
Direzione One Direction (Italian Edition)

The historian however, cannot refrain from noticing a continuous attempt to obliterate the idea that Italy, for almost half a century, had a concession zujie in Tianjin, and not a neighbourhood. It indicates an area or district where the inhabitants share the fact of co-inhabiting a space and, at times, certain habits and customs, or might know or somehow communicate with each other through formal or informal channels. Retrieved 10 June Building, renovation and restoration in the former Italian concession. Photograph taken on 25 June The Royal Minister in Beijing, Salvago Raggi, thought it was the best area, clearly indicating prospects for rapid and successful development.

The Italian Consule in Tianjin Cavalier Poma did not agree with this re-presentation, since the area consisted of a populous Chinese quarter, a cemetery, and wetlands, which did not seem to be very promising. Some of the Italian sources indicate that the British would have reserved for themselves the best area.

There were two channels to be explored: The leveling of the territory was considered a priority, implying both the removal of the cemetery and the drainage of the marshes. On the 5 th of July , a public auction programtried to attract potential buyers for the allotments of the Italian concession. The Building Regulations specified that:. It was only in that the Italian Government finally decided to allocate , Lire to promote the development of the Italian concession.

In their comparison between the past and present of the concession, Italian sources utter in unison the praises of the enlightened city planning intervention that totally transformed what Count Carlo Sforza, among others, described on 22 April as: What tends to be obliterated is the history of the various locations of the Italian Consulate, which was actually a sort of odyssey.

Originally the Italian Consular office was hosted in the British concession, later, from to , the Consulate was lodged first in a Chinese house, then in the military barracks area. This building was seen as the proper affirmation of the Italian presence in Tianjin. In , the architect Bonetti, a resident of the concession, drew up a plan to expand the building by means of a heated verandah, to be used as a reception room.

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Villas in Italian renaissance style , located around the piazza in the ex-Italian concession, Minzulu and Ziyoulu. In the case of Italy, the export to China of the neo-renaissance style can be interpreted as a way of affirming its prestige and its positioning as a colonial power on the same level of the others. By the end of the XIX century this style was a commonplace sight on the main streets of thousands of towns, large and small around the world.

The Italian neo-renaissance style was present also in the French concession: These buildings are both situated today on Jiefangbeilu North Liberation St. Foreign journalist like H. Woodhead, in , stated:. Some of the most interesting buildings from the concession era are located on what is called today Jiefangbei Lu, which runs parallel to the river.

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Some of the most fascinating Italian style villas from the period are located in what are called today Minzulu National Rd. The key adjectives used by Borgnino in his description of that area before the Italian intervention are: The achievements emphasized by Borgnino are advanced civil engineering and infrastructural projects: Borgnino was also in charge of the drawings of the Italian Municipal Council building. Considering his personal involvement in the creation of the concession, his tone and selective approach are an indication of a self-congratulatory attitude.

One of the most significant examples of this narrative tendency is offered by the lesson delivered by Dr. In fifty-eight letters and photographs to the mother he describes the relations between the different military troops, mentioning the killing, the looting and other atrocious excesses, and in the end he sadly recognises that:.

One Direction - speaking italian

The few times they arrived on time, they behaved like the others. Thus the concession became the ideal ground for experimentation and reinvention of the collective identity of Italy as a glorious and unified nation. The metonymic trope of the Italian spirit is embodied, for Bassi, in the Catholic cathedrals: This is also the climax of his lecture and the most important message that his audience should retain: The problem here is that the fictitious construction of this defiantly optimistic macro-story of benign colonialism may be unable to repulse an all-to-beguiling narrative of repeated systemic failure, which unmasks the continuous, desperate attempt to catch up with the other imperialist nations.

This was the motivation for the Italian interventionism in the First World War: This is particularly evident from the following representation offered by engineer Borgnino:. This boulevard, crossed through by a tram line managed by a local company, absorbs all the traffic from the Chinese city to the Tianjin east railway station and the other concessions. Obviously, the public buildings should have been erected on this Boulevard. The source Tianjin zujie ji tequ is extremely precise about the nature, the origin and the organisation of the concession. Most of the time it is mainly remembered for the architectural style, creating another sort of self- orientalism.

The total surface was mu. In the first paragraph, the author Jihua immediately sets the tone of a very different kind of imagined community when compared with the Italian sources. Jihua recognises the Italian role as part of the allied forces and military character of the Italian participation: Moreover, the acquisition of the Italian concession is seen in line with the general trend of the other nations.

The author depicts Italy, Belgium and Austria as late-comers in the scramble for concessions, emphasising that they basically imitated the shamefully successful example of the other nations England, France, United States, Germany and Japan , using military alliances and aggressive warfare the Chinese expression used here is jiqixiaoyou. The article continues, creating a peculiar story of gambling, drug production and use as being common phenomena in the Italian concession. The last part of the article delves into the deepening of the Christian influence in the concession, which was perceived as a sign of imperialist penetration.

It is striking to notice the cycles of destruction-reconstruction where the old buildings are merging with the new ones, creating a paradoxical effect where reality and virtual images, past and present, are so intertwined as to become undistinguishable.

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But the locale still carries the. Photograph taken on 24 June in Minshenglu in the ex-Italian concession. Photograph taken on 24 June in Minzulu in the ex-Italian concession. Four years before, at the beginning of , Italy had already agreed with its then ally Japan to renounce exercising any power on Chinese citizens and transferring the responsibility to the Nanjing Government. This endeavour requires a re-conceptualisation of history which de-mystifies its fictive and multidimensional character.

The broader scope of my work is strictly speaking methodological: My intention is to look through the conscious or unconscious implementation of explicit or implicit schemes of perception, which tend to affirm the sovereignty of the colonial subject. I seek to unmask the narrative mechanisms which show an all-too-beguiling appreciation of the Italian intervention in Tianjin and capitalise on the absolute depreciation of the pre-existent situation.

But going against a tradition rooted in the African consciousness of victimisation, in the colonial work there was not only destruction. Colonisation itself was not only an infernal machinery. It was crossed everywhere by escape lines. The colonial regime consecrated most of its energies both in the attempt of controlling those escapes, and in their use as a constitutive dimension, even decisive, of its self-regulation. It is not possible to understand how the colonial system came into being, and how it disarticulated itself, without understanding these escapes as the form itself assumed by the conflict.

They should be gathered in one single park, which will function both as a museum for the future generations and as symbolic burial of colonialism on the continent. After the completion of this ritual, it will not be possible for us to use ever again the colonisation as a pretext for our contemporary disgraces.

This possibility, as an alternative to a whole-scale marketization of the area, is the first tentative direction that I would like to suggest in my conclusions. The process of unmasking the different layers of representation has led to the appearance of dialectically contesting images of the Italian concession.

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What has emerged in fact, is not an illusory objective reconstruction of a unilateral identity of the Italian concession, but more likely two or more possibilities of — often competing and contentious — stories. Eating Disorder Training Program for middle school and upper level school teachers Project Coordinator: Laura Dalla Ragione - laura. New Activities at the Residence At the Palazzo Francisci Residential Center, we have enriched our program of complex intervention techniques, which in addition to contributing to a decrease in symptoms, has also resulted in a cognitive modification of the disorder.

The use of mirror therapy techniques developed by Wilson and adapted by Laura Dalla Ragione in the treatment of eating disorders is based on the assumption that anxiety about weight and body shape is based in the mind and cannot always be accessed and modified by cognitive-verbal restructuring techniques. In patients affected by Eating Disorders, the difficulty that they encounter in tolerating the levels of anxiety and negative opinion when looking at their bodies in front of a mirror is quite high and constitutes a cause for great suffering.

At the same time, as in a sort of uncontrollable compulsion, by constantly looking at themselves in the mirror, patients try to find a confirmation for their reflected image, a confirmation that is always negative and painful. The work that takes place with regard to body image and the suspension of judgment occur at the same time as the mediation work, which constitutes a sort of preparation for the acceptance of ones own body scheme. This type of therapy cannot be used with all the patients, and a careful selection must take place in order to exclude experiences of depersonalization, dysmorphobia, pre-pubescent aged girls, and severe misperceptions.

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At the first encounter, at the time the mirror is introduced, patients often manifest a sense of alienation, as if they do not recognize themselves. They are generally quite agitated, and are often also confused, they use adjectives that are extremely negative when describing their bodies, which they view once again for the first time after a period of time spent inside the facility, during which time their body shapes have been modified. During the second and third encounters they begin to become more used to the mirror, with their images and with their bodies.

By this point they can autonomously describe and locate the different parts of their bodies and their anxiety will have diminished. These sessions can be quite emotional for the patients, who often cry and sometimes it becomes necessary to interrupt the meeting and the role of the therapist becomes central in knowing when to slow down or move forward with the therapy. From the very first encounters, the use of dance-movement-therapy, results in an obvious increase in mind-body integration for patients, as well as improved verbal communication skills regarding their own experiences and knowledge of the potential and uniqueness of their own existence.

Philosophical Consulting Activities Director: The combination of philosophy with treatment represents a challenge, but in any case has proven to be quite fertile. And so, philosophy thereby returns to one of its original purposes, that of providing an education regarding the issue of existence. Existence remains a function and clarifying its methods represents a reconfiguration of its own experience. The philosophy group meets at Palazzo Francisci on a weekly basis and the group meetings usually last about two hours.

The group is directed and supervised by Dr. Paola Bianchini, a consultant-philosopher and researcher with the Department of Philosophy — Aesthetics at the University of Perugia. Yoga a nd Meditation in the treatment of eating desorders. The term Yoga refers to ascetic and meditative practices used as a means of realization and spiritual salvation. Millennial disciplines that involve body, posture, breath and spirit. The correct practice is possible when body and psyche are not split, the glue is the energy, the channel is the breathing, is a universe that touches the person in its depths, leading towards the unity and union with oneself.

Yoga involves learning to know and to listen to oneself, to evaluate if and how to consider one's limits and possibilities, to let oneself go to the wisdom of body and breath.

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  6. Hata Yoga, in particular, is the current best known type of Yoga, and also the most widely used for the Eating Disorders treatment. Hata Yoga with Kundalini, Raja, Laya and Mantra Yoga, it is part of the Tantric Yoga current, that current that exploits the senses to reach inner realization. Hata Yoga origins go back to the writing of the first Tantra - the classical texts of Hindu thought in which the practices and rules of conduct are included to reach the liberation, but its true systematization is due to the mystical Gorakhnath, lived between the 11th and 12th centuries, founder of Yoga type focused mainly on psycho-physical practices.

    In his texts is theorized that through practice the fusion between the individual self and the universal self can be stimulated, the ultimate goal of Yoga. The discipline proposed by Hatha Yoga goes through a series of physical poses asanas , respiratory exercises Pranayama and meditation techniques. Review native language verification applications submitted by your peers. Reviewing applications can be fun and only takes a few minutes. Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Law: Company with sole shareholder under the direction and coordination Entered by: Grading comment Thanks to you all.

    I agree it's tautology, but as it's so also in Italian, I'll be leaving it that way in English too. Automatic update in Company with sole shareholder under the direction and coordination. Peer comments on this answer and responses from the answerer. Return to KudoZ list. View Ideas submitted by the community.