
A Shot to the Heart

A similar approach as described above for the first patient was used and the findings were haemopericardium, rent in pericardium, entry wound over the right ventricle with overlying thrombus and an exit wound posteriorly in the left ventricle with bullet lying freely in the pericardium posteriorly.

An intra-operative trans-oesophageal echo did not show intra-cardiac defect. Since there was no intra-cardiac defect, CPB was not used. After evacuation of pericardial haematoma and removal of the foreign body bullet , right and left ventricles were repaired with pledgetedprolene sutures Figures-1 and 2. However, to repair the left ventricle posteriorly deep pericardial retracting sutures and Trendlenberg position was utilised as in off-pump coronary surgery to keep haemodynamics stable.

The post-operative course was uncomplicated.

Shot in the Heart Trailer: SHOT IN THE HEART - Metacritic

Discussion This report highlights the importance of mechanism, distance and velocity of bullet and patients can survive traversing bullet through the heart, provided the velocity is low. In both cases, there was no exit wound. The bullet travelled through right ventricle, septum and left ventricle lying posterior to the heart in the pericardium. However, the magnitude of the problem was different.

In the first case there was significant right to left shunting through VSD and the patient started desaturating after initial period of stability. Direct firearm injury to the heart is usually fatal. Cardiac laceration is common in patients with sharp penetrating injury. This helps plan surgery and approach through median sternotomy with CPB on standby. In both of our cases we used median sternotomy to approach the heart and one of them did require CPB. Dacron pledget suturing can be used to repair the heart. Mattress suturing is done for repair near the coronary arteries.

VSD can develop after cardiac injury and it can result in left to right shunt. Follow-up after surgery is necessary as these patients can also develop valvular damage and coronary artery disease. The magnitude of the problem may be variable depending upon the intra-cardiac damage and individualised management strategy should be used. Traumatic ventricular septal defect. Elective removal of an intramyocardial bullet.

South Med J ; Not just a toy: Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. Images in clinical medicine. Shot to the heart. N Engl J Med. World J Surg ; Conservative management of retained cardiac missiles: Late mitral valve regurgitation after bullet wound to the heart. Research articles conducted on animals, will not be considered for processing or publication in the JPMA. This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

A shot to the heart: a rare case of cardiac embolization

ABCD sponsors treatment for those in need regardless of gender, race or creed, helping them to reach their full potential, to live life with dignity and to take their rightful place in their community. The charity was founded over 30 years ago after our founder Trustee, Val Jourdan visited the region as a physiotherapist.

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Shot in the Heart

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English Stereo , Spanish Mono Subtitles: English, French, Spanish Region: Read more about DVD formats. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention shot through the heart vincent perez ethnic cleansing opposite sides true story linus roache good movie childhood friends based on a true roache and vincent best friends movie really best movie good film war bosnia bosnian muslim yugoslavia action.

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Please try again later. There are plenty of good synopses of this movie on line e. First, there are some very difficult, bloody, and violent scenes, including a very quick, but graphic rape sequence, so it is not suited for younger viewers. Yet those scenes are not gratuitous--they bring home the absolute cruelty of this last Bosnian war. In general, I thought they presented the horrors of that war quite realistically and were justifiably included.

Second, the film shows how terrifying innocent civilians became the main tool for "ethnic cleansing", in this case, the Muslim community of Sarajevo. Realistically, they show Bosnian Muslims with blond hair and blue eyes and looking nearly identical to their Bosnian Serb friends and, in many cases, relatives.

In that way, the subsequent violence seems even more senseless. Finally, that leads me to my only gripe about the film--the transition of one of the "friends" into a cold-blooded assassin in just a few weeks. Had the director been able to more clearly show why this transition occurred, it would have gone from a good film to a great one. What we have here, however, is a transition that doesn't quite seem reasonable.

It's too fast and not enough background. There is just a hint--after the rape scene, when the "Serbian friend" does not seem particularly moved and simply notes that his family faced the "same thing forty years ago", presumably talking about the second world war.

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More development by the director of this inner rage would have helped us to accept the film's conclusion much better. If that explanation seems too diffuse, I apologize, but giving away any more would be a spoiler--and the film's final moments are dramatic. Terrific movie, great drama and suspense, along the lines of the Sniper series of movies Based on a true story, 2 sharpshooters train for competition, but war puts them against each other as top snipers for their forces!!!

I never put it together, until I recently looked him up on Wikipedia!!!

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For the plotline in a nutshell, I am quoting the "Product Description" as shown on the Amazon Webpage for this film. One turns sniper for the enemy. One remains their town's last line of defense. In a terrible battle for power, two best friends must pull the trigger. Only one will feel the bullet - but both will feel the pain.

Linus Roache is always a favorite of mine.