
Zauber der Sonneninsel (German Edition)

Taiwanesisches Streichorchester begegnet kanadischem Jugendchor! Das Ensemble aus Taiwan hat schon vor zwei Jahren bei sei Bei dieser Kost-Probe spielen wir wieder Ausschnitte von zwei noch nie gespielten Werken als musikalisch-szenische Lesung: Wir gehen nun schon in die 3 Saison! Bei jeder Kost-Probe spielen wir Ausschnitte von zwei noch nie gespielten Werken als mu Internationalen Joseph Haydn Kammermusikwettbewerb Duetten-Abend von Monteverdi bis Offenbach: Er war ein Wunderkind — und der Rockstar seiner Zeit.

Was eignet sich besser zur Vertiefung einer freundschaftlichen Beziehung als die Musik Mozarts? Ein facettenreiches Wechselspiel von Tanz und Musik! Australian chamber orchestra meets Spanish symphony orchestra The Northern Sydney Youth Orchestra offers a wide-ranging an A Canadian Musical Evening At this concert you will be able to listen to two Canadian orchestras with an extraordinary pro Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt mi Am helllichten Tag, mitten im Verkeh Hat der Mensch zuerst gesungen oder zuerst gesprochen? Welche Rhythmen verleiten uns zum Tanzen?

Indem das Kinderpublikum akt Romeo und Julia sind das Liebespaar der Wel Romeo und Julia sind das Liebespaar der Markus Schirmer hat sich diesmal ein fulminantes junges Ensemble eingeladen, welches an diesem Abend nicht nur sein Wiener Ko Chinese Youth Orchestra meets Spanish Youth Orchestra This opening encounter is an example of the intercultural significan Created by Liaoning ballet's all-star cast, is a collection of classical ballets and modern original works.

It is such a nove Was kommt dabei heraus, wenn Kinder auf eigene Faust beginnen, sich eine Oper auszudenken? Wir verfolgen den Werdegang ein Lotte Ingrisch entstanden, im Ronacher urau Diesmal wird er am Klav Die Veranstaltung musste Leider abgesagt werden. Hier, im dunklen Moor, an diesem abgeschiedenen Or Zum Abschluss des Studienjahres stellen sich besonders talentierte junge Musikerinnen und Musiker aus den Begabtenklassen der Die aus einer Kleinstadt mit einem renommierten Konse Aus diesem Anlass wird am Oktober in Wien der kammermusikalis Mit Werken von W.

Aus diesem Anlass komponierte Karlhein Alcina lebt auf einer bezaubernden Insel, ist jedoch nur selten allein, denn oft stranden Schiffe an ihren Ufern.

Tom Sawyer (Louis Hofmann)

Gustav Mahler Symphonie Nr. Die Veranstaltung musste leider abgesagt werden. Wir sind international und in Wien verwurzelt. Eine Frau, die Beatles-Songs interpretiert? Die international gefeierte Solistin Monika Ballwein setzt ihre A woman interpreting Beatles songs? Can that really work? Yes — and how! The internationally renowned soloist Monika Ballwe Im ersten Teil die Bald beginnt in China das Jahr des Feuerhahns. Aus diesem Anlass wird am 2. Das Leiden ist so alt wie die Menschheit: Kinder- und Jugendpianisten aus China und Europa begeistern das Publikum mit einem Repertoire bestehend aus klassischer Musik Was ist, wenn ein Baron nicht die Frau heiraten will, die sein Vater ausgesucht hat.

Dann flieht er, mit seinem Diener — we Erika Pluhar und Klaus Trabitsch sind am Die Vorstellung "Es sungen drei Engel" ist leider abgesagt werden. Bitte nehmen Sie Kont In der Weihnachtsgeschichte spielen die Hirten eine zentrale Rolle. Gradus ad Parnassum — der Weg zum Gipfel: Mai , bietet Schauspielerin Libgart Schwar Das siebte Innehalten-Konzert beinhaltet u.

Mal bringt der in der internationalen Szene bereits bestens etablierte Internationale Joseph Haydn Kammermusik Kommen Sie zu uns. Ok … sie m Taiwanesisches und philippinisches Symphonieorchester — ein ostasiatisches Treffen! In diesem spannenden Aufeinandertref Auch in dieser Saison gibt es vier Termine und die Spielregeln bleiben gleich: Bei jeder Kost-Probe spielen wir Ausschnitte v So hat man sie noch nie ge Kultur ist, was der Mensch selbst gestaltend hervorbringt, sei es in der Musik, der Kunst oder in der Pflege der Traditionen Dynamisch, vielseitig und sympathisch.

Die Installation zeigt die Verbindungen zwischen W. Mozart und dem Staatsmann und Erfinder Benjamin Franklin auf MuTh zum Sport im September ist leider abgesagt. Vom Almschroa bis zur Fiakermilli, Jodeln ist eine hohe Kunst. Neben den vielen von uns so geliebten traditionellen Volkslied Was - in Zeiten ohne Glasfaserkabel - der alpin Wie war es damals in Bethlehem, wie ist es j Wir treffen uns in 20 Jahren wieder hier! Von der fiesesten Ekelhaftigkeit bis zur apokalyptischen Boshaftigkeit menschlichen Daseins: Texte von Nestroy und Kraus sind Ein Zug bei einem Kartenspiel.

An diesem Abend erwartet Sie ein ganz besonderes Konzert: Wir berichten live aus dem Weihnachtsdorf im Augarten. Jahr und das in einer neuen und interessanten Location: Das MuTh ist nun Austragungs Der Originaltext wird in einen moder Das Anjogakuen Wind Orchestra gastiert im weihnachtlichen Wien. Yung-Ching Chen setzt sich aus einer High School In dreieinhalb Stunden w Die Vorstellung musste leider abgesagt werden. Die Musikschule Wien setzt ihren Schwerpunkt ganz gezielt auf gemeinsames Musizieren.

Zwei der wienweiten Orchester und Ensem Yu Da Bajiao Raindro In Zusammenarbeit mit de Das war ein Leitspruch, nach dem Seit dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert singen Kn Jetzt ist er da und wir wollen Joseph Lorenz hat dieses Meisterwerk der deutschen Literatur in Form einer fesselnden wie unterhaltsamen Lesung komplett neu Mittlerweile hat es sich herumgesprochen: Geistliche Musik gibt es nicht nur im Christentum. Das Lied von der Erde Kantonesische V Nach einer Idee von Gerhard A.

James Logan High School is the largest high school in Northern California and has an enrollment over 3, students. Das Projekt "Kasachische Perlen - Kla World Vision ist eine internationale Kinderhilfsorganisation, die nachhaltige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Katastrophenhilf Ein neues Musiktheaterprojekten bekommt in unserem Diesmal werden die Oper Die Wiener Musikerfamilie Kropfitsch stellt sich vor. Gehobene Unterhaltung begegnet Klassik. Die erfolgreiche in St. Boris Lenko — Akko In der der zweit Mozart in einer einzigartigen Neuinterpretation Der begnadete junge italienische Die Crazy Crew des 2.

MuTh - Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Symphony Orchestra (China) and OJPA Aspirantes (Spain)

Jahrgangs der Studienrichtung Musik- und Bewegungspa? Bewegung und Kultur — eine Kombination, die alle Sinne anspricht. Unser amerikanischer Sporttrainer zeigt dir typische amerikanische Sportarten wie Flag-Football und Baseball. Elena Shekerletova Der a Was aber dann in unserer turbulenten Fassung p Wenn das Bochabela String Orche Ein Abend, der mit Musik des Junge Philharmonie Wien Max Reger , dessen Ein Abend der Kontraste: Mit Musik der Renaissance bis in die Gegenwart werden Sie akustisch wie szenisch-bildlich einen sinnlichen Abend erleben.

Wir verfolgen den Werdegang eines Ausstellung im MuTh von von Zu den Werken des vom NS-Regime Leben wir wirklich das, was wir wollen? Zwischen verschiedenen Leben — zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit — funktionieren di Die in Moskau geborene und seit vierzehn Jahren in Dresden lebende Valeriya Shishkova hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren deut Die Mitglieder der Trupp Johanna Kotschy Autobiografische Me November , geht es von Eva Beck-Moza und Michael Moza sowie Der Schwerpunkt des Programms liegt auf romantischen Kl Cornelius Obonya legt sein neues Soloprogramm vor.

Er liest Heiteres und Besinnliches aus der internationalen Literatur. Theateressay in sechs gesungenen Sprachen von Peter Wagner Komposition bzw. Karl Imelski Nicht in Wer war die Frau, die den Humor und die Ausdaue Claudia Rossbacher wurde in Wien geboren. Aufgewachsen ist sie unter anderem in Teheran und Jakarta. Nach dem Abschluss ihres Denn wer kennt sie DJ Bookings auf mehreren Kontinenten mit bis zu Ein Musicalkomponist, mittlerweile als Berater arbeitend, Mitte 30, geschieden, Vater einer Tochter, sitzt in seinem Arbeitsz Ein Finale mit diesem Einzigartigen?

Unter dem Motto der der "Gemeinsamen Hoffnung" sind auch heuer wieder professionelle Musiker zusammen getreten, um sich dem k Die GewinnerInnen des 6. Jugendliche des Wiener Kindertheaters Regie: Seine Musik ist Teil unseres Lebens. Ganz gleich, ob man klassische Konzerte besucht oder nicht. Eine musikalische Auseinandersetzung im Gedenkjahr Musikalische Werke durch alle Stilepochen — von Bach bis Lehar, vo Die 11 Mitglieder des Chores sind akademisch aus Hans Heisz moog guitar: Autorin Susanne Felicitas W Immer wieder kurze Szenen aus Gruselfilmen un Der Abend zeigt e Schenken Sie MuTh Gutscheine.

Bis bald im MuTh Wer liebt wen und warum? Sind Liebe und Vernunft ein Paar? Liebe macht blind und taub, Li Sie schrieben die Hits, die damals jeder kannte u Als instrumentaler Kontrapunkt spielt das Die Poetry Slam Szene boomt. Arabische Lieder mit Klassischer Vision Zum ersten Mal waren Alles was wir produzieren basiert auf Entscheidungen. Allerdings wird es immer schwieri Eine Veranstaltung der Jeunesse. Deswegen war es nah Les Choristes , B.

Chorus Viennensis, together with the sought-after pianist and Liszt specialist Eduard Kutrowatz, presents a romantic programm See you back here in another 20 years! To mark the occasion, on 27th October the event relinquish In this free workshop Birgit Reitho Paganini fell out of favour … and how many parents since then have been tortured by the screeching sounds emanating from th The Young Masters programme is an open scheme to promote particularly enthusiastic young talents from the University of Music Trio for violin, cello and piano in B flat major, op.

Schubert and Brahms — two all-round musical geniuses who produced Lieder, symphonies, major works for piano and important c Vahid Khadem-Missagh presents his amusing, eventful story about the concert violin. If you listen to the sounds of Persian Sufi music, time and space seem to dissolve! For the Sufis, music is the medium which TrioVanBeethoven pays homage to the composer whose name they bear.

Over the course of three concerts, the renowned Austrian p The evening can be summed up in the following few wor They are now known throughout Austria, in Germany and in Italy: An diesem Abend erwartet Sie ein ganz besonderes Konzert: Young singers come together — not just to compete, but also to sing together. These are children and youngsters who love si Wir berichten live aus dem Weihnachtsdorf im Augarten. An evening of great variety with the Vienna Boys' Choir and leading artists from the worlds of music and theatre. An interesting new location has been selected this year: Superar, transcending borders , surpassing themselves Just as they did in , Superar will round off the school year wi The original text has been brou For 15 years, the Vienna Dance Workshop Tanzwerkstatt Wien has offered children and young people an external space in which An evening of powerful emotion is guaranteed: Get your 2-day pass for the Beethoven Piano Sonatas Marathon here: Chorus Viennensis Main c This Bill Evans quote — made as he attempted to explain The Bartolomeys kick off the new season with high Romantic music and absurdist texts by Daniel Charms, whose characters biti Under the baton of Seiji Miura, they perform — in addition to pie Yung-Ching Chen, comprises a high school group and an ele Austrian baritone Paul Armin Edelmann takes the listener on a unique musical journey.

The route carries us past the different Academia Allegro Vivo On the occasion of the th anniversary of the birth of Jean Sibelius, you are invited to join Academi Visitors will enjoy a widel BartolomeyBittmann demonstrate what a versatile instrument the cello is, as they follow up the sensational success of their d Trees and flowers are stirred into motion; filled with energy Six musicians — three from the Vienna State Opera, three from the Vienna Volksoper, all friends for many years — join for Musikschule Wien is firmly focused on collaborative music-making.

Today, two of their orchestras and ensembles — drawn from Visit our Chinese music performances, and try out some authentic Chinese instruments for yourself. Presented by the CU Chine A night of traditional and contemporary Chinese music: Yu Da Bajiao Raindrops Pattering on Through his international concerts, Christian Altenburger has befriended numerous top-flight musicians from right across Euro Since then she has racked up an A school makes music. For pupils, parents, teachers and the institutions themselves, being together in a musical environment Good heavens, another year has passed already!

Adi Hirschal and Camerata Schulz Vienna offer a brief glance backwards and a The Wiener Lehrer a Cappella Choir, founded in , has performed countless concerts with great success, achieving widesprea The event has been or The leading interpreters of Viennese song join forces with one of the most important representatives of the current generatio Do you know what Wagner thought deep down about his tenors, or that lout Siegfried, or that stupid chap Parsifal?

The celebrated actor and theatre director Bernd Jeschek and prize-winning bass clarinettist and composer Ulrich Drechsler — European Soundworlds Viennese instrumentalists, vocalists, soloists Variatio delectat: They knew how to enjoy themselves, tho They knew how to enjoy themselves, those Romans.

Zweimal Heimweh beim Dreh

With variety comes delight; a motto which truly came to l The most renowned boys' choir in the world can certainly look back on a long history. Boy choristers have been singing in the Have you too spent half the winter wondering if Spring would ever return? Well Spring is now firmly in sight, and we want to Joseph Lorenz has completely reworked this German literature masterpiece into a reading which is as engrossing as it is enter In this concert cycle Gottlieb Wallisch, who conceived the series, takes a stroll through the music of these four Vienna Boys' Choir and guests.

Known for their faith, dignity and trustworthiness, the shepherds play a key role in the Chri The word is getting around: VieVox are eight young men from a singing tradition that stretches back over years. Naturally, any tickets alread Das Lied von der Erde Cantonese v Based on an idea by Gerhard A.

James Logan High School is the largest high school in Northern California and has an enrollment over 3, students. The Metrum Choir was founded by a Hungarian music school, and started life as an a-cappella choir. The counterpoint for this Just before setting off on their South American tour, which takes them to Brazil and Peru, the Young Philharmonic invite you The Horizon Youth Orchestra is entirely The sound of wide open space In the decades since it w Art needs a space.

New work needs an opportunity. In our Studio, new musical theatre projects c So far, more than 20 composers have submitted their work. At each try-out session, we perform extracts from two previously un A new musical theatre project has found its platform in our Studio. And this gives our professional ensemble — comprising t Elisabeth violin , Stefan cello and Johannes Kropfitsch piano comprise Quality entertainment meets the classics. Trumpets in Concert is a trio of trumpeters from Vienna who win over their audience With instrumentation including violin, castanets and musical saw The highly successful violinist Ekaterina Frolova, who was born in St.

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Petersburg, performs some of the finest melodies by th Alea is a Slovakian ensemble whose musical styles include tango, Klezmer, jazz and world music. Boris Lenko accordion, bando He invites you to attend what promises to be an exciting evening. Mothers do a great deal for their children - and much of it goes unnoticed.

The Orchestra, which became a professional ensemble in , is a gathering of top-flight musicians from all around the world Children and young people a A fresh, unique interpretation of operatic and concert arias by W. The gifted young Italian tenor Cosimo Panozzo The Tonus Ensemble, which Nikolaus Harnoncourt has described as one of the most outstanding contemporary wind ensembles, appe The music exalts the beauty of nature The city as a sports ground: Parkour - the l Physical activity and the arts — a combination that speaks to all the senses.

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  4. Our American sports coaches will introduce you to some typical American sports such as flag football and baseball. In one of his Quartets, Joseph Haydn describes the sunrise. But what happens next in our action-packed version is something w In the summer of , NWS present musical observations from, and about, Austria — a cross-section covering several centuri Cellist Friedrich Kleinhapl and pianist Andreas Woyke have performed this ravishing music across much of the world.

    The acapella boy band with that certain something. From classics to pop — completely new and completely different. In MuTh, the Musiksalon has found an interesting home for its discussions between musical friends. The prima la musica competition for young musicians is open to solo entries for singing, keyboard instruments, string in A benefit event in aid of the Austrian Culture Days in Tel Aviv festival All the artist taking part in the festival are He wrote orchestral arrangements of famous This concert features tonal works by American composers.

    An evening of contrasts: Based on Sofia Gubai The band was initially established as an extr An Asia Pacific musical meet-up! English texts with German translations The Golden Land tells What happens when children, on their own initiative, set out to to invent their own opera? We follow the progress of a piece The music of the oriental Jews the Sephardi , a minority which has lived in the Arab lands for centuries, is virtually unkno For centuries, Yiddish songs and Klezmer music have been an important feature in the cultural life of the Jews of Eastern Eur Sin meets dance in this unique piece, which combines the language of ballet with the passion of the tango.

    The young protagonist Rustan leaves his home — but only in a dream. There he encounters his greatest fears and deepest desi The musician Gideon Klein w Volkhard Steude has been Concertmaster of the Wiener Staatsoper orchestra since , as well as Concertmaster of the Vienna This marvellous cycle, led by Volkhard Steude, features encounters with three different pianists. The music on offer includes Do we truly live the lives we want?

    In the 21st century, man lives out his various lives — between dreams and reality — l A benefit matinee in aid of hearing-impaired children. The proceeds of this concert will be used to provide special hearing a He has been entertaining clas Back to the roots. As his audience knows full well, t Over recent years, Valeriya Shishkova, who was born in Moscow but has lived in Dresden for fourteen years, has become known a Like a "breath of fresh air" arriving in the world of music: Johanna Kotschy A programme of autobiograph A unique encounter is scheduled to take place at MuTh in May Its players include members of major Austrian Alongside schools in Paris and St Petersburg, the This chamber orchestra concert is given by die reihe ensemble.

    Alongside works by younger writers, the programme also feature Eva Beck-Moza and Michael Moza and other Enjoy the evergreen melodies of Strauss and his friends, and celebrate the New Year in exhilarating three-four time! The Nutcracker is a ballet in two acts by Peter Ilyvich Tchaikovsky. The story of the Nutcracker and the Mouse King was writ The Russian National Ballet and dancearts come together — with the help of a storyteller — to offer a colourful cross-sec The programme focuses on romantic piano pieces.

    An essay in theatrical form, sung in six languages by Peter Wagner Composed and arranged by: Returning to MuTh for the season, by popular demand! Benjamin Britten had two great passions: Almost everything we know about the life of Marie Weiler comes from Johann Nestroy. Who was this woman, who had the good humo Monde Buch presents a rather special book launch. Claudia Rossbacher wurde in Wien geboren. Aufgewachsen ist sie unter anderem in Teheran und Jakarta.

    Nach dem Abschluss ihres Vienna's tenth Kriminacht is being held in September The greats of the genre from Austria and abroad will come together What happens when a conductor, a writer and a puppeteer all decide to create something together? A thrilling evening and a hi DJ bookings on several continents at events with up to 50, visitors. Private parties, festivals, and major sporting events This year our little dancers and balleri Dances from Africa, South America and the Balkans A musical journey through a variety of rhythms and melodies.

    English-German Dictionary

    A composer of musicals — working as a consultant, mids, divorced with one daughter — sits in his study, printing out h Ernst Kovacic plays some Fritz Kreisler melodies and shares anecdotes from the life of this legendary violinist, whose Vienne Saying goodbye to Schubert? Well, what is it then?

    A finale to feature this unique artist? Under the banner of "Gemeinsamen Hoffnung" A Common Hope , professional musicians are coming together once again this year a With its annual autumn concert, Wiener Gospelchor has become an established feature on the Vienna scene. The shepherds play a key role in the Christmas story; they are known for their faith, their dignity and their trustworthiness When, instead of working at home in the kitchen, Hansel and Gretel run riot, singing "Suse, liebe Suse, was raschelt im Stroh Prizewinners of the sixth Int.

    Young performers from the Vienna Kindertheater Directed by: Clara Wolfram and Felix Hoyos This year, young performers from t The music of prize-winning bass clarinettist Ulrich Drechsler always has at its core the simple beauty of sound and emotion. Numerous studies in recent Choirs, orchestra and soloists present a varied programme which pro His music is part of our life.


    It makes no difference whether you go to classical music concerts or not, We hear his music us A musical confrontation in this year of remembrance Musical works in every style down the ages— from Bach to Lehar and Viva Each year at this time we feel moved by the same story: An enthusiasm for singing and a love of vocal music brought together a group of friends and inspired them to form the vocal e A seven-piece ensemble which is redefining brass music. Federspiel have a level of ability that borders on the scary. Founded in , the Spirituosi ensemble comprises five young musicians from Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and France.

    Trumpets in Concert offers a harmonous combination of artistic brilliance and social event. Fine music and sensitivity are bl It seems as if art was designed to draw borders — between classical and jazz, ethno and pop, young and old, the traditional These two gifted musicians were performing in Kulturmittag concerts as far back as Today they both have highly successf A total of 70 studios — many located in districts 2 and 20, others known as Q satellites in different districts of Vie After a seven-year absence, Welsh bass-baritone Bryn Terfel celebrated his return to the State Opera in January of this year Eight young artists making their way through dreams and reality.

    An interaction between space and time, between what is and w Hans Heisz moog guitar: Autorin Susanne Felicitas W This concert is a unique blend of jazz, hip hop, folk and traditional music. The orchestra plays a European tour in June It is totally dark in the concert hall Short scenes from horror films are shown over and over t This is a programme which would be hard to beat for variety — come and see for yourself!

    The evening showcases the interpla This is a programme which is hard to beat in terms of variety. But don't just take our word for it — come and see for yours This benefit event h Who loves who, and why? Do love and reason go together? Is it possible to "not-love"?

    Love makes us deaf and blind, lov The Vienna Boys' Choir have been collecting songs from the countries they visit since , and since they have been doi The much-loved Saturday morning radio broadcast, live from MuTh. The Vienna Boys' Choir represents many things: Initially formed as h This concert provides a short tour of the world of opera, taking in the five giants of the genre: Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, Pucc They wrote hit tunes which everybody knew The Vienna Boys' Choir's Chorus Juventus dives into the world of opera, performing choruses from famous works by Monteverdi, Together, all of these young singers dive in Everyone — whether they realise it or not — has got rhythm inside them.

    Holding a rhythm for a long time is not only fun; The slam poetry scene is booming. In Vienna there are opportunities every month to deliver a few lines in front of an audienc This season brings another opportunity to enjoy the sound of the Vienna strings at their finest with the Steude Quartet at Mu Just as last year, Superar ends the school year with three unusual concerts at MuTh. Over three days, more than Superar c Arabian songs presented with a classical vision Benefit concert for the medical treatment of Syrian refugee children in Jordan.

    Everything we produce is based on decisions. Decisions in favour or decisions against. Yet it is becoming ever more difficult In collaboration with MuTh. The Lions, the Leos and the Vienna Boys' Choir have always been active in supporting training for young people. For the last two years, Jazzpool NRW have been working on the concept of taking traditional songs from various European count In , Alban Berg was Camerata Con Brio is the youth chamber orchestra of Musikschule Wien.

    Its aim is to develop a specific string ensemble sound The word has got around: VieVox are former soloists from the Vienna Boys' Choir. Eight young men from a year-old singing Les Choristes , B. Over 80 children from the Vienna Children's Theatre take on a variety of roles. The WJO is a nationwide youth symphony orchestra which has garnered praise and prizes at an international level.

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    Leave all the Chr Founded in , the Vienna Concert Band is a wind ensemble with a variable line-up. Its main activities are concerts of film The cream of the Young Masters Programme perform as soloists in works by Mozart, Beethoven and other composers. Philipp Mosetter stellt seine Sammlung von tragischen There are songs for every time of day and night which express man's various needs and emotional states. Waking in the morning Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was first described in by Henry Charcot, a famous neurologist in Paris.

    It belongs to the That is how Otto Brusatti of radio station The programme includes Lieder, arias and operatic duets, and Christmas items. A benefit concert in aid of "Aktion Kinderherz Lions Benefit Concert in aid of hearing-impaired children Extracts from Beethoven's cello and violin sonatas, together with A superlative "Ludwig van Beethoven Concert" is promised by the orchestra and soloists of the Mahler Philharmonic.

    JeugdOrkest Nederland is the national youth orchestra of the Netherlands. It has gained an outstanding reputation both nation On the 15th of each month, you receive an E-mail which de So this is how choristers from the Vienna Boys Choir look after their voices have broken! VieVox was formed three years ago w Only nineteen years old, she has been described in the press as "an exceptional talent", "a violin powerhouse" and the "new s In this concert the Choir offers a diverse Music and gratefulness move men's hearts and bind them together.

    These are the languages of the heart. We cordially invite you to a very special event — our own concert by the "Philharmonisches Ensemble-Wien" the Philharmonic It is a concept The leitmotif running through this "Orphic essay in theatre" by Peter Wagner, the author and director from the Burgenland, is And you can certainly hear that in his work! The full power of th Joseph Haydn's highly successful visits to England moved him to write a work about the creation of the world. Using all his e It takes courage to go on the stage.

    Erwin lives on the most beautiful island in the South Seas. He loves eating coconut cutlets and Olanna schnitzel, and enjoys In this musical we see Fariba and all the other children and adolescents behaving spontaneously, yet in a logical fashion. Fine singing, dramatic verve and theatrical effects — the Master of Pesaro once more channelled all of his musical abilitie She plays Mozart and Bach at the most important piano festivals in the world — and now she has brought conductor Michael Le At that time they were among Norbert Ernst, the internation Professional ballet schools — options to classical ballet.

    The Wien Welt W Contemporary dance, modern dance The Contemporary dance, modern dance The Wien Welt This year's new prod As well as organisin Kurz vor Chanukka Chief Rabbi Paul Chaim Eisenberg is serving up a rather special offering. During the course of this matinee you will not only The Israeli-born artist Israel Treistman is well-known to Viennese audiences as a result of his numerous guest appearances. Roman Grinberg has been a fixture at the festival for many years.

    He will be entertaining us this year as well, performing a Rafael Goldwaser's programme "It burns" features monologues by Scholem Aleichem, the most famous of Yiddish-speaking writers Chris Pichler tells us of an elephant who has twisted his trunk, and about a very slothful sloth; she gives voice to a cheeky Many aspects of Turkish culture can be seen in Vienna. That's because almost one in ten of the city's inhabitants have Turk Turkey is noted as a place of great variety. This is due to the country's geographic location and the historic ties a George Frideric Handel's oratorio "The Messiah" is without doubt one of the greatest works in musical literature.

    I love to read Nestroy and Kraus. My involvement with the two of them goes back over many years, and during this time I've le Have you always wanted to know what happens at a choir rehearsal, and how a choral piece is put together? Have you always wan Whatever Tom the cat can play as a concert pianist, Matthias has been able to do for ages. And Lidia's violin bow skips acros Lidia Baich and Matthias Fletzberger present a programme which is virtually a declaration of love for the city of Vienna.

    A benefit concert to see out the old year. Musicians and singers from Austria and Japan join forces in this "come along and s Cabaret and satire are an integral part of Austrian identity, and the "Austrian Cabaret Prize" was first awarded in This is probably the most unusual string orchestra in the world. Whenever its members appear, there is always plenty of bowin The idea of creating a brass ensemble with two percussionists first arose during a Philharmonic concert tour in It includes two other Philhar Using two pianos and the rich variety of tonal colours offered by two sets of percussion, four exceptional musicians play the We all know that singing, music and theatre are good for the soul.

    But it's not just for professionals - and it's really easy The Prizewinners' Concert is both the high point of, and the crowning conclusion to, the Vienna State competition, prima la m The Virgin Mary is venerated in a various cultures and religions, a On the 25th, 26th and 27th April, between The Creatures of Prometheus, or the Power of Music and Dance This unique and, sadly, rarely played music has been "recycled" After Igor Stravinsky and Vaslav Nijinsky first brought the Rites of Spring to the stage in - creating a scandal at its Princess Shadi of Rotasia is rather troubled.

    She has found a book which talks of the "Countries of the World". Since it was founded in , the Vienna Saxophonic Orchestra has rapidly gained international recognition for its interpreta For enthusiasts, actors, clowns, young people, parents, teachers, professionals, the tired, the lonely, the sick, and politic Every year, during H The Steude Quartet was founded by members of the Vienna Philharmonic in , carrying on the long tradition of string quarte Superar is growing and thriving — it now has more than children singing in seven Vienna primary schools and in the Supe Come along and join us as we celebrate our first birthday!

    MuTh is now a year old, almost to the day. There has been singing No time in history has ever produced such terrifying weapons as the 20th century. That's reason enough for the millennium to The Janoska Ensemble has invited some illustrious people to join them at MuTh. The evening will begin with a concert by the J Begonnen wird mit einem Konzert des Janoska-Ensembles, die ihre inte A good meal is always the best start to the New Year!

    And then The Big Beanfeast will get underway! Come along and join us for a first-class evening of musical entertainment. We promise you'll see some marvellous acts, a live The aim of this project, which has a on Valerie is a little girl who does not want to go to bed. Instead, she sits on her goodnight-swing and swings her way from one Vato Jordania was born in Tbilisi, Georgia in He was just eight years old when he gave his first orchestral recital.

    One of the few Austrian musi Vesko Stambolov is one of Bulgaria's most important pianists. He performs as a soloist with all the major symphony orchestras The Blues combines the traditional and the modern. They strengthen the spirit, and that gets reflected in our playing. Allow me to make the introductions: They are pulling my Recognised as an outstanding forge for new t Good classical music is more than just a museum of historical sounds, intended only for a circle of the elite!

    President Heinz Fischer is patron of At the close of the academic year, the finest young musicians from the Young Masters scholarship programme run by the Univers Songs in many languages, songs you can sing along with, songs you can dance to… magical melodies from a host of different c In the 25 years since its formation, the Wiener Jeunesse Orchestra has garnered a host of international praise and prizes. It offers the age group training in ballet to the highest s The programme comprises works by Ludwig van Beethoven: Overture from "Egmont", Op.

    The choir has perhaps the richest tradition of any men's choir in Austria, and was founded as far back as Singing bridges gaps, between people and peoples, nations, countries, cultures, religions; it builds bridges between reality Viktoria, der Meister soll leben.

    Kinder und Jugendliche bis 18 Jahre: When the Countess holds a ball in Steingartenau, something mysterious happens. Johannes, the son of the Countess, disappears This collaboration between two of the c Whereas Mozart's opera leaves many questions open to in It organises festivals, competitions, concerts and masterclasses for youn The Vienna Boys' Choir proves time and time again just how exciting choral singing can be.

    And now the Choir - which is argua Christmas is a wonderful time. Advent and Christmas is hi On 25th May , the first performance of this oratorio to be held in the German-speaking world will take place here at MuTh Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

    A repeat performance, by popular request! On Tuesday 28th May at Was bedeutet Mut in unserer Zeit? Wo ist in Wien Mut zu finden und wie As one of today's La vera costanza True Constancy is an operatic dramma giocoso by Joseph Haydn. The Italian libretto was a shortened version In this a-cappella production, the Vienna Chamber Choir interpret the musical language of some of the great masters and visio Der Chorus Cantabile wurde von Mag.

    Mahler's 8th Symphony sounds totally unique - when sung with gusto by children and young people! The full cast of the sup An evening for listening. Let Bach's powerful, reflective music work its wonder.