
Stop Preaching and Start Communicating: Communication Principles Preachers Can Learn from Television

The dilemma of preaching and hearing God’s word

I said the voice of the Lord comes to us in our own thoughts. This is saying that communication with God is Spirit to spirit, not brain to brain or mouth to ear, the way we communicate in the physical realm. The Lord speaks to our spirits, not in words, but in thoughts and impressions. I learned this the hard way while pastoring in Pritchet, Colorado. All the elders of the church were custom combiners. Six months of the year, they were gone following the wheat harvest. They insisted that we ordain another elder who would always be there. However, being a man, I went with logic instead of my heart.

Within two weeks of the others leaving for wheat harvest, this new elder turned into the devil himself. In his reports to the elders, he accused me of stealing money from the church, committing adultery, drinking, smoking, and everything else you can imagine. It was a terrible experience.

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As soon as this man showed his true colors, I knew in my heart that the feelings and thoughts I had were the Lord speaking to me, and I had dismissed them as my own. I made a decision right then and there that I would never ignore my heart again. This verse has often been interpreted to mean that the Lord will give you whatever you want and has been used to justify selfishness, greed, and even adultery. He will make His desires become your desires. I once was planning a trip to Costa Rica, a place I had been before, and was excited to be returning to. Yet, as I prayed about it, I lost my desire to go.

Instead, I actually felt dread about going.

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The first thing I did when that happened was make sure I was really seeking the Lord with my whole heart. While on a road trip, I spent seventeen hours praying in tongues, and the more I got my mind stayed on the Lord, the less I wanted to go back to Costa Rica. On the strength of that alone, I canceled the trip. The plane I had booked my flight on crashed on take-off from Mexico City, killing all persons onboard. That is the dominant way the Lord speaks to us, and we often miss that kind of communication.

One of the most important decisions of my life came in I was in college when the Lord radically touched my life, and all my desires changed. Then all hell broke loose. Leaders in my church told me I was hearing from the devil. Without the deferment, I stood a good chance of ending up in Vietnam. Because of these adverse reactions to my decision, I backed off for a while and was absolutely miserable. I realized I was in sin because of indecision. I determined to make a faith decision that night and stick with it.

Today Is the Day. The Glory of Preaching.

Part 1—The Preacher’s Dilemma

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The Jazz of Preaching. Getting Students to Show Up. Get it Across Loud and Clear: Interpreting the Psalms for Teaching and Preaching.

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  4. The dilemma of preaching and hearing God’s word | The Briefing.
  5. Stop Preaching And Start Communicating Communication Principles Preachers Can Learn From Television.
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