
No Time for Glory: The Story of a Dismissed Legend

Cinema, too, has become populated by semi-clad Trojan heroes and Spartan warriors: Wolfgang Petersen's film Troy featured the rippled muscular torso of Brad Pitt as Achilles, while was a fictionalised retelling of the battle of Thermopylae. Both were box-office successes. Why are the classics making a comeback? According to Hughes, the classical historian and broadcaster, it is to do with emotional connection.

I read that and I remembered doing that with my own child. There are big philosophical connections, but also the base connection of what it is to be human. If anything can answer those, it's the wisdom of the ancients because the Greeks and Romans weren't just swanning around in the Mediterranean sunshine, they were living in tough times. You could be dead by the age of You were in a time of total war.

Why the tale of Achilles and his lover still has the power to move us | Books | The Guardian

The experience of living through war is of particular relevance for present-day audiences accustomed to seeing hour news coverage of conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Miller says that she was "absolutely" aware of the parallels when writing The Song of Achilles. In the National Theatre's production of Antigone , starring Christopher Eccleston and Jodie Whittaker, the similarities are even more explicit: The actors are arranged in a way that reproduces the now famous photograph of the US president, Barack Obama, surrounded by his aides and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, watching the killing of Osama bin Laden.

According to Barbara Goff, professor of classics at Reading University, the moral complexity at the heart of these ancient dramas is one reason why the stories have endured for so long. The poem pits Greeks against Trojans, but there's never any idea that the Greeks are the good guys and the Trojans the villains — often the opposite, in fact. The subtlety of the writing can have a tangible impact on audiences.

In the US, an organisation called the Philoctetes Project performs ancient military dramas in order to help modern-day soldiers deal with post-traumatic stress disorder. There has also been a rise in the number of school pupils studying Latin and Greek at school, partly prompted by the charity Classics for All , which aims to introduce one or more classical subjects in at least 1, state schools over the next 10 years. Now it's become something very cool to do: It is the only path, the only way, to achieve personal greatness.

I am not sure what you have going on in your life at this moment.

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  • No Guts No Glory: 25 Quotes to Help You Seize The Day.
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I know we are all in different places on our personal journeys. But, what I do know is this; We all have decisions to make; Decisions that involve risk: Decisions that are either going to help us to move forward or move backwards. Quotes to help you move forward, to seize the day. Quotes to get you fired up to seize your greatness and crush life. The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously! It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.

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Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. All life is an experiment.

The more experiments you make the better. To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become. Okay, you read the quotes and now you are fired up.

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What immediate action are you going to take to bring more glory into your life? Remember, No Guts, No Glory.

10 Best Books on Building Self-Confidence

Your life can get better! So, what are you going to do now? If you could use a bit more of these life-enhancing attributes, or if you want to be nudged from time to time to start taking action on your goals and dreams, then stick around. Awesome list of quotes! Glad you enjoyed the list Marcus.

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Your feedback is very appreciated! S That quote is an excellent one for sure. Your email address will not be published.

The Story Of Impact: Top Die

Your Capacity For Greatness We all have the capacity for greatness. Rite of Passage Every successful person has taken their lumps from life. S Eliot Tweet Quote.