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The Hindu holy text, the Bhagavad Gita , speaks of the balance of good and evil. When this balance goes off, divine incarnations come to help to restore this balance. In adherence to the core principle of spiritual evolution, the Sikh idea of evil changes depending on one's position on the path to liberation. At the beginning stages of spiritual growth, good and evil may seem neatly separated. Once one's spirit evolves to the point where it sees most clearly, the idea of evil vanishes and the truth is revealed.

In his writings Guru Arjan explains that, because God is the source of all things, what we believe to be evil must too come from God. And because God is ultimately a source of absolute good, nothing truly evil can originate from God. Nevertheless, Sikhism, like many other religions, does incorporate a list of "vices" from which suffering, corruption, and abject negativity arise.

These are known as the Five Thieves , called such due to their propensity to cloud the mind and lead one astray from the prosecution of righteous action. One who gives in to the temptations of the Five Thieves is known as " Manmukh ", or someone who lives selfishly and without virtue. Inversely, the " Gurmukh , who thrive in their reverence toward divine knowledge, rise above vice via the practice of the high virtues of Sikhism.

There is no concept of absolute evil in Islam , as a fundamental universal principle that is independent from and equal with good in a dualistic sense. Much more the behavior of beings with free will, then they disobey God's orders, harming others or putting themselves over God or others, is considered to be evil. Accordingly, qualifying something as evil depends on the circumstances of the observer. An event or an action itself is neutral, but it receives its qualification by God. Since God is omnipotent and nothing can exist outside of God's power, God's will determine, whether or not something is evil.

In Judaism , evil is not real, it is per se not part of God's creation, but comes into existence through man's bad actions. Human beings are responsible for their choices, and so have the free will to choose good life in olam haba or bad death in heaven. In Judaism, there is no prejudice in one's becoming good or evil at the time of birth, since full responsibility comes with Bar and Bat Mitzvah , when Jewish boys become 13, and girls become 12 years old.

Evil according to a Christian worldview is any action, thought, or attitude that is contrary to the character or will of God. This is shown through the law given in both the Old and New Testament. There is no moral action given in the Bible that is contrary to God's character or God's will. This evil shows itself through deviation from the character or will of God. Christian theology draws its concept of evil from the Old and New Testaments. The Christian Bible exercises "the dominant influence upon ideas about God and evil in the Western world. In common parlance, evil is 'something' that occurs in the experience that ought not to be.

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In Mormonism , mortal life is viewed as a test of faith, where one's choices are central to the Plan of Salvation. Evil is that which keeps one from discovering the nature of God. It is believed that one must choose not to be evil to return to God. Christian Science believes that evil arises from a misunderstanding of the goodness of nature, which is understood as being inherently perfect if viewed from the correct spiritual perspective.

Misunderstanding God's reality leads to incorrect choices, which are termed evil. This has led to the rejection of any separate power being the source of evil, or of God as being the source of evil; instead, the appearance of evil is the result of a mistaken concept of good. Christian Scientists argue that even the most evil person does not pursue evil for its own sake, but from the mistaken viewpoint that he or she will achieve some kind of good thereby.

In the originally Persian religion of Zoroastrianism , the world is a battleground between the god Ahura Mazda also called Ormazd and the malignant spirit Angra Mainyu also called Ahriman. The final resolution of the struggle between good and evil was supposed to occur on a day of Judgement , in which all beings that have lived will be led across a bridge of fire, and those who are evil will be cast down forever.

In Afghan belief, angels and saints are beings sent to help us achieve the path towards goodness. A fundamental question is whether there is a universal, transcendent definition of evil, or whether evil is determined by one's social or cultural background. Lewis , in The Abolition of Man , maintained that there are certain acts that are universally considered evil, such as rape and murder. The numerous instances in which rape or murder is morally affected by social context call this into question. Up until the midth century, the United States—along with many other countries—practiced forms of slavery.

As is often the case, those transgressing moral boundaries stood to profit from that exercise. Arguably, slavery has always been the same and objectively evil, but men with a motivation to transgress will justify that action. Universalists consider evil independent of culture, and wholly related to acts or intents. Thus, while the ideological leaders of Nazism and the Hutu Interhamwe accepted and considered it moral to commit genocide, the belief in genocide as fundamentally or universally evil holds that those who instigated this genocide are actually evil.

Hitler considered it a moral duty to destroy Jews because he saw them as the root of all of Germany's ills and the violence associated with communism.

He therefore considered non-Muslims and Shiite Muslims evil people intent on destroying Islamic purity and therefore heretic. Given his mixed record of efforts to give the Cuban people free-of-charge healthcare and education as well as opposing US hegemony in Latin America, while crushing all opposition and wrecking the Cuban economy, Fidel Castro saw himself as a Caribbean Robin Hood who considered the US and capitalism evil, while Cuban Americans , Cuban dissidents, and other communism-bashing people saw Castro as the personification of evil in late 20th-century Cuban and Latin American history, viewing his Castroist ideology as just as evil as any other form of communism and bashing him for locking up dissidents and killing innocents by firing squads, while creating mayhem in the developing world by working to foment violent communist revolutions in the Americas and many African countries.

Views on the nature of evil belong to the branch of philosophy known as ethics - which in modern philosophy is subsumed into three major areas of study: One school of thought that holds that no person is evil and that only acts may be properly considered evil. Psychologist and mediator Marshall Rosenberg claims that the root of violence is the very concept of evil or badness. When we label someone as bad or evil, Rosenberg claims, it invokes the desire to punish or inflict pain. It also makes it easy for us to turn off our feelings towards the person we are harming.

He cites the use of language in Nazi Germany as being a key to how the German people were able to do things to other human beings that they normally would not do. He links the concept of evil to our judicial system, which seeks to create justice via punishment— punitive justice —punishing acts that are seen as bad or wrong. In such cultures [ citation needed ] when someone harms another person, they are believed to be out of harmony with themselves and their community, are seen as sick or ill and measures are taken to restore them to a sense of harmonious relations with themselves and others.

He says the root of anger, and the desire to harm someone, is almost always related to variations of implicit or explicit philosophical beliefs about other human beings. He further claims that without holding variants of those covert or overt belief and assumptions, the tendency to resort to violence in most cases is less likely. Scott Peck on the other hand, describes evil as militant ignorance. Peck argues that while most people are conscious of this at least on some level, those that are evil actively and militantly refuse this consciousness.

Peck describes evil as a malignant type of self-righteousness which results in a projection of evil onto selected specific innocent victims often children or other people in relatively powerless positions. Peck considers those he calls evil to be attempting to escape and hide from their own conscience through self-deception and views this as being quite distinct from the apparent absence of conscience evident in sociopaths.

According to Peck, an evil person: He also considers certain institutions may be evil, as his discussion of the My Lai Massacre and its attempted coverup illustrate. By this definition, acts of criminal and state terrorism would also be considered evil. Martin Luther argued that there are cases where a little evil is a positive good. He wrote, "Seek out the society of your boon companions, drink, play, talk bawdy, and amuse yourself. One must sometimes commit a sin out of hate and contempt for the Devil , so as not to give him the chance to make one scrupulous over mere nothings According to certain [ which?

The international relations theories of realism and neorealism , sometimes called realpolitik advise politicians to explicitly ban absolute moral and ethical considerations from international politics, and to focus on self-interest, political survival, and power politics, which they hold to be more accurate in explaining a world they view as explicitly amoral and dangerous.

Political realists usually justify their perspectives by laying claim to a higher moral duty specific to political leaders, under which the greatest evil is seen to be the failure of the state to protect itself and its citizens.

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Anton LaVey , founder of the Church of Satan , was a materialist and claimed that evil is actually good. He was responding to the common practice of describing sexuality or disbelief as evil, and his claim was that when the word evil is used to describe the natural pleasures and instincts of men and women or the skepticism of an inquiring mind, the things called evil are really good. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

For other uses, see Evil disambiguation. Islamic views on sin. Philosophy portal Ethics portal. Oxford University Press, p. Walkers Between the Worlds: The Western Mysteries from Shaman to Magus. Ingram, Frederick John Streng. Mutual Renewal and Transformation. University of Hawaii Press, Thomson's energetic lobbying and networking proved effective in gaining acceptance of his instrument by The Admiralty. Scientific biographers of Thomson, if they have paid any attention at all to his compass innovations, have generally taken the matter to be a sorry saga of dim-witted naval administrators resisting marvellous innovations from a superlative scientific mind.

Writers sympathetic to the Navy, on the other hand, portray Thomson as a man of undoubted talent and enthusiasm, with some genuine knowledge of the sea, who managed to parlay a handful of modest ideas in compass design into a commercial monopoly for his own manufacturing concern, using his reputation as a bludgeon in the law courts to beat down even small claims of originality from others, and persuading the Admiralty and the law to overlook both the deficiencies of his own design and the virtues of his competitors'.

The truth, inevitably, seems to lie somewhere between the two extremes. Charles Babbage had been among the first to suggest that a lighthouse might be made to signal a distinctive number by occultations of its light, but Thomson pointed out the merits of the Morse code for the purpose, and urged that the signals should consist of short and long flashes of the light to represent the dots and dashes. Thomson did more than any other electrician up to his time in introducing accurate methods and apparatus for measuring electricity.

As early as he pointed out that the experimental results of William Snow Harris were in accordance with the laws of Coulomb. In the Memoirs of the Roman Academy of Sciences for he published a description of his new divided ring electrometer , based on the old electroscope of Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von Bohnenberger and he introduced a chain or series of effective instruments, including the quadrant electrometer, which cover the entire field of electrostatic measurement.

He invented the current balance , also known as the Kelvin balance or Ampere balance SiC , for the precise specification of the ampere , the standard unit of electric current. In , Thomson headed an international commission to decide on the design of the Niagara Falls power station. Despite his belief in the superiority of direct current electric power transmission , he endorsed Westinghouse's alternating current system which had been demonstrated at the Chicago World's Fair of that year.

Even after Niagara Falls Thomson still held to his belief that direct current was the superior system. Acknowledging his contribution to electrical standardisation, the International Electrotechnical Commission elected Thomson as its first President at its preliminary meeting, held in London on 26—27 June Thomson remained a devout believer in Christianity throughout his life; attendance at chapel was part of his daily routine. One of the clearest instances of this interaction is in his estimate of the age of the Earth.

Given his youthful work on the figure of the Earth and his interest in heat conduction, it is no surprise that he chose to investigate the Earth's cooling and to make historical inferences of the Earth's age from his calculations.

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Thomson was a creationist in a broad sense, but he was not a ' flood geologist '. He developed the view that the Earth had once been too hot to support life and contrasted this view with that of uniformitarianism , that conditions had remained constant since the indefinite past. He contended that "This earth, certainly a moderate number of millions of years ago, was a red-hot globe After the publication of Charles Darwin 's On the Origin of Species in , Thomson saw evidence of the relatively short habitable age of the Earth as tending to contradict Darwin's gradualist explanation of slow natural selection bringing about biological diversity.

Thomson's own views favoured a version of theistic evolution sped up by divine guidance. He was soon drawn into public disagreement with geologists, [55] and with Darwin's supporters John Tyndall and T. In his response to Huxley's address to the Geological Society of London he presented his address "Of Geological Dynamics" [56] which, among his other writings, challenged the geologists' acceptance that the earth must be of indefinite age.

Thomson's initial estimate of the Earth's age was from 20 to million years old. These wide limits were due to his uncertainty about the melting temperature of rock, to which he equated the earth's interior temperature, [57] [58] as well as the uncertainty in thermal conductivities and specific heats of rocks. His exploration of this estimate can be found in his address to the Victoria Institute , given at the request of the Institute's president George Stokes , [62] as recorded in that Institute's journal Transactions. The discovery in that radioactive decay releases heat led to Kelvin's estimate being challenged, and Ernest Rutherford famously made the argument in a lecture attended by Kelvin that this provided the unknown energy source Kelvin had suggested, but the estimate was not overturned until the development in of radiometric dating of rocks.

It was widely believed that the discovery of radioactivity had invalidated Thomson's estimate of the age of the Earth. Thomson himself never publicly acknowledged this because he thought he had a much stronger argument restricting the age of the Sun to no more than 20 million years.

Without sunlight, there could be no explanation for the sediment record on the Earth's surface. At the time, the only known source for the solar power output was gravitational collapse. It was only when thermonuclear fusion was recognised in the s that Thomson's age paradox was truly resolved. In the winter of — Kelvin slipped on some ice and fractured his leg, causing him to limp thereafter. He received the order from the King on 8 August , [68] [69] and was sworn a member of the council at Buckingham Palace on 11 August In November he caught a chill and his condition deteriorated until he died at his Scottish residence, Netherhall, in Largs on 17 December.

In the dark of the winter evening the cortege set off from Netherhall for Largs railway station , a distance of about a mile. Large crowds witnessed the passing of the cortege, and shopkeepers closed their premises and dimmed their lights. The train set off at 8. William Thomson is also memorialised on the Thomson family grave in Glasgow Necropolis. The family grave has a second modern memorial to William alongside, erected by the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow; a society that he was president of in the periods and The study group included Michelson and Morley who subsequently performed the Michelson-Morley experiment that undercut the aether theory.

Thomson did not provide a text but A. Hathaway took notes and duplicated them with a Papyrograph. As the subject matter was under active development, Thomson amended that text and in it was typeset and published. Thomson's attempts to provide mechanical models ultimately failed in the electromagnetic regime. Two major physical theories were developed during the twentieth century starting from these issues: Albert Einstein , in , published the so-called " Annus Mirabilis papers ", one of which explained the photoelectric effect and was a precursor of quantum mechanics, another of which described special relativity , and the last of which explained Brownian motion in terms of statistical mechanics , providing a strong argument for the existence of atoms.

His biographer Silvanus P. I can say no more now than to congratulate you warmly on the great discovery you have made" [79] He would have his own hand X-rayed in May His forecast for practical aviation i. In he refused an invitation to join the Aeronautical Society, writing that "I have not the smallest molecule of faith in aerial navigation other than ballooning or of expectation of good results from any of the trials we hear of. The statement "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now.

All that remains is more and more precise measurement" has been widely misattributed to Kelvin since the s, either without citation or stating that it was made in an address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science Michelson , who in stated: In , Kelvin predicted that only years of oxygen supply remained on the planet, due to the rate of burning combustibles. A variety of physical phenomena and concepts with which Thomson is associated are named Kelvin:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about Lord Kelvin. For other uses, see Kelvin disambiguation.

For other people with the same name, see William Thomson. Joule—Thomson effect Thomson effect thermoelectric Mirror galvanometer Siphon recorder Kelvin material Kelvin water dropper Kelvin wave Kelvin—Helmholtz instability Kelvin—Helmholtz mechanism Kelvin—Helmholtz luminosity Kelvin's minimum energy theorem Kelvin transform Absolute zero Kelvin's circulation theorem Stokes' theorem Kelvin bridge Kelvin sensing Kelvin equation Kelvin-Varley divider Magnetoresistance Coining the term 'kinetic energy'. This section needs additional citations for verification.

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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. December Learn how and when to remove this template message. To understand the technical issues in which Thomson became involved, see Submarine communications cable: Treatise on Natural Philosophy.

Retrieved 27 June William Thomson Lord Kelvin ". Retrieved 23 July Scientist, Mathematician and Engineer". His first wife was Margaret Crum and he married secondly Frances Blandy but had no children. Retrieved 29 October A Cambridge Alumni Database. Archived from the original on 4 October Retrieved 16 July Joule's equivalent of a thermal unit and M.

Regnault's observations on steam" Math. Regnault's Observations on Steam". Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Also published in Thomson, W. Retrieved 25 June Popular Lectures and Addresses, Vol. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online ed. Subscription or UK public library membership required. Thomson's Compass and Binnacle". A Story of Exploration and Innovation. A New Kind of Science. University of Strathclyde Archives.

The minutes from our first meeting. Retrieved 21 October The eclipse of Darwinism: Johns Hopkins University Press. The Kelvin period does exist in the evolution of stars. They shine from gravitational energy for a while correctly calculated by Kelvin before fusion and the main sequence begins.

Fusion was not understood until well after Kelvin's time.

A missed opportunity in geodynamics". In Thomson's theory the earth's age is proportional to the square of the difference between interior temperature and surface temperature, so that the uncertainty in the former leads to an even larger relative uncertainty in the age. Lord Kelvin and the Age of the Earth. University of Chicago Press. The Earth's Dynamic Systems 5th ed. American Journal of Physics. Journal of Geophysical Research. A theory of everything? Institution of Engineers in Scotland. Retrieved 6 October The Committee of Scottish Clearing Bankers. Retrieved 15 October Retrieved 27 Aug Elements of Natural Philosophy.

  • William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin.
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Shakespeare and Bacon on Vivisection. Mathematical and Physical Papers. Hydrodynamics and general dynamics Hathitrust Volume V. Thermodynamics, cosmical and geological physics, molecular and crystalline theory, electrodynamics Internet Archive Volume VI. Voltaic theory, radioactivity, electrions, navigation and tides, miscellaneous Internet Archive —— Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences.

Measurement and Scientific Progress. British Journal for the History of Science. New Zealand Science Review. A Tale of Genius, Invention and Tragedy. Institute of Physics Publishing. Heroes of the Telegraph. His Life and Work. Retrieved 25 March Pennsylvania State University Press. A Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin. Life of William Thomson: Baron Kelvin of Largs.

In two volumes Volume 1 Volume 2 Tunbridge, P. His Influence on Electrical Measurements and Units. William Thomson, Lord Kelvin: His Way of Teaching. A Comparative Study in Victorian Physics. Presidents of the Royal Society. Scientists whose names are used as units. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote Wikisource.

This page was last edited on 7 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Belfast ; Glasgow ; Cambridge. Note that Kelvin also wrote under the pseudonym "P. Notes The arms of Lord Kelvin consist of: Escutcheon Argent, a stag's head caboshed gules, on a chief azure a thunderbolt proper, winged or, between two spur revels of the first.

Supporters On the dexter side a student of the University of Glasgow, habited, holding in his dexter hand a marine voltmeter, all proper. On the sinister side a sailor, habited, holding in the dexter hand a coil, the rope passing through the sinister, and suspended therefrom a sinker of a sounding machine, also all proper.