

I mean, you could have been born in 14th century Africa and had your penis cut off. Come up with three ways your life could be way, way, way worse. The internet makes this too easy. The world is a complicated place.

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Tell your mother you love her. Pain takes time to resolve. There are 63 steps on this thing for a reason. Do something nice for yourself.

Eat some ice cream. Play some video games. Or do all of the above at the same time. Set your alarm the next morning. Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs.

63 Steps to Survive The Worst Moments of Your Life

Preferably do it in the shower or car so nobody has to listen to you. Remember those three lessons you used to convince yourself that this was a good thing for like two minutes yesterday? Decide how you can implement one of those lessons today and then go do it. Repeat Steps for anywhere from the next three weeks to the next three years.

Tell them something funny about it. Laugh together about it. Laugh at how much you cried.

On the Origin of Species: Chapter III, Struggle for Existence

Laugh at how you masturbated while eating ice cream. Realize that in hindsight, the pain is always far less important than it first seemed. Realize that your problems are not special or unique, that you are not special and unique. And this is good news.

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Because it means that you will never ever have to suffer alone. To find out what I mean, put your email in the form and receive my page ebook on happiness, what it means, and how to achieve it. You can opt out at any time. See my privacy policy. Speaking of which… Step 5: You want some tissues?

Then actually go do it. Become your own best friend. Or just google it and then lie and say you visited one. Pour yourself another drink. Watch this video of a cat in a shark suit chasing a duck on a Roomba. Understand that mailmen need love too. If you still feel shitty, then sleep on it. Get out of the house and go be social. The immunological effects of thought suppression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75 5 , Regulating positive and negative emotions in daily life. Journal of Personality, 76 3 , — Disclosing and sharing emotion: Psychological, social, and health consequences.

Handbook of Bereavement Research: Consequences, Coping, and Care, — Best way to start forgiving is to recognize how the other person suffers as well. Self and Identity, 9 3 , — Prosocial spending and well-being: Cross-cultural evidence for a psychological universal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4 , Find a support group.

You get the idea though. One hundred beetles can produce 6. Each beetle weighs 10 mg, and if they all survive, their total weight after 82 weeks would be 6.

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  • Struggle for existence.

Obviously, their environment can't support all of these beetles, and many of them die. Bear and fish both struggle to survive.

How to survive sleep deprivation

This bear, by catching the fish, is succeeding in the struggle and surviving. The fish did not survive, however, but left more fit fish behind. The fish eggs at left are only a small fraction of those laid by a single fish. If all of the fish hatched and each of them laid as many eggs, which all hatched as well, there would be too many fish for the fishes' environment to support. Every organism must struggle to survive. One reason that not all organisms survive is that there are not enough resources, things that they need, to go around.

Organisms must struggle to get what they need to survive, competing against other organisms that want the same things they do. They also have to struggle to get away from predators and to overcome disease. For example, a fox struggling to catch a rabbit, which struggles to escape. As explained in part one, not all of them make it. There is variation within a species. Not all of the individuals in a species are exactly the same.

63 Steps to Survive The Worst Moments of Your Life | Mark Manson

There are variations, differences, among members of a species. If you look at the spots on several different ladybugs, or the stripes on zebras, you will notice that they don't all have the same number or arrangement of spots or of stripes. In addition to these easily visible variations, there are differences in skill and behavior, such as differences in how fast the zebras can run.

If organisms were all the same, none would be better suited than any other, and selection could not occur. Some variations allow members of a species to survive and reproduce better than others. If an organism has a trait that helps it survive or reproduce, it is more likely to survive and be able to reproduce. A faster cheetah is more likely to catch a gazelle and survive, and a faster gazelle is more likely to escape the cheetah and survive.

A showier flower is more likely to be noticed by a bee, which enables it to reproduce. A thornier cactus is more likely than other cactuses to be left alone by animals, rather than be eaten and die.