussions of the photographs she includes. Her thought-provoking comments on these images and the way in which she threads them together to form a series of interrelated arguments about the place of photography in shaping and reflecting Italian visual and cultural identities provide an excellent introduction to a complex topic and suggest multiple areas for further research.

    It illustrates the fundamental role photography played in Italy between and in recording the changing image and values of a society that underwent an astonishing economic, social, and political transformation during that period. It consists of two volumes, one of text and the other of more than two hundred beautifully reproduced photographs. Morello anticipates two further volumes on Italian photographic history and criticism. Morello arranges his chapters chronologically and thematically, allowing for a structure that represents the complex interrelations of different forms of photography, and the changes in the economic and cultural systems in which the medium is inscribed.

    He moves on in the second chapter to analyze the influences of foreign photography in Italy on both professional and amateur photographers during the s and s, emphasizing the ways in which many interwar and postwar Italian photographers came to view photography as a koine that allowed them to move beyond the confines of a nation just emerging from twenty years of limited external aesthetic influence under fascism.


    While Morello refutes the notion of a deliberate, collective decision by postwar photographers to document those aspects of the country that fascism had denied or repressed, he shows how the political and economic transformations of the period allowed for new and sometimes contradictory kinds of photographic representation. In the third chapter, he discusses the new possibilities offered by the exponential growth of illustrated magazines and the role and status almost always lowly of the photographers who worked for them.

    Morello examines the economy of photography, the complex hierarchies of the weeklies, and the Italian publishing industry in s Italy in the political context of Christian Democratic dominance and Cold War American influence. His discussion ranges from political propaganda to the works of neorealist filmmakers and photographers and to those of the U.