
Greetings From Above: Proof of Life After Death

I won this book through Goodreads, and I was excited that I had actually won a book about something I am fascinated in. To say I was disappointed would be a massive understatement. The word proof is thrown around a tad to lightly when it comes to the title of the book. Basically the author put an ad in newspapers to reach out and find individuals who have had near death experiences, she has a great idea and foundation to work with, with the exception of getting flooded with all the impossibles a I won this book through Goodreads, and I was excited that I had actually won a book about something I am fascinated in.

Basically the author put an ad in newspapers to reach out and find individuals who have had near death experiences, she has a great idea and foundation to work with, with the exception of getting flooded with all the impossibles and crazies she had a wide audience to choose from. Now I am not saying that I do not believe in near death experiences or that I think people do not have them, but randomly finding a penny on the ground with your fathers birth year is not a message from above, its coincidence. You can not take something that broad and vague and turn it in to a sign, I am sorry it just does not work.

The author also tries to dissect here interviewees story's when she is clearly not qualified to do so. All in all this book was a complete let down, I am so thankful that I did not have to fork out my own hard earned cash to pay for it, but then again maybe that's a message from above! Jul 01, Pam rated it did not like it. I had to give this book only one star because it really doesn't offer any "proof" of life after death.

It is merely a 56 page compilation of various incidents related by a number of individuals who believed that their deceased loved ones were trying to contact them. And, perhaps such stories are true who am I to say? But this book or rather, pamphlet does not live up to its name. I suspect that it might best be used by a church, or a funeral home, in order to lessen the sense of grief that m I had to give this book only one star because it really doesn't offer any "proof" of life after death.

I suspect that it might best be used by a church, or a funeral home, in order to lessen the sense of grief that mourners feel when a death occurs.

Distributed in that way, it may offer some comfort to those who share similar experiences. I received this book in a First Reads Giveaway. Jun 25, Terri Lynn rated it did not like it. Oh no, it's another one. What is author K. Ryan's proof of life after death?

Greetings From Above: Proof of Life After Death

Essentially it is bereaved people going through grief after the death of a loved one thinking they are receiving messages from a dead relative who is lurking around watching over them. The fact is that people die. There is nothing scary about it.

Spiritual Mediumship & Messages - The Proof of Survival and Life After Death

You go to sleep and never wake up and your body ceases to function. People somehow fear that, dread th Oh no, it's another one.

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People somehow fear that, dread that, and hate to see the people they love die so they make up stories of life after death which are absurd but areused as a crutch. It is much healthier to face the true facts and books like this tick me off because you have someone trying to profit financially off of the grief of others by telling them lies and making up fairytales so to make others feel better while laughing all the way to the bank with the money of the gullible and the desperate.

Let's all grow up, toss aside the old myths and fairytales, let our imaginary friends in the sky go, and live life to its fullest fully aware that life will end. There is no proof here, only gullible people reading things into various situations that they wish were true. This reminds me of another such story I read about a couple who had been infertile and were in the process of trying to adopt a child. They had filled out the applications, filed them, undergone all of the medical, financial and criminal checks and had passed a home visit.

They were approved to adopt a child and the agency said it would be soon. On a Sunday night after church and dinner out, they came in to a dark house and turned on the lights. They went to their rooms and undressed and turned out the lights. The moonlight was shining in the window and suddenly-gasp!!! He looked up and saw a shadow on the wall that looked like a crib. He had his wife look. She saw it too.

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  • Greetings From Above - Proof of Life After Death by K.M. Ryan;

The next day, the agency called and said they had the expected child for them. Naturally this religious couple were sure it was the imaginary Jesus who never historically existed who had sent them a secret message from the beyond in the form of a shadow shaped like a crib that the agency would call the next day. You see what I mean? This couple knew that a child was coming soon and were so eager they were imagining that shadows looked like a crib and when they got the expected call, they attributed it to an imaginary character from christian mythology.

I have to admit that I have little to no patience with ignorance and be prepared for a book full of it if you read this thing. The author suggests that many people did not realize they were actually getting a sign from a deceased loved one until they were talked into it. Apparently those people were less gullible and stupid than others but even they fell to the need to think their loved ones were still creeping around earth. Oct 10, Pmichaelrv rated it it was amazing.

As a pastor, I also do grief counselling, and use Ryan's book as a focal point for my clients. As Catholics, we certainly recognize the communion of saints and the importance that life does not end at death. Many of my parishioners, and others who I have counseled, have had experiences with loved ones they have lost. While no experience is the same, they all report a sense of peace after the experience which helps in the grief process.

Greetings From Above: Proof of Life After Death by K. M. Ryan

As Catholics, we also believe in Purgatory where souls go to As a pastor, I also do grief counselling, and use Ryan's book as a focal point for my clients. As Catholics, we also believe in Purgatory where souls go to be cleansed before their ascent to Heaven. During this time, the living loved ones can pray for their loved ones souls. This praying helps the purification process and can get the soul released into Heaven after an amount of time. To not believe in life after death goes against our religion and our faith.

For us, life would be very bleak and sad if we did not hold the belief that we will be reunited with our loved ones one day. It is certainly very possible for our loved ones to let us know they are okay and will continue to be by our sides. This is the hope of every soul - that we continue to love those on earth as we will be loved in Heaven. Life after death is a mystery for most of us, but Ryan's book gives promise and hope to those who are grieving. For me, this is a great book to approach the subject with my clients.

Many have told me of experiences they have had then added, "I know you probably think I am crazy". To have a book that can be shared with others to let them see that many others have had the same experiences, lifts the burden of doubt and fear. They too, are less afraid to share what they have experienced.

Greetings From Above - Proof of Life After Death

This, in turn, opens up others to share their experiences. To me, sharing the hope that our loved ones are still around us, is both healing and hopeful. We need not fear death. As an aside - some of the stories are short as a lot of these experiences take place over a period of a few seconds or minutes. None of the people I counseled had experiences lasting more than probably 5 to 10 minutes. These are brief experiences offered as reassurance to the ones left behind. Jul 10, Dione Sage rated it did not like it Shelves: Received this book through Goodreads Giveaways on July 10, Ryan is a very short book that the author wrote after the passing of her own father.

The book is a collective of experiences from both the author and other people who claim to have some type of experience or exchange with a deceased loved one. The book is written in a way that is very choppy and by choppy I mean that almost every sentence is broken up as if it were its Received this book through Goodreads Giveaways on July 10, The book is written in a way that is very choppy and by choppy I mean that almost every sentence is broken up as if it were its own paragraph.

Throughout the book there is an array of snippets from people about their encounters ranging from a feeling of actual presence, smells, hearing voices and dreams. The book does not offer solid proof of life after death. That of course is purely speculation about the author on my part.

See a Problem?

The book itself was not what I was expecting or hoping for. I have a deep curiosity for experiences that are hard to explain like the connections that are described to a brief extent in the book but even more than that I am a person that requires more proof. I do believe in miracles and have faith that there is much more around me that I cannot understand but at the same time the pieces of stories in K. Oct 10, Susanphd rated it it was amazing. Love never dies, and Greetings from Above: Proof of Life After Death relates true personal short stories of after-death communications and personal encounters between deceased loved ones and those left behind.

It seeks to provide comfort, healing, and hope to people who have lost loved ones to death. Death affects every person, religion, and culture. Survivors who receive signs from deceased loved ones may not allow themselves to fully recognize that they really are actual signs.

  • by K. M. Ryan?
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  • Greetings from Above: Proof of Life After Death (Unabridged).

They may believe these signs are all in their heads and dismiss them. The recipients of these proof of afterlife signs are often embarrassed to tell others their experiences or ask people if they, too, have received signs. Proof of Life After Death seeks to provide solace to the grieving, offer reassurance that their loved ones are fine, are still with them and are watching over them while they continue to love them as they did when they were on earth.

These life-after-death stories seeks to offer comfort and reassurance to the grieving allowing them to heal, experience peace, and move forward with their lives while recognizing that their loved ones are still with them. The book aligns with Catholics' communion of saints, appeals to both spiritual and religious persons, and pertains to the Resurrection, human love, and eternal life.