
Adam - Die letzte Chance der Menschheit: Band 1 (German Edition)

Ist es aber nicht. Vor einer Abtreibung sind drei Tage Bedenkzeit vorgeschrieben. Hedda weigert sich, zu denken. Finnmark ist das Ende. Es spielt keine Rolle, wo du hinschaust, denn es wird immer noch weit weg sein. Hen ist gleichzeitig weit und nah. Wenn ein Volk flieht. Edor hat vor nichts Angst. Er ist mit Beate zusammen, trainiert neue Eisbahnen, badet im Meer, schwimmt weiter hinaus, als er sollte.

Edor badet nackt mit Celia, es ist ihm egal. Edor braucht keinen Helm, er hat keine Angst zu sterben. Die Mutter sitzt normalerweise drinnen und redet mit Fremden im Telefon. Niklas fehlt ein Gegenmittel. Gunn hat beschlossen, keinen Kontakt zu ihrem Vater zu haben.

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Edor ist nach Brighton gereist, arbeitet bei Burger King und kann genau tun, was er will. Aber was will er? Im Radio empfehlen sie, dass jeder drinnen bleibt. Nach einer Wette entwickelt sich langsam eine Freundschaft zwischen den beiden. Aber in Jossis Welt ist nicht alles vorhanden. Die Geschichte handelt von einer lesbischen Beziehung. Emma verliebt sich und so ist es. Aber das Buch ist nicht frei von Klischees, und das zieht meine Sterne herunter. Krieger Eskil gewinnt unerwartet seine Freiheit unter einer Bedingung.

In der Show trifft er eine Frau. Um herauszufinden, wer Mathilde ist, unternimmt Jonas eine Reise zu Orten und Menschen, die er vorher nicht kannte. An imaginative and unique world, written in a simplistic and easy-to-read style which fits children and young teens perfectly. Its content, while down-to-earth and simple, is also poetic and contains many wise lectures.

This struggle is portrayed through the journey of three unlikely friends, the human child Kaim, the forestman Gwan and the dragon. The journey explores the dynamics between the different intelligent races, the lifestyle of living out in the wild, cultural and racial identity, and longing. The balance between humans, animals, nature and civilization is explored in depth and from different interesting angles. Easy to read, childish but also wise.

Nach einer Weile tobt die Gesellschaft um sie herum. Warum ist es so gelaufen? Ein Generationenroman, der stehen bleiben wird. Sie haben kompromisslose Standpunkte zu den grundlegenden Fragen des Lebens: Der bisher heterosexuellste Jarle verliebt sich in Yngve. Yngve ist ein Eindringling, der Tennis spielt. Jarle hat den starken Willen, das Beste aus der Welt zu machen, in der er lebt. Doch was ist mit der Familie passiert? Warum haben sich diejenigen, die sich so gut leiden wollten, gegenseitig verletzt?

Es ist ein neues Jahr in dem kleinen Dorf. Auch wenn es direkt vor uns spielt. Er trauert Tag und Nacht, tut sich und seiner Familie weh. Die Handlung beginnt am 6. April, dem Datum, an dem der italienische Dichter Petrarca seine geliebte Laura zum ersten Mal sah, als sie 13 Jahre alt war. Jeder nimmt an, dass Terroristen hinter der Tat stehen. Das Letzte, was er will, ist Aufmerksamkeit wegen dieser Angelegenheit.

Dann beendete sie es. Jetzt ist sie tot. Das Unwahrscheinliche passiert in der Welt immer und immer wieder. Trotzdem sind wir niemals vorbereitet. Juli geschrieben werden konnte. In dem Moment, als Buzz Aldrin am Und wie Aldrin ist Mattias seither bei allem der zweite Mann gewesen, der unsichtbare Zweite hinter einem Ersten.

The day-to-day life, social conventions and political and religious undercurrents of a period: Kristin is deeply devoted to her fathern. Her saga continues through her marriage, their tumultuous life together raising seven sons as Erlend seeks to strengthen his political influence, and finally their estrangement as the world around them tumbles into uncertainty. The town is important because it is a port that serves a large coal mine. Colonel Lanser, the head of the invading battalion, along with his staff establishes his HQ in the house of the democratically elected and popular Mayor Orden.

Inger Holm aus Fredrikstad sucht ihren Weg aus der Enge. I liked the very self-possessed character and the setting glum Oslo. The fate of the little boy, Jonas, crushed by the enforced conformity of his education, is not, the author says, the central theme of the novel. As with the first two novels in the trilogy, The Silence also rejects the traditional modes of fiction to posit instead an essay-like novel of ideas, philosophy, and argumentation. It is, in fact, even further removed from the loose fictional form of the two previous protocols, and owes more to the works of Foucault, Girard, and Sartre.

Described by Bjorneboe as an anti-novel and absolutely final Protocol, The Silence was ahead of its time in its critique and discussion of the post-colonialist world. Here the inquiring narrator explores not just European history, as he did in the first two novels, but the crimes committed by Europeans against the rest of humanity in the name of expansion and conquest. Set in an unnamed country in northern Africa, the narrator is looking at Europe from the outside.

With his friend Ali, an African revolutionary intellectual, he discusses in epic fashion the history of colonialism. Noch ahnt sie nichts von dem dunklen Familiengeheimnis. Teil 2 einer Trilogie. Gegen Agnar Mykle wurde Klage erhoben. Der Roman ist ein intensiver und lebendiger Bildungsbericht.

Und die ganze Zeit ist die Aufregung an der Spitze. The action takes place in a dramatic breakdown when Olav Haraldsson tries to complete the Christianity of the country. Er beleuchtete soziale Klassen, die zuvor geschwiegen hatten. Haukland selbst hatte eine schwierige Kindheit und Jugend. Das erste kam und das letzte , im selben Jahr wie er starb. Munk wird einen unbekannten Sohn finden, der in Heidelberg studiert. Begegnung am Meilenstein The story of an idealistic young farmer named Havard Viland and his struggle against religious bigotry, mindless conformity, and political and intellectual stagnation.

The farmer wants to bring hope and dignity into the lives of everybody, even the lowliest cotter, but he is an outsider in his backward rural community. Tricked into marriage, gradually cut off, pushed into the position of scapegoat, and deliberately misunderstood, Havard becomes the personification of stifled goodwill and strangulated progress. It is shocking that he becomes the victim of a circle of aggressive neighbors and officials intent on maintaining the status quo.

Norwegian society from World War I to the s. Somebody might find this chaotic, but I found it fascinating. In early-nineteenth-century Norway, lepers are quarantined in this hospital and no longer considered among the living. She finds strength through helping her fellow patients, both young and old, and she decides to see for herself what the Bible says about leprosy. To do so, she must make friends with the young and angry Mistress Dybendal, the only person at the hospital who can teach her to read. Ein Licht, aus dem Rhythmus sprudelt und die Substanz vielseitger, ausdrucksvoller Bilder, denen nicht die Zeit gegeben wird, sich in Rhetorik zu verwandeln.

Maya has been lucky enough to receive a spot at the local school, and Lalu is determined to learn to read from her, but poor Maya is going blind. So Lalu volunteers to take her himself—to walk km by themselves. Along the way, the siblings meet good people and bad; a cobra, bear, and elephant; suffer and grow. Some might object that Maya cries a lot. Die Buchmesse besuche ich v. Mi an, werde am Teil meiner Vorauswahl — angelesen und gemocht: Zura Abashidze, junger und charismatischer Schriftsteller, portraitiert ungeschminkt und realistisch seine Heimat.

Helden des Alltags jonglieren zwischen postsowjetischer Tradition und westlicher Moderne. Tinatin und Awtandil, Nestan-Daredschan und Tariel. Zwei Liebespaare, deren Schicksale sich kreuzen und bedingen. Everyone does have a place, but there are many factors which factor into deciding who matters, who is where on the social scale- schooling, family, money, and family history. How does one make a cross-cultural life in a world that is becoming ever more divided along every line possible- religion, politics, economics, and of course the powerful new god of Nationalism?

Adam - Die letzte Chance der Menschheit

Everything that everyone does seems to have to be attributed to some part of their background or heritage. Everyone judges those actions to determine which side you are on. Ali is a man caught by this transformative moment in time- There are many quotes here where people try to philosophize their way to a solution to what makes people so different, and how this Asia and Europe is divided. Die Demokratischen Republik Georgien bestand nur von bis Eine Mahnung ans Gewissen des Einzelnen.

Seine Mutter litt unter Depressionen und starb, als er klein war. Sein Vater lehrte Philosophie und Orientalistik und engagierte sich im georgischen Widerstand gegen die Sowjetunion. Der Vater wurde ermordet. Hier zeigt sich der Philosoph und Ontotextologe Margwelaschwili ganz offen. Doch wer sich in die entlegenen Gegenden des Landes vorwagt, findet sich in einer anderen Welt wieder.

Drei georgische Fotojournalistinnen haben dies getan: Das sowjetische Ghetto, das Ende 60er-Jahre als Experimentalprojekt entstand und seitdem in der Zeit erstarrte. Das Zusammenleben von Lana und ihrem Sohn kippt, als er sich in einen Mann verliebt.

The Power of Colours

Mit diesem Spalt beginnt der Umsturz der beiden ausgezeichnet funktionierenden Systeme — der Familie und der Kleinwelt Gldani. Dimitri und Viktor wachsen in Miroslaw auf. Ein Soldat der U. Noch immer schenken sich georgische Liebespaare den Roman gegenseitig. Zuerst kommt er nach Feinstadt, ein Ort der guten Sitten. Sie errichten Canudos, eine Stadt der Freiheit.

Denn die Freunde der Ermordeten wissen, wer sie umbrachte, geben aber nichts preis. Gewitzt muss man sein. Aleko also has a sister who has suffered from oligophrenic schizophrenia since she was a child. After their mother becomes bed-ridden, Aleko takes over the care of his sister. He has to have patience and not lose his humanity. Precision automation in mechanical engineering requires positioning systems which do not only work accurately and dynamically but which are also robust and reliable. Typical examples of applications are laser processing, 3-D printing, optical inspection, or scanning.

PI Physik Instrumente now offers the particularly robust V and V linear stages for such fields of application. High-precision, piezo-based positioning systems for millimeter travel ranges are required in many fields, as for example in microscopy, in the automation of manual tools, or in mobile devices, in systems for micromanipulation, in optomechanics, and for scientific instruments as well as increasingly for industrial applications.

PI Physik Instrumente , a solution supplier of high-precision positioning systems, has incorporated many positioning solutions originally developed for specific applications into its standard range of products. Laser processing, electronics production, optical inspection, and many more automation solutions require dynamic, precise and at the same time reliable positioning systems that can be easily integrated into machines.

PI Physik Instrumente has therefore extended its product portfolio for industrial positioning solutions with the L and L linear stages. This year's European Photonics Industry Consortiums EPIC on the subject of "automation for manufacturing, packaging, and inspecting optoelectronic elements" meeting took place in PI's new technology center at the headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany, from the 22 nd to 23 rd May The two-day event proved to be the ideal networking platform for a large number of photonics specialists from all over the world, who were interested in automating their high-precision production and inspection lines.

PI Physik Instrumente has successfully established itself on the market as solution supplier of high-precision positioning systems. I now go inbuying in Afterdeductions and Irreducible Netto and Minimal , because my coolcupboard is vacuum -.

WACH - Der Film

Comment Trifle It does me pain when I you over the meaning of "bazillusirgendwelche" in the dark left have. Naturally must it first checked become. Now must I further work. Comment sorry that I no time have. Ich habe zu sauber hoch das lebende Zimmer. But I find this discussion real interesting. Comment Jeff, Ah- you are soundful inbreed case. And a comsopolitician worldburgher onshiningly. But are you then inwanderer, or have you in Boston great become? I'm an Germ, but like speech of the fishing saxons, and also 6-Gear, cause bad english does not fall up that much here: I had the nose full and I went to house - quite one-fold, or?

Ich hoffe, Ich tatn't beleidigen Dich. I am in Boston born and earwaxed. Must but of a day backgo. Comment Sehn' wir hier ein Tunnel am Ende des Lichts? Come you oversetters now in the aisles, or what? We make full here, and when me no day of my life more enjoys! Comment This is really a heavy piece of work! Oh, I see straight, my clock has given the ghost up. I think the machinist is dead. I say it yes, how the mister so the dishes. This is everything a little bit throughanother. But I press us the thumbs that this misery has soon an end. Have you captured this.

Comment I look out the window, and what see I? It shines a gentlemanly late summer day to become. Out the window to look is a nice underbreaking of longwhily oversetting work. But I must now return to my picture umbrella and awayset my oversetting. Comment Here seems the sun too. When I it me permit can, out the window to look, call I that thought freetime. That is a good offchangeling sometimes. You are from Boston? I heard that you there great Tea Parties have Which tea use you, Chinese or Ceylon?

Comment Wolfman, Jeff is still sleeping, he's working time shift. But I can fill in: They use Roi Bush, the brother of George Bush. Now in coming cold season they make Ice Tea Parties in Boston. Nightinbile, I hear you trappin' - you bring worm sunseem in this threat, wiz anozer great play on wordz. I can this so-cooked little outbuild: OK, is selfpuzzled "Knittelvers" only found no fishingrod-saxony overlatering in damn hole LEO , and is not great sealing, selfunderstandly.

Hope that it not zuckz. Should there densers among the disgusters be, should they lover what substancefull here display. Otherersites, I bet that Willem his Pear shake would, when he this filament read could the ryhme was not upsightly, that must on german setbuilding layed have.

So lang, kauf kauf! Kannst Du raten, nach Lesen Nadjas Frage? Between Peoplechurch and Cheeks. Had we rooibos here, would I all self drink! So what would I not supposed have. Entweder Weg, das war ein gut ein! Wirklich machte mich zerbrechen hinauf! Comment Jeffle, thank deer for liquidating the riddles. They have prepared me much head-disruption. Neben dem Weg, wie sind Dinge aufgehend beim 6-gear Beine-Clickbildchen? Everycase, now I make me me-nothing-you-nothing out of the dust, I hope I must not hear so many sweetwood-raspers as in the twinkle-box yesterday.

I hold that for offlift that you Grandpianos for rent have! I declutch me know for today from this Gear. Ich tatn't meinen zu foltern dich wie das, Trifle. Nicht weit von Dolly Garmisch-Partonkirchen Wood. So, now shines it, tjat I a Schwobifier am. You should but our Familie-dreffa onetime see! We make every July a little Oilguy middle in Massachusetts, or in Connecticut. Comment Jeffle, du bischde greeschd 'm Flecka!

Yeah, I go again after Feetn in Oelgoi preciser: Steedheaden to see forkkenlake and Lock New Swanstone. Dehs glaubscht Du mir! Wie misset mia des vorschtelle: Comment es Jeffle un es Trifle: Jeff, perhaps you can invite me to your next great Boston Tea Party - I'll bring the cookies with! Trifle, wherefrom have you such a sweet name?

My woman loves trifle. Do come her not too near! Especially not after a good midday eating Now must I sleeping go. It is yes soon weekend Just I wanted to pull the sticker out the dose, when my optical receptors messaged my synapses that Wolfman another yellow panel glued has on the filament of glory. Where had you crumbled yourself, was that something terminal or what? That that clear is: Up each fall we must join Boston Tea Party. I bet they make what in the tea, or mean you manyeasy they pour in pure tea?

Ah,yes, Trifle is any Germ term. It has even what to say, but is little 6-geared to cover my Sourcrowd identity. So I can like muzzle-cast dig into LEO's acre. And yep, make you no sorrow, I will no unfitting approachtrial to your wife make, big Indian Honor word is she nice? Hope tomorrow goes endly again what up here Would it you something outmake me to tell where exactly?

I have with-read this thread since some time, but it falls me heavy in this new language to write. Please have some backsight with me. Comment Trifale und Jeffale: Such a pile Suebians here at 6-gear! Trifale, maybe I have overread it, but where careful comesch you here? I come out the nearness from Eye's castle. So, give not up too early.

Man oh man, make yourself not in the trousers. I let you not hang. I was it not who with this cabbage begun has. It it you still falls heavy you must more train. Training makes the master! I must still a little work before the weekend. Then, off to the underground, eating behind let and to waste-home travel.

Adam - Die letzte Chance der Menschheit by Raimon Weber on Apple Books

I'm always happy when I see my river - the Dysentry! Now first time, on-again-see! Comment "It it you still falls heavy you must more train" That should heat "If it Comment Nadjale, I find that class that you write 'comesch'. That is true swobyfied 6-Gearle.

Wolfman, that bequiets me, I thought you let us slopes here. Thushalf I appealed at your answerliness. Hope that you it not be-remorsen does, that you 1rst answerpfostung made have! This is full of numbers, we call that number grave. The ground is only, that he has very bad digit memorial. He can himself never on what remembern, and then he swines me with such: There's an unwritten rule in this company: Get it down on paper" and so.

I always do,but all Post-its fall up from my picture umbrella, before due date is reached. They glue not good, goes it you exact so? I go now in meeting and see later after great gear. Hope I find many new yellow panels, also from great sunseem and offchangeling girls -. Comment Wolfman, you are again not at the thing. You MUST correct sixgear around here, and not others a bad by-game give. See how many labours the girls themselves give in writing right speech wrong! So don't you write wrong speech right here! What can I therefore that I a dialect speak and write.

I live in the coal pot, Wastehome-on-the-Dysentry, when you it precise to know want. Now is me but a painly mistake underrun: Comment I get so a neck so a neck!!!! All these better-knowers and nose-whites Who forzt you then? Thus you are yes done not a borne swaebele but a hessian! Comment ah, bossess, I understand yet a fun. Are we again good with-one-other? Know you, man sees not, if the other has a a ligthning in her eyes But say you what,I'm flat. You grow onshining over yourself out here. And utterthem voice I you to, that nobody should feel forzed to be pfostend here.

Wolfman, I know that you a true wastehomer are, and also eating-wastehome oscillator. I have but not withbecome that you coalpott dialick here inbrings. Under this facepoint, you please sorrify my clevershittery. I stand me for, that you now and then on bank of dysentery sit and sing: This 6-gear-English is not so easy like man thinks on the first view. Where here can you so good swobify? And how dignity it oneself onhear when you dignity hessify?

Comment Nadja, so isch's, man falls standily back in that Oxford slang,dis-changes setbuildings, and second-hands correct oversettings at place from wrong ones, which are the correct ones here. But after while goes that over ins blood, and then makes that such a colossusjoke! What now swobian onbelongs, an earlier knowner from me, that came from Stuarged or Charly'sTranquility cunnomore remembra named me 'Schiereburzler', and there have I him fully disghostered atlooked.

Out pure withpain gave he me a book "Swobify yourself in 3 weeks,des glaubscht Du mir" and I worked me very groundly in that matter in. But I trust me not here to hessify, I befear this dialicks is not so beloved. You rememba manyeasy "Have mercy So dignity that sound. Like handcheese with muzik! Come you to Boston, so will we a Tea Party foronfigure. I will us with the tea forsorrow, if you friendlierwise any nun's fartlets withbring can. Make we what in the tea? That goes owntly not-- man must the teablats in woodforslags in the haven thereinwarp. We would but this in the forout outmake must.

Jetz brech ich ma wirklich zusammen! Un dann lern ich Dich ma' Englisch. Da bisse abba vonne Socken, eh! Thanks for the invite to tea in Boston, but can I the tea make? It is only because a Canadian friend said that he his car with American beer washs and I know not what he over American tea said That is what goose others! The offsight thereon is it, the tea in the harbor to smit, and then a good cup coffee not Sternenbock outtocost.

But when you a good tea wish, here find you it: Man can them unbegrounded bynear senseless slag, and grad before they in withoutpower fall, say they "Deguiltification, eh? Watt geht hier ab,samma? Ich sach ma watt hier Sache is: Un mit Kuffnuckensprache beibringen brauchs mir ga nich erst kommen. Krichich selbst auffe Reihe, habbich kein Trabbel mit! Comment Ja, liabs Herrgottlevonbibrbach! Ui send mr zwoi sotte Seggl, abr scho sotte Bluads-Seggl! I steckt ui boide inda Saag ond loss da Schtecka danza.

Now you give you your hands and say deguiltification and then go we tea in the pot thrown. I beat for, that we us again contracten,hearmma! I'm namely not aftercarrying - NB: I find that simple super that Jeffle for us a teaparty foronfigures. But like always I'm too mad for the speechriddle: Was in direction of "Klosterfrau Melissenghost" thinking, then got stuck.

Or is that swobian special gedrink? Would me enjoy when anycorpse me that overlatern could. Only when it no gutterword is,what here not displayed become can. There I can help you wider: Und wie das Bindeglied sagt, es hat originalich nichts zu tun mit Furz. Wir tun haben mehr lustige Sachen zu essen hier: Comment Nadjale, I knew that you me under the arms grip would, you shine to know where Barthel his must fetches. To my honor-rescue I lead here on, that it my urgent suspicion was, that we it here with a non saloon-capable word to do have.

This bewhites the statement viewable via your "Bandage limb" I have backsixgeared,hoho. I admire the brits which, in case it happens that this word into sound turns in real life, manage the situation with the saying: I now go out littlebit, to desneeze the latesummersunseembeams. Bitte nicht als Vorwurf oder gar Angriff auf Wolfman verstehen. Degultification for the late answord, but I have not 6-geared in the last time and have a lot to afterread. A little cow-hole Kuhkaff near arse-ape-castle, there live I. I can good forstand that you find it heavy in 6-gear to write ;-.

Ziz is a good infall!!! Can you one reserve for me? It becomes always more heavy without a 6-gear wordsbook. I find writing goes yes still, but all this to forstand is not so light. Es wird nicht mehr lange nehmen zu reichen an die , you are industrious or is it 'fliesy' now? Gezz is abba Pannas am Schwenkmast. But I musted "Trifale" first in the barriers point.

There can yes everyone come! I say yes, those coal pot "prolls" and if they yet a "Manta" drive with their elbow out the window We Waste-homers are there a different beat. We have the wisdom with spoons eaten. Rupture yourself together and speak 6-gear! Dysentery pot German is here forbidden. I hope you beg soforth for deguiltification, otherwise will you be outcastled from this knowledgeshaftly circle of language artists.

Sometimes must one a power word speak Comment This thunderweather was but emergency-fexible, Ingrid. On me have these bang-bonces not listen woolen. You need yourself not to deguiltify, from and to you easy have not the time to answord. I come out of Goldstream, that is still nearer on arse-ape-castle. I learn all-flourily to write in 6-gear. You must only think different around before you write. It is still not light, but it goes. Man oh man, if my englishteacheress of the performance course would this see, she would jump in the triangle or even in the four-corner.

But on every fall it makes a lot of fun so nonsense to write. And it bequiets me to see that it gives more so crazy people how me because almost all people hold me for behammered when I such things as this here make. Comment Is this the place on the the dog lies buried? It is only heavy to understand that no northlights themselves to recognize gave have. After the tea party can we but cabbage and pee eat! Is anybody newgreedy there-up?

I must admit, that I am one of the biggest murderers. But then and when must I also try to hammer some culture from my corner in the heads of the people. That can I only with dysentry pot language. But I can also 6-gear when I want! Lockly have I the first dumb entry written and I'm proud there-upon! Eh, you old after-table, where hide you yourself? Come back, I do you nothing! I am really newgreedy up green cabbage and pee! Make you the party? Load us right-timely in. Comment Wolfman yes, i will a round-writing make when it is so far. Comment These oversetters have eye-shinly a wheel off.

But I would-like-english-sepaker have my short while. Comment I see that it you only thus goes the to reach. So give I my mustard to it. It is not light the colleagues to explain when man simple in laughing outbreakes without one openseeingly reason. We are all no translators - I show here into only for the joy on it I wish you all that you soon reaches.

If only somebody me explain could what then passes on leo - what becomes the Faden then? I have this Faden first now uncovered. Also when it me the greatest pleasure be-rides, all to read, think i however at my loving there-home. I make celebration evening. My pressurer has also made the straddle. I am also new-greedy on cabbage and pee, but I think I must me overgive when I it eat. I am not lived on that nordish food and I think it would me bad become. But perhaps I have only a dumb fore-judgment about green cabbage and pee.

Maybe you want in against-train try squeezed head and rind stomach. That is typical food for arse-ape-castle and around-giving. I find it also to puking, but my daddy has a fore-love therefore.

Perhaps can we all together-stand a cross-through-Germany-menu we have yes already the Suebian nun's fartlets and so further. A really 6-gear disgusting menu. Trifle Thu Aug 28 Valentine, yes yes Goldstream understand I. There is nothing honor-stirring on green cabbage and pee.

The last is only a mix-max of bacon, grit and so further. No ground un-calm to be: But with the many before-beats will the menu many-light more as 6 gears have! Now is end with funny also for me. I make myself on my homeway but I will further over all these thought-plays after-think. Er hat halt Blei und Lot verwechselt, zumal das Lot ja oft ein Senkblei ist.

Comment Ich kann hier nicht mehr reingucken - I turn through! That hold you in the head not out. New Kid on the Block - all-he-things allerdings nimm mal weiter die Tabletten und halte Dich fern von uns, dann besteht noch eine Chance auf Besserung Therewith I stand in the fog. We could learn you what. You is not to help! I give up for today.

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It has just rung at the door. Two nice young men in white grin at me and want to take me to a safe place - already again! I'll look after you! Translation from dysentry pot slang: I must me first time from this dumb-sense recuperate. Morrow am I again there. Nur ein wildes Raten. Comment Auch einer hat zu bildschrollen einen langen Weg runter zu kommen zu dem meist neulichen Pfosten. Comment I laugh me dead. I make me in the trousers.

You are the nails to my coffin!! You make me fix and ready! This is really under all pig. And the hammer is: I love it like liver-cheese and goose-flowers. In einer Auseinanderschmetter rund von Neukommern auf 'zu Rauch oder nicht' einigeiner machte die Wiedermarke: Comment I am sure all school emptyers are full of bewonderment for the masterly Narrowlish in this thread.

All heads must smoke until we the thread full made have. Comment I must also for deguiltification beg: But mornings my brain cells are like dead because the circle run functions still not. I should cast coffee into my throat. You know that practice makes the master! Comment NKadS - '.. Gib' mir einen Bruch!

That was a good one! What lottery ticket is ask you? Have you they yet all? Comment It must heat 'I throw me away', arghhh! My brain cells are a little bit throughanother today. Comment It is soon midday eating time! I must look what it in our canteen gives: And sour flesh with sauce! I love hearty courthouses, they taste me good. This makes my breast-basket swell before pride!! Comment Have you Haschisch in your pocket, go you up like a rocket!!!

Oh, tu' nicht danken dem meist unwertigen Beiabgebor von gerecht ein wenig winzig kleines einigeding. Vom Lauf ich nehme Stolz im Tuen so und in dem Wort: Ik bin ain sechs-Triebwerk-Knapplischer! Comment But have you hashish in your head, will you soon be in your bed! German word episode here with denserish feedom lightly changed. There is the overteacher in me with me throughgone, duc'-guilty- r ifle-g. Nein Weg-Zaun hineingespannt, ehrenwertlich! But to luck comprehend we all fun, not true?

Comment all Do you know what I think we have all a screw loose!!!! It is really to on the trees climb! Ich kann nicht einbilden, dass wir fallen kurz vor den Wir sind alles aber rennend kurz von Ideen. Du tust nicht brauchen einen wave with the fence pole, in Ordnung zu erreichen das Tor. Comment Peter ja, in-schuld. Comment now what must man then write when man no more knows - at goodest man writes above eating and weather. What for a fish is that? My courthouse today midday was massacred swine or, in high-stitched German: You know, the motto is: Comment Ah, dies'st Dorisisch!

Ich liebe Narrowlish, aber wie tun wir rufen die Opposition? Peter, "Mit-Liga von Bergwerk", rollend auf der Etage lachend! Aber was meint "In-liebte" und "Etage"? Ich tue nicht bekommen es. There have I tendon-addiction after. Tomorrow must I once in my cookbook leafen, once looken if I a pair of presciptions from to-home find, who themselves here in Australia cooken letten with the too-deeds who man here becomes. That goes me down like oil and I promise you that i my best give will that you on the floor stay before laugh.

Comment Catharina, ich tue nicht bekommen euch -- was tut ihr erwartest uns zu tun, sollen wir folgen-hoch in Keimbei-fehlend oder hier? Welches exaktlich ist eure Zukunft Pfostung? Comment How too ever one it now understanding like, I think it is not good the postings to overstep! Already now is so much time from-needing to load this page, that I pre-beat a new thread to start.