
When can it do errands?

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While an errand is usually something you do and not a place, the word errand typically implies you have to travel to places such as stores, etc. So you never say run to some errands but merely run some errands. Simply put, ran an errand means the same as did an errand. Here, run is not literal. Run has many meanings , which include perform, complete, accomplish. Furthermore, you could drive or walk to your destinations and still say that you ran errands.

In he runs to do an errand , I would take runs to be literal.

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In other words, in order to complete his errand, he physically runs. Notice that this is different in meaning from he ran an errand. In my opinion, the image includes a running person to imply that they will do the work quickly, promptly.

It is does not imply that they will literally run to do the errands. Chances are they will be driving around town. Also, run an errand is more common than do an errand: By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. I understand what 'run' means in these sentence: Can you run as fast as Mike?

5 Strategies for Reducing Your Time Running Errands

I ran to meet her. Dasik 1, 6 18 There are some words in English that are used in a multitude of ways in idioms. See the comment from sumelic above.

Errand Meaning

Mr Winchester's wonderful piece on the verb run from the N. Y Times is here.

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Dant Jun 25 '17 at 3: To be clear, the physical act of running has nothing to do with the idiom run an errand. You could just as well crawl, skip, or pilot a helicopter in the course of completing the errand. Run here means perform. In fact, I'm not certain I would use "do" for errands outside the house as they typically are I would read it in the same way I understand run a computer program.

Mark Foskey 1, 3 4.

run an errand

I do think "run an errand" implies that you are going somewhere else to do the errand. I wouldn't use this idiom to describe a task I have to do at my current location. DavidZ Doesn't errand itself imply that the task requires departing from where one is right now? JimMacKenzie Yes, it does, though I would say not as strongly as when paired with "run".

Take care of things online. As much as possible, try to take care of your errands online. With search and eCommerce, you can find almost any product you need on sites like Amazon, much faster and more conveniently than you would in a store. Before you leave, optimize your route so that all your destination points are aligned in the most reliable, shortest path. Preparing a list in advance of running errands helps you avoid forgetting your most important action items, but also helps you stay focused and organized.

If you try to stop at the grocery store at 5: Finally, try to delegate at least some of your errands. Having someone else pick up the dry cleaning or take your child to an appointment can spare you up to an hour, and you have several options to get this done. You could ask your spouse or a close relative to handle the errands occasionally, or alternate errand duty with a close friend or neighbor. If you feel a serious time crunch, you could even try to hire a part-time personal assistant, who can take care of the bulk of your personal errands for you.

Do an errand - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

Once you shave a few hours off your week by applying these strategies, you can use the time however you feel like. View the discussion thread.

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