
Baker’s Dozen

Another example was in Britain in the midth century with the establishment of the Assize of Bread and Ale statute, which was in effect all the way up to the 19th century before being repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act of The Assize of Bread and Ale statute set the price of ale and what weight a farthing loaf of bread should be.

So basically, in terms of bread, setting the relationship between the price of wheat and what the subsequent price of a loaf of bread from a certain quantity of wheat should be. Even though this statute was enacted at the request of bakers, it still posed a problem for them. This practice eventually made its way into the Worshipful Company of Bakers London guild code. This guild was actually started in the 12th century and had a large part in formulating the rules on the Assize of Bread and Ale statute.

Why Is a Baker’s Dozen 13?

So in this case, vendors were being given a sort of wholesale price, but without breaking the laws outlined in the Assize of Bread and Ale which had no exceptions for allowing a cheaper price to vendors. This theory has some holes in it, but is quite plausible on the whole. Yet another theory is that it was simply a product of the way bakers bake bread.

Baking trays tend to have a 3: It was important to avoid the corners because the corners of a baking tray will heat up and cool off faster than the edges and the interior, which would result in not cooking anything on the corner evenly with the rest. Wow, thanks for an interesting piece of info! I liked the theory about baking trays, I think it has a lot of sense for this very issue. Where and the heck to do you find all of this stuff?

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I wonder about things like this too, but am constantly amazed at what you are able dig up, especially some of the more obscure posts. Or the baker is probably being held hostage. Forced to bake terrible things. I mean leaving the extra one in the dozen is probably their only way of calling out for help from where ever they are being held.

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Baker's dozen'?

I can think of another possible reason, though I dont know how plausible it is. Firstly, you dont know if you will occasionally burn an item, or if it just doesnt come out well enough. You may want to make extras to compensate. When people ask for a dozen, you dont want to have only eleven available to sell.

Baker's dozen (disambiguation)

You may also want to make extras for yourself, or for your family. After all, you arent going to buy a full dozen off yourself.

Lastly, you may want to entice a buyer to your bakery with a taste test. Another theory is that it represents Jesus and the 12 diciples. Black Focus by Yussef Kamaal.

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What's the meaning of the phrase 'Baker's dozen'?

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