
Litalia del millennio (Italian Edition)

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Which technological choices — relating to raw materials, clay preparation sieving, levigation, etc. Does this pottery represent a significant technological shift in comparison to preceding ceramic productions? As far as the sample selection from site complexes is concerned, only sites where reliable stratigraphic sequences have been uncovered, and where functional and chronological contexts have been identified, were selected.

Potsherds were selected following a macroscopic classification previously carried out on the basis of wall thickness, granulometry, and surface treatments and decorations. As finds were often too fragmentary, pot form was not included in the evaluation parameters at this stage of research. The size of the samples allowed part of the potsherds to be preserved for checks after the analyses, if necessary. Petrological observation was made on thin sections with a polarized light microscope OM. About 5 g of representative powder from each sample was subjected to XRF.

The sampled sites are Masseria Candelaro on the Tavoliere plain Cassano et al. Geological sketch map of south-eastern Italy modified after Sella et al. The clays consist of silty clay or clayey silt, with little sand, and have very similar mineralogical compositions clay minerals, carbonates, quartz and feldspars. Natural non-plastic material consists of carbonates calcite, as bioclastic or detrital granules, and dolomite , quartz and feldspars orthoclase, microcline and Na-plagioclase.

Clasts of feldspars and iron oxides or hydroxides are also present. Primary porosity and drying shrinkage are generally low. Textural features and low birefringence relate to a high synterization grade. Thin section photographs of fine ware samples from different sites: Weak peaks of clay minerals were observed only in some samples from the Adriatic coasts. The occurrence of new phases, such as diopsidic pyroxenes, gehlenite and hematite, was frequently observed in samples from the Adriatic coast of the Tavoliere and Murge, and was always seen in those from the Bradanic Trough Fig.

The presence of a high quantity of neoformed pyroxenes, gehlenite and hematite was detected in all samples. The dimension of squares is related to mineralogical phase abundance.

See a Problem?

All samples are Ca-rich. A few samples from the Bradanic Trough are characterized by high Ca contents, related to very large quantities of calcite, whereas others from the northern Murge have smaller quantities. However, some bivariate plots with different major and trace elements ratios are important in some cases for distinguishing samples from neighbouring sites located within the same sub-area. For example, bivariate plots can be used for the area on the Adriatic coast south of Bari Fig. Trace element concentrations also confirm the homogeneity of the samples; this finding agrees with the geochemical homogeneity of the Plio-Pleistocene Apulian marly clays.

Nevertheless some elements, such as La, Y, Rb and Nb are important in some cases for distinguishing different sub-groups of samples from neighbouring sites located in the same sub-area Fig. The bivariate plots show a variable correlation, mainly in La vs. Rb and La vs.

Scarpellini, E.

Bivariate plots ppm which can distinguish samples from sites located within the same areas in Apulia or Basilicata: High temperatures have been suggested for these painted fine wares, revealing a better firing control temperature, rate of heating and oxidising atmosphere and the use of kilns. In the same groups decreasing amounts of calcite were seen, which was re-crystallized in pottery pores, as microscopic observation on thin section shows. The absence of a dark core and the low birefringence of the matrix confirm respectively an accurate oxidising atmosphere and a high degree of sintering.

Two samples of painted fine ware were analysed in from the excavations at the Neolithic site of Capo Alfiere carried out by the University of Texas at Austin , which is located on the eastern seaboard of Calabria. The sporadic presence of local volcanic non-plastic inclusions may also suggest a local production of some of these pots with imported raw materials. The geology of the area Messina et al.

Aamod – Fondazione Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico

Mineralogical analyses confirm the presence of predominant quartz and K-feldspar, with a small quantity of plagioclase. The systematic occurrence of new phases, formed during firing, such as diopsidic pyroxenes, gehlenite and hematite, are detected Fig. Phase transformations were obviously fostered by the very fine paste texture.

Se l'Italia avesse vinto la prima guerra mondiale con gli imperi centrali EP.1 [STORIA ALTERNATIVA]

The concentration of trace elements Fig. The formal analogies between pots found at distant Neolithic sites all over south-eastern Italy does not correspond to an actual exchange of finished pots produced in Apulia. Bivariate plots ppm a Ba vs. Ce and b Cr vs. Such activity might have been distinct from individual and domestic tasks and could suggest that local production was no longer domestic. All data suggest a more complex social model of production that, in Mid Neolithic societies, might have changed from a family or domestic model to a non-formal or incipient-specialized one, following P.

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Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostorica, Florence, Analisi tecnologiche di impasti ceramici dal villaggio neolitico di Masseria Candelaro. Analisi archeometriche delle ceramiche. Claudio Grenzi Editore, Foggia, Analisi mineralogica di alcuni manufatti ceramici neolitici provenienti dal territorio di Rutigliano Bari, Puglia. Geologia applicata e idrogeologia , Mineralogical and chemical classification of Pleistocene clays from the Lucanian Basin Southern Italy for the use in the Italian tile industry. Applied Clay Science , 6: Materiale di partenza e sue trasformazioni mineralogiche.

Indagini mineralogiche e petrografiche su ceramiche neolitiche da Partanna TP. Tecniche paleontologiche per la caratterizzazione di ceramiche neolitiche ed argille affioranti presso Partanna TP. A simple method to evaluate the matrix in X-ray fluorescence analysis. X-ray Spectrometry , 1: Revisione di una metodologia analitica per fluorescenza X, basata sulla correzione completa degli effetti di matrice.

One in which each leader — giving up a presentation featuring broad, structured, and wide-ranging ideological views — focuses more and more on a limited number of issues. With an important novelty: As a matter of fact, it has been associated for a long time with attributes of ideological inconsistency, but it is now clear that we are in an era where the great majority of parties might feature those same traits.

So, what should be the lesson for Italy here? What should we look for in the months leading up to the next election? The answer is simple: If one wants to understand in advance the outcome of the upcoming political election, they need to look no further than to the choices every party is preparing: And how much will they be able to strategically invest on those issues?

The matter is all the more relevant as it also calls into question possible coalitions and alliances. The issue logic is such that some issues are able not only to attract voters to a specific party, but also to create potential alliances; other issues, on the other hand, can create sharp divisions. As a result, the analysis of public opinion in Italy as well as the evolution of the political debate through the media will give us invaluable information not only about possible electoral scenarios, but also about the possibilities of coalitions — before and after the vote.