
I Was a Demon of a Granddaughter: Stories of a Jamaican Childhood

A Demon Child? - Your Ghost Stories

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Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. Just curious because of the puddle Very strange indeed. Hope you put more out so I can read them.

Topics in Inner Being

I would be really scared if I were to see that of course I'm a scardy cat. I can help you with that. I too have heard of the devil in many diffrent forms. Here is what you do 1 Put out a bucket of holy water on the spot 2 Pour two buckets of salt on the floor in circle form.

If this backfires and he knows your trying to get rid of him you will Somehow get hurt.

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If I would have saw that I would have tried tot alk to him although id be scared to death. X x x are you sure that it wasn't a real boy like He could have gotten inside that night Then again the priest! X strange and good luck to you! X x x update please! He didn't have any other supernatural experiences, which makes me believe more that it could have been a ghost drawn to the house, or a very vivid dream.

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WOW, that is so creepy. This story truly scared me! Has your grandfather ever had any other experiences after that night? Hi bluelantern, I seem to have missed your question and your return comment to me. In order for me to answer that question completely, I would have to walk you through MY belief system, and to do that, I think would involve us in a religious discussion, and possibly, debate.

This is not the correct site for that, so I will just give you an overview of My beliefs in regards to your question. I believe that The Great Spirit protects those who are innocent, small children, those with mental issues that make them "as small children" and would PREVENT such a thing from happening. I also grew up Catholic, so I can see how the priest's My brother is also a Priest word on that was taken at face value, but then again, I believe in thinking on ALL aspects. To do so would be to be merciLESS. Ohiowatha 11 stories posts. I'm not sure why some Catholic priests insist on pigeon-holing the supernatural.

It seems really ignorant to me to try to force something one does not understand into an understand-able category. The truth is, nobody really knows much of anything about the paranormal. There are lots of theories and few facts other than these experiences are real. As for your grandfather's experience, it seems as credible as any. The island of Malta has been inhabited for literally eons and is rich in history. There have probably been many opportunities for small boys to have traumatic experiences which result in tears--even years later in ghost form.

Thanks for the story. There are a few theories for black eyed people. Some say the person is a demon, others say it is demon possessed children.

NK Phillips

Most of the time they are very cunning and sly I've heard things like: Almost all who help them usually end up dead. I don't know how they kill their "victims I wish I could help more but I don't have any more knowledge on the subject so far. What colour were they? If the child's eyes were black, I don't think your grandfather would survive. He may have seen what is called are called, "Black eyed people If you EVER see one of them run, run as fast as you can.

I've heard they are very manipulative. I have yet to see any, and I'm pretty sure I won't want to see them either. This is interesting though, why are black-eyed entities so dangerous? I agree with Martin that most conservative Christians label everything in the paranormal field as satanic. Everyone that has psychic abilities is in "league with the devil The puddle of water in the corner could have been where he or one of his siblings could have been sleepwalking and peed in the floor. I say this because I came from a large family and I used to sleepwalk.

I, like the majority find it hard to accept that the evil one can take the shape of an innocent. Thank you for sharing your story, I enjoyed it. Thanks for that explanation, it is very possible! Although maybe he would have known that they were sleepwalking? It is quite a coincidence that they peed in the exact same corner! Thank you for enjoying my story! The Devil can not share the same space as an innocent.

The older I get the more I can see all his dimensions. She never called him my husband Bob but my brother Bob. Also journalists are probably always asking you only about your grandfather but what is the role of Rita Marley in your life? She definitely tought me how to understand my identity, how to be connected with it. I never experienced she would question herself about it. She is non-traditional woman, out of the box.

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She lives her life her own way, with which she disappointed a lot of people but to me it is giving me a lot of courage to also search myself and built life as I want to. She gave me an understanding of everyone having his own journey in his own time so there is no need for feeling pressured. I also respect how she never forced Rastafarianism or any other religious views on us. She was giving us time and space while at the same time she made observing possible.

She often took us from the city to the village so we would understood where we are coming from. She was teaching and raising us roots. If I will ever be half of a woman she is, I will achieve a lot. Your grandfather was the reason to start exploring Rastafarianism? Is you also being part of the community his influence? Because of it I travelled the whole world also as a grown up, with my own questions and possibility to see everything from a wider perspective, more objective side. We are aware what Rastafarianism and reggae music truly represent.

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But I could understand all that once I started exploring it by myself, away from the family. It is way more than just a way of expression, dreadlocks, marijuana, reggae. He managed to spread the idea to humanity of one love, how no one is specially chosen, we are all the chosen ones.

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Rastafarianism is way more than just a way of expression, dreadlocks, marijuana, reggae. When I was 18 I was already Jamaican celebrity, I was all over the place, in commercials and on billboards all over Carribeans, I was a host of a talent show or acting. You can imagine me how I bought my first car in screaming red color, equipped with expensive sound system, driving around the streets all almighty, when I had an extreme car accident and it was a miracle I came out without a scratch or droplet of blood.

He asked me about my younger brother and told me I should be there for him, focused, mindful. I could continue cashing out celebrity status or I could go on a journey of my soul. In search for something bigger, as my grand grandfather told me in dreams. I got aware about my life ending one day and how I should leave something bigger than that behind me.

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