
Dialogues interreligieux pour une éthique de lenvironnement (French Edition)

We may form our own community land trust or we may partner with a local authority in an arms length trust. We will know in 6 months or so. Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels. CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses.

Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers.

Comité catholique contre la faim et pour le développement

Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June http: My background is on computer science and engineering, and I have worked as an academic interdisciplinary researcher for 12 years on incentive mechanisms both economic and non-economic for peer-to-peer systems and the NetHood project, or what we have called recently "the right to the hybrid city": They are both inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches on the concept of DIY networking and community wireless networks.

Nader Alami : dialogue inter-religieux avec Karim al Hanifi

See also a recent special JoPP issue: For cooperative housing, you might also find this page interesting: I am currently a semi-professional musiciana, and my current interests, along with the above topics, include translation-interpretation, English language, socially conscious art, modern economics, P2p practices, and transitioning to a post-scarcity economy.

I represent myself as an 'artist-organiser', cultural producer, educator and independent researcher. I am specialised in developing and leading inter- and trans- disciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks.

I am from central Scotland, grew up and lived there until , however I have been based in Helsinki and Eastern-Baltic Sea region since the end of I consider myself a Commons activist working from within the cultural sector.

OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies | www.newyorkethnicfood.com online libraries - www.newyorkethnicfood.com

As a personal example I also contribute as much of my artistic-research work to the Cultural Knowledge Commons, archiving media and documents to http: From early until end of , I was coordinator and facilitator of the 'Pixelversity' around-the-year informal educational programme for Pixelache.

I am currently involved in their ongoing work-group project 'Ferment Lab' , and as a board-member self-allocated responsibility for international networks and archival processes. All more or less relate to participatory or commons-based peer-production. Aalto University, [which can be accessed here: I have also written in about the connections between rural cooperative traditions and network culture: Daniela Patti is a co-founder of Eutropian.

  • La Empatía Cuántica: La forma de crear éxito y felicidad (Spanish Edition);
  • Welcome The Darkness (The Get Book 2).
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Specialised in urban regeneration and environmental planning through collaborative processes, her recent research and projects focus on the governance of peri-urban landscape, the revitalisation oflocal food markets and new economic models for urban development. Furthermore, in and she worked for the Rome Municipality, where she elaborated the strategy for the access to the European Structural Funds to be invested on urban regeneration.

Since , she is Board Member of the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture, responsible for its collaborative planning series.

Le Saint-Siège : Etat incontournable de la diplomatie mondiale ?

Between and , she has been a researcher at the Central European Institute of Technology, where she was responsible for the Project Management of EU Smart Cities and urban regeneration projects. My name is Martin Pedersen and I have been doing research on and been involved in a wide variety of commons, temporary and "permanent" - material and "immaterial", since the early s. A great source of inspiration for paradigmatically different ways of sharing, living and learning in common has been two years working with indigenous people in the Amazon, to where I will also return soon and spend considerable time the next three years.

I do freelance work editing and preparing texts of various kinds for publication, incl. Son terrain principal est la Kabylie. Constantin Petcou is a Paris-based architect whose work stresses the intersections between architecture, urbanism and semiotics. Constantin has co-edited Urban Act: A handbook for alternative practice and Trans-local-Act: Cultural practices within and across and R-Urban Act: Her research is focused on gender, space and participation in architecture.

Her approach broadens the scope of architectural discourse by bringing cultural, social and political issues to bear on design processes, while her methodology combines architectural theory and design, contemporary arts, social sciences, political philosophy and feminist theory. She is the editor of Altering Practices: Working with uncertain architectures and Trans-local-act: Cultural practices within and across and The Social re Production of Architecture One must abandon consumerism for sobriety, the culture of domination over other individuals and over nature to the benefit of fraternity with both.

With the encyclical, ecology from peripheral becomes central to the Christian message.

Il commence par quatre constats:. Il est aussi correct de dire:. Les moyens actuels nous permettent de communiquer et de partager des connaissances et des sentiments. La seconde est fondamentalement pessimiste, malthusienne, et repose sur la limitation des naissances.

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La nature est une Promesse non encore accomplie. Le pape, toutefois, ne va pas aussi loin que Moltmann. De quels automatismes le pape parle-t-il?

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  3. Old Europe, New Europe and the US: Renegotiating Transatlantic Security in the Post 9/11 Era.
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  6. Perdidos en el tiempo (Spanish Edition);
  7. Gottlieb, This Sacred Earth: Kellner, , Post-modern theory , New York, N. Charte de la terre , [En ligne] URL: Varet coordinateur et V. In addition to original research articles of high quality, we will also publish book reviews, discussion notes, and survey articles. Legal responsibility for the content of published articles lie with the author. De Ethica is an Open Access publication with no publication fee.

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    This means that the contents of the journal are published free of charge for authors, and can be accessed free of charge by readers. Additionally authors are free to archive the copy-edited version of the article at his or her web page, or at their university's web page. Ethics in Higher Education. De Ethica Journal Overview.