
Red Sun Rising: Japan, China and the West: 1894-1941 (Explaining History Book 5)

The study extends on-going critical recognition that Green's work is central to the development of the novel from the twenties to the fifties, acting as a vital bridge between late modernist, inter-war, post-war, and postmodernist fiction. The overarching contention is that the shifting and destabilizing nature of Green's oeuvre sets up a predicament similar to that confronted by theorists of the everyday.

Red Sun Rising : Japan, China and the West: - University of Missouri-Kansas City

Consequently, each chapter acknowledges the indeterminacy of the writing, whether it be: Red Sun at War: Pearl Harbour and Japan's Pacific Gamble by Nick Shepley 3 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide The devastating attack on Pearl Harbour, the tragic losses, extraordinary courage of the US sailors and airmen, and the fatal decisions of the Japanese are all examined through eye witness accounts and testimony.

The terrible repercussions of the attack are explained in full and the story of how Pearl Harbour changed the war not just for America, but for Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union. Also check out the link for additional bonus material and a free six part modern history course.

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Japan, China and the West: This ebook charts the rise of Japan's power and her dominion over China. It also explores how Japan came to challenge European nations convinced of their own invincibility in the east, culminating in the attack on the USA at Pearl Harbour. Hitler, Ribbentrop and Britain: Hitler was totally taken in by the version of the world Ribbentrop presented to him, so much so that he became the Nazi leader's unofficial, then official ambassador, causing discord and diplomatic havoc wherever he went. This edition of Explaining History focuses on Hitler's first attempts to reshape the European order, by undermining the Treaty of Versailles, and attempting to build an alliance with Britain.

It was an attempt doomed to failure, a. Hitler, Stalin and the Destruction of Poland by Nick Shepley 5 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide In a stunned international community absorbed the news that Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, hated and implacable enemies, had signed a non-agression pact.

The treaty between them contained a hidden clause, one which divided Poland between the two murderous regimes. It also explores the Soviet Union's disasterous war against Finland, and Hitler's plans in the run up to the invasion of the.

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Hitler, Chamberlain and Munich: The weak and divided British and French, crippled by multiple crises over the Rhineland, Spain Abyssinia and Austria were poorly prepared for the ordeal to come. This ebook explains how Hitler schemed and manipulated them in order to guarantee the destruction of Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Russia's Struggle With Modernity by Nick Shepley 4 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide In Czarist Russia collapsed during the catastrophe of the First World War, but the tensions that had accumulated inside the empire for a century due to the challenges that modernisation presented were the real seeds of her undoing. The 19th Century was a battle for the soul of Russia, and it decided whether she would embrace liberal democracy and industrialisation like her contemporaries in Europe, or whether she would retreat into the past.

In fact, she did both, and the human legacy o. Sun Yat Sen and the birth of modern China: Volume One by Nick Shepley 2 editions published in in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide As the increasingly powerless Qing Dynasty in 19th Century China struggled to defend itself from European, American and Japanese colonial control, and bloody civil wars and rebellions fought by an angry and desperate people raged, a new revolutionary force emerged.

Sun Yat Sen's Tongmenghui, later known as the Kuomintang adopted the revolutionary ideas of the west, but in a bid to sweep away not only the weak Qing Dynasty, but the western powers that had brought China to her knees. Stalin, the Five Year Plans and the Gulags: Slavery and Terror by Nick Shepley 4 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide From the personal accounts of those devoured by the great darkness of Stalin's Russia, the Explaining History series details the explosive growth of Stalin's vast industrial revolution, and the explosive growth of his terror and the slave camps that held his victims.

The lives of workers, peasants, Poles and Jews, intellectuals and secret policemen are explained here in an accessible and straight forward way, as is the seemingly impenetrable thinking of Joseph Stalin. A follow up volume: America, Japan and the Arabs at Versailles will be published soon. My Country And My People. The Sino-Japanese War of — The Origins of the First World War. A Daughter Of Han. Mao Tse-tung on Guerrilla Warfare.

Red Sun Rising : Japan, China and the West: 1894-1941

Comments on the 36 Strategies of Ancient Chinese Thought. China defensive The U. The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War. The Battle of Chibi. Japan Prepares for Total War. World War 2 In Review: Secrets You Never Knew.

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