
Janet McLaren The Faithful Nurse

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We also provide a plain TEXT version and full instructions for using this to make your own audiobook. These transcriptions of books by various nineteenth century authors of instructive books for teenagers, were made during the period to the present day by Athelstane e-Books. Most of the books are concerned with the sea, but in any case all will give a good idea of life in the nineteenth century, and sometimes earlier than that. This of course includes attitudes prevalent at the time, but frowned upon nowadays.

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We then made a pdf which we used to assist with editing the OCRed text. The last step enables us to hear and correct most of the errors that may have been missed by the other steps, as well as entertaining us during the work of transcription. The PDF version is constructed from dpi scans. In this version the entire book appears in the one file, which also includes the style-sheet and any pictures, and is written in xhtml. The smaller of the two TXT files contains full instructions for doing so.

Uploaded by Nick Hodson on February 17, Search the history of over billion web pages on the Internet. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests: Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! All comes out more or less well in the end.

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A short book, but an easy one to read or listen to. He died at Willesden on the 5th of August The above is substantially an extract from the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The resulting text can be read either here at the Internet Archive or at www. Location Early nineteenth century; Scotland; Canada. Rights This process represents a large investment of time and skill.

You may freely download a copy for your own use.

Janet McLaren The Faithful Nurse by William Henry Giles Kingston - Free at Loyal Books

We do not in the least mind if anybody wishes to offer any of our work on another website, but would point out that they should state that the copyright is ours, rather than claiming it as their own. They should also state that as we are constantly working to improve our texts, their readers should refer back to our version if they need to verify a text. Commercial use strictly forbidden. There are no reviews yet.

Kingston And Henry Frith. The Tower of Stormount Bay. In the Wilds of Florida: A Tale of Warfare and Hunting. The South Sea Whaler. A Tale of Virginia. A Voyage Round the World: A Book for Boys. The Pirate of the Mediterranean: A Tale of the Sea. With Axe and Rifle. Saved from the Sea: Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils: Their Effect on General Intelligence.

Alone on an Island. The Cruise Of The Dainty.

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In the Wilds of Africa. The Woodcutter of Gutech. The Grateful Indian and other Stories. With Axe And Rifle. The Lily of Leyden. The Loss of the Royal George. Adventures in Savage Africa. Manco, the Peruvian Chief: An Englishman's Adventures in the Country of the Incas. The Adventures of a Whaler. Fred Markham in Russia: The Boy Travellers in the Land of the Czar.

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