
The Dead Man: Ring der Klingen (The Dead Man Serie 2) (German Edition)

The second book in the series establishes the pattern: Also established in the pattern: In this installment, in search of answers from another person who was listed in a psychology text as having had a similar condition The second book in the series establishes the pattern: In this installment, in search of answers from another person who was listed in a psychology text as having had a similar condition, Matt gets embroiled in bizarre demon worship in a secluded psych facility, which is exactly one level worse than the stuff you always suspect goes on in psych facilities.

Being a short and quick read, it doesn't take the time to answer questions it raises about how exactly a facility in a heavily regulated industry could go to hell'n'gone without anyone noticing there's not even the kind of lampshading that makes, say, Stephen King's original "Children of the Corn" short story work , but it's a quick and visceral adventure. Not in itself a reason to get into the series, but an acceptable installment.

Apr 02, Randy rated it it was amazing. Matt Cahill is the Dead Man. Caught in an avalanche while on a skiing trip, his frozen body is found three months later and, when it thaws, he's still alive. And he sees things now that others can't. The evil in people before something bad happens. He also sees Mr. Dark, an obviously monstrous figure. Matt is headed to an Carthage Mental Health Center to interview a patient named Jesse Weston that he'd read about in a book. He'd been trapped for days alone on a ledge after a companion had been ki Matt Cahill is the Dead Man.

He'd been trapped for days alone on a ledge after a companion had been killed in a fall. Now he spoke of a figure called Rotting Jack who came t him. Matt wanted to find out if it was the same as Mr. When he arrives, he's told that Weston had transferred out and the Doctor who'd arranged he interview was now a patient.

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But Matt knows something is not right. The place is dirty and he;s told the administrator and the head nurse had simply left. Before the night is over, Matt must face the ring of knives and Rotting Jack to rescue a young woman patient. And face his own enemy, in the process learning more about himself, what he has become, and what the future holds. Mar 31, Jaime rated it really liked it Shelves: This was an excellent book.

Book 2 branches over into the supernatural more than the first one, but it's done in an interesting and believable way However, I think in this novel it is, although I'm still uncertain if the main character, Matt Cahill, has figured out yet whether he's good or evil. It's clear from the reader's point of view which one he is.

This story is about a man in search of his own identity. He went throu This was an excellent book. He went through a near death and possibly just death experience in the first book and he's trying to figure out exactly who he is and what his purpose is in this second book. This leads him on a search to an insane asylum where he wishes to interview a man who went through the same thing that he did in hopes of unraveling this mystery.

This series is a must read for anyone interested in mysteries, thrillers, or horror. The main character is trying to save the world and himself, one decaying corpse at a time, who could ask for more? Jul 10, Katy rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: However, things are very much awry at the mental health center — doctors and administrators have been going missing, and the aides seem to be mostly using their work time to smoke and watch TV.

What evil is lurking in this place?

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Is there anything Matt can do to stop the spread of evil? We learn more about Matt, what has happened to him, and he starts to formulate a purpose to his return to life. We also are given some more of his past and memories. The action is fast and furious, and the one-liners are great — I laughed several times. Sep 24, Chris rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Book 1 introduced us to Matt Cahill and Mr. Book 2 seemingly didn't continue where number 1 left off. Thus, lending more credence to this coming across as a TV series that should be, but only exists in novella form.

I wonder if the 3rd book will be the same, or will the Annica character that was a part of this episode continue on.

Anyway, this was a much darker story than the last. Also, it remin Ok. Also, it reminded me of an X-Files, or Millenium episode in terms of mood.

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The eerie mental hospital where things have gone wrong, learning what the true ring of knives is, and the glowing tree truly horrible , all fit within those other universes. Well, there are many more where this one came from, so we'll continue to see what happens to Matt and Mr. Jun 02, Holly West rated it really liked it. This second installment of the Dead Man series is a great start to Matt Cahill's journey in finding out what he is. In it, Cahill is on a quest to meet Jesse Weston, a man he suspects is in the same situation as he is, hoping to learn something about himself.

But when he arrives at Carthage, the mental inst This second installment of the Dead Man series is a great start to Matt Cahill's journey in finding out what he is. But when he arrives at Carthage, the mental institution where Jesse resides, Cahill learns that Jesse is no longer there and that the doctor who treated him has mysteriously disappeared as well.

I'm off to read the third installment right now. Jun 10, Brandon rated it liked it. The second novella in the series did not disappoint, either, although I didn't care for it as much as the first.

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Daniels kept the story going well, although I enjoyed the writing style of the first much more. The protagonist attempts to find some answers to the mystery surrounding "Mr. I'm definitely going to read the rest of the series. They're cheap enough on Kindle, and they're free one per month to borrow if you are an Amazon Prime member.


Nov 15, Jayme rated it really liked it. OK, I'm hooked on this series. After reading the first book of the series, "Face of Evil". Book 2 Ring of Knives was non-stop action. The writing was just as good as the first one but this book was where the action was at. The only reason this book didn't get 5 stars is the length. It just like the first one OK, I'm hooked on this series. It just like the first one , ends way to soon. That is ok though, it gets me to the third one quicker. Great series so far. Mar 04, Pearce rated it really liked it. I was pleased to find that the second book in The Dead Man series is a lot better than the first.

This time, Matt has to deal with shenanigans at a nightmarish psychiatric institution, when he drops by to visit an inmate who may have the same troubles that he has. James Daniels does a good job of maintaining a tight pace with plenty of gory, disturbing and blackly funny incidents while parceling out clues as to what kind of path Matt might go down if he doesn't keep on top of things. My reaction I was pleased to find that the second book in The Dead Man series is a lot better than the first. My reaction to the third book in the series will decide whether I'm hooked on The Dead Man or if it's a once-in-a-while deal.

Aug 03, Debbie rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm completely hooked on this series of shorts. I can easily finish one in a day and want to tear through them all but I'm trying to be restrained and allow myself to enjoy the anticipation of the next story I should note this is not my normal genre. I haven't read a King or Koontz in years. I fell into the series because James Reasoner is involved and I'm working my way through the 10 books in his Civil War series. The first in The Dead Man series popped up as a "you might be interested in The second entry in The Dead Man series focuses more on the main character searching for answers and feels largely like a second episode in a television series.

Like it's predecessor it's short, I finished them both in approximately 2 hours, but I kind of enjoy the episodic nature of the series since it prevents me from getting bogged down with a long adventure. Jan 03, Lenae rated it liked it. Matt is searching for answers being dead for three months can make you question a few things and thinks that he's found a man that can help him. Still a great concept but just like in the first one I have some issues with the transitions If my brain has to stop and think about it too much its hard to get lost.

Sep 08, James rated it really liked it. This is an improvement over the first book, The Dead Man, and I really enjoyed that one. I'm especially interested in the connection between Rotting Jack and Mr. Dark and if they are one and the same. The implementation of the white stag is also another puzzle. I will definitely make sure that I read the third installment. May 16, C. Daley rated it liked it Shelves: I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the first one.

I thought the first one had a smoother feel to it. It still offered up plenty of violence and horror. Remember if you are reading this series you are reading pulp. LIke a Doc Savage only with gore. Again, the book did enough to keep me satisfied and moving forward to the next installment.

www.newyorkethnicfood.com: William Goldberg: Books

Dec 29, Lisa rated it liked it Shelves: Same review as Book 1, but for heaven's sake, this was a blood bath. And what the heck happened to the jack-o'-lantern monster weirdo? I think he might be wandering around my neighborhood May 31, Eric rated it it was ok. Much better than the disaster that was book one. Even better writing wasn't enough to save the book for me.

At this point I am done with the series. I don't get why it gets such high ratings. May 03, Joel Goldman rated it it was amazing. The second installment in this series rocks like the first one. Book 2 of 3. Book 3 of 3.

  1. www.newyorkethnicfood.com: James Daniels: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle.
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  4. Ring of Knives (Dead Man Book 2);
  5. More About the Authors. Okay, that's not true. But he wants this biography to be really exciting, so pay attention. If things bog down, I've been instructed to add a car chase or some explicit sex. Here's the real story. Lee Goldberg writes books and television shows. His mother wanted him to be a doctor, and his grandfather wanted him to go into the family furniture business. He published his first book ". The West Coast Review of Books called his debut "as stunning as the report of a.

    Naturally, the publisher promptly went bankrupt and he never saw a dime in royalties. Nothing excited her more than being around a writer with a big list of books. Got your attention again? I don't know about you, but I was starting to nod off. Goldberg broke into television with a freelance script sale to "Spenser: His two careers, novelist and TV writer, merged when he began writing the "Diagnosis Murder" series of original novels, based on the hit CBS TV mystery that he also wrote and produced, and later wrote the 15 bestselling novels based on "Monk," another show that he worked on.

    He's also the co-creator of Amazon's "The Dead Man" series of monthly horror novellas and the author of the crime thriller "King City. But perhaps he's best known for his pioneering work mapping the human genome and negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement. Get to Know Us.