
A Terrible Tomboy

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A Terrible Tomboy by Angela Brazil

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Terrible Tomboy - Oxford Reference

This item has not been rated yet. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about A Terrible Tomboy , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Jul 18, Sesana rated it it was ok Shelves: When I read a book like this, more than 80 years old, I expect that I might come across ideas and themes that make me cringe a bit. Casual sexism, racism, classism, etc. Often, I can sigh, chalk it up the times the writer lived in, and move on.

Brazil really tested me here. It may have been because there wasn't much of a plot, being a very episodic story, but more likely because of the sheer amount of problematic stuff floating around in here. I think I checked out emotionally around the time th When I read a book like this, more than 80 years old, I expect that I might come across ideas and themes that make me cringe a bit. I think I checked out emotionally around the time that one of the main characters was writing "coon songs" which I couldn't bring myself to read but special mention goes to the older sister fifteen or sixteen at the time being expected to drop out of school to keep house, the pet dog having a dead kitten tied to his collar as a lesson to him, and the horrors of possibly becoming friends with the daughter of a shopkeeper.

A Terrible Tomboy

There was more, of course, but those are the things that really stuck out to me. Which is all quite a shame, because the main character, Peggy, is such an incredibly likeable girl. I doubt I would have made it past the halfway point if not for her.

Little brother Bobby and American neighbor Archie are also bright spots, particularly when Archie is tinkering and inventing. And the simple fact is that Brazil is a very good children's writer for her time. I just wish she'd left some of that other stuff out. Sep 16, Lindley Walter-smith rated it it was ok. Sometimes, there are racist and class issues you can just kind of gloss over in classic children's books.

Sometimes, they are so intrusive that they really spoil the book. This book belongs in the second class, which is a pity, because there's a lot about it to like.

This isn't one of Brazil's school stories but a semiautobiographical novel, and her ideology is One particularly ghastly incident is when Lillian, the heroine's saintly older sister, displays a charming talent at Sometimes, there are racist and class issues you can just kind of gloss over in classic children's books.

To forestall any "But using words like that wasn't racist back then! Then there are the constant lessons in class: That is without getting into the servile peasants, or getting started on the gypsies, tramps and the "Freak show Really, it's not natural for a child waiting to drown to be perfectly happy because she know Heaven is a lovely garden. Or the animal welfare issues.

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In later books, Brazil kind of seems to show some awareness that girls of classes not her own might possibly read the books. In this one, early on, she either doesn't know or doesn't care that a shopkeeper's daughter can actually read despite having to be actively avoided at school and dancing class , and might feel a little hurt when Peggy's saintly young aunt reminds her that "We can't have you befriending any shopkeeper's daughters".

Poor, poor Peggy gets the whole lot in one go. Gender issues aren't great, either. Peggy aside, all the positive female characters are personality-less angels in the home. The fate of one character really bothered me: For all that, there are good points. Peggy herself is a lively and likeable character - it's hard not to like a girl who spends so much time rescuing kittens from trees and beating up boys who bully her little brother.

The American boy-next-door is also engaging. The writing, too, is head-and-shoulders above most books of the period for life, energy and natural writing of the child point of view.