
Things You Dont Know About Your Man

You are happy to be together, but not exactly enthralled by the passion. When we begin a relationship, everything is brand new, so the feelings you encounter enthral and fill you with joy. However, after a certain amount of time, it's natural that those feelings start to dissipate. Although you still feel something towards the main squeeze in your life, the love isn't all encompassing any more.

So how do you go about regaining love when a coupling reaches that stage? Take a step backwards to go forward.

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Try and remember what those first few days, weeks or even if you're very lucky years were like. Ask yourself what you did differently and how you treated each other. And then try, with the co-operation of your boyfriend or husband, to relive those moments. Go out on a first date again, to a nice fancy restaurant, and maybe order the same meals you would have eaten back then. Regain love and passion!

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For one night, forget about calories and kids and cost for the night! These small things can be very important in trying to trigger your mind in to remembering how you felt about someone, and why you felt the way that you once felt. It's a key word, and one that I can't emphasise enough. At this stage of your relationship, you probably know when your significant other is going to object to something, or when he's going to want to participate in an activity you have no interest in.

You will have built up a quick response system to counter these things: These sorts of stock responses are not conducive to a successful, happy relationship and can stop you from regaining love in your relationship. Instead, consciously think about your answer to one of your partner's requests, take a moment to understand and think about what he's saying, and give a clear, measured response.

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Hopefully, over time you can learn to compromise on some things, and if he wants the relationship to continue and your love to come back to him, then he'll notice that and respond. Even if you end up disagreeing on something, or saying no, the fact you have clearly considered a response before answering will do the power of good.

And hey, you might actually enjoy some of the activities you never would have done before! Make new friends and have more of an outside life. To regain love, you may first have to broaden your horizons, so the man in your life starts to crave attention. When you spend time apart, you will appreciate your time together much more! If you have kids, get to know other parents and spend time with them. If you want to get fit, join a gym and start training your body, not for him, for yourself.

Maybe you've always had a dream of spending time painting, or some other creative pastime. But the limited differences are important and they are this: These are pretty important differences to remember. Really, following those rules can prevent a lot of drama in your life.

Maybe your partner did save your life. Men, in particular, can be very sensitive when it comes to criticism about their careers. He needs to find out, on his own, where his business idea will take him. But you have to understand that your partner is very sensitive to what your circle thinks of him. I mean, think about it: But it would be very hard for you to hear exactly what they think is wrong with you.

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Think about that before telling your partner what your family thinks about him even if it would help you win an argument. Often, the sexual act represents something else. Maybe we have sex dreams about people who climbed Mount Everest because we crave more adventure in our lives. Would you want to know if your partner had a sex dream about somebody else? Again, the act of cheating probably represents something else. Some examples might be: And — this is important — continue to lean on your girlfriends to understand your emotional experience because they get it in a way that's hard for him to do.


Don't hold this against your man; just recognize that it's one of the differences between us. The next time you start to feel misunderstood by a man, remember: The more we can embrace our differences in the world, the more we can all live in peace, harmony and love. Please leave a comment below about some differences you recognize between men and women. I look forward to hearing from you! Group 8 Created with Sketch. Group 7 Created with Sketch. Email Created with Sketch. Group 9 Created with Sketch. Group 10 Created with Sketch. Group 11 Created with Sketch.

Group 4 Created with Sketch. A man takes space away from his woman simply to come back to his sense of self.

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And women love receiving from their men! When women over-give, men take a back seat. Remember, a man feels competent by doing.

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A woman feels loved by being taken care of. The best thing we can do about this difference is respect it. She's the author of the eBook: She's also the instructor of the popular mbg courses: To learn more about how she can help you create more love in your life, visit her at: Related Posts Integrative Health integrative health. Jenn Pilotti 2 hours ago.