
Out On A Limb

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There are no featured reviews for Out on a Limb at this time. More Top Movies Trailers Forums. Season 7 Black Lightning: Season 2 DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4 Doctor Who: Season 11 The Flash: Season 5 This Is Us: Season 3 Saturday Night Live: Season 4 The Walking Dead: That sounds dangerous, though, so it's not something I would recommend doing. Well, there are a few reasons: The heft of the fight will be in Hamilton country.

Out On A Limb (1983) [Part 2] (2∶08∶49)➤

If we get the 14 votes of Hamilton we've got 'em out on a limb. Use the alphabetical menu up top to find more popular sayings. Alright, who ate the last frozen burrito? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it was Jeff. The OED gives for "limb", sense 4: The image is pretty obvious when you know this, I think.

Colin Fine 63k 1 69 I think this is a supremely adequate answer with precious little 'fat'. Apart from a superfluous "I think" , which I'm hardly in a position to make bones about.

Out on a Limb

With such transparent imagery, there's little point in listing historical usage or pontificating about 'origins'. FumbleFingers - But surely we need to know who first issued this utterance, and on what date??!! Given the available accuracy of timekeeping at the time, though, we only require time resolution to the nearest millisecond. The comment link I posted years ago doesn't work properly now, but it was probably this from It is likely to be about the risk of climbing onto a branch of a tree.

Beaten by three seconds by RegDwight! The same would apply, for instance, to a person chasing a cat or a leopard chasing a monkey. While I don't agree with your answer, I have a few suggestions on how to improve it.

go out on a limb meaning, definition, examples, origin, synonyms

Firstly, edit it to break it up into paragraphs, to avoid the "wall of text" effect. Next, use the spell check feature of your browser - see how-to-answer.

Finally, your answer will carry more weight if you support it with references. DjangoReinhardt - Please add it in answer, not in comments. Even if something is definitive, it helps if there is reference provided for future visitors.

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Particularly Bible, which I understand has been translated by different people and exists in numerous versions. I don't ever recall seeing any version of this story that implied that Zachius "went out on a limb". Rather, he simply climbed up the main trunk of the tree.

To gain the height needed to compensate for his short stature there would have been no need to go out on the limb.