
A Cat in the Wings: (InterMix)

A Cat in the Wings

The winged cat — a feline with wings like a bird , bat or other flying creature — is a theme in artwork and legend going back to prehistory , especially mythological depictions of big cats with eagle wings in Eurasia and North Africa. Belief in domestic cats with wings persists to the present day as an urban legend. Sightings of cats with supposed wings are easily explained by medical conditions that can result in matted hair, loose skin, or supernumerary limbs on or near the shoulders, that flap about in a wing-like manner as the cat runs.

Pantherines with wings, especially winged lions , are a common theme in ancient religious and mythological art of the Sumerians and other Mesopotamians , Akkadians , Persians , and Scythians , and other peoples with whom they came into contact and shared ideas in the Middle East , Near East , and Europe. These sometimes also feature a winged cat's body with a bird's head e. It is hardly a unique, biologically impossible, artistic conceit in works of Classical Antiquity ; Greco-Roman , Egytian , and other works also often depicted winged horses Pegasus , animal-headed human figures the Minotaur , and many Egyptian deities like the cat-headed Bastet and Sekhmet , half-human and half-horse figures the centaur , and other mythological part-cat beasts, such as the Chimera.

Art of this sort featuring felids dates back to the Upper Paleolithic era, to 40, BCE , though it is uncertain when winged felines in particular were first represented. Aq Bars is a legendary winged snow leopard , a symbol of ancient Turkic and Bulgar origin, and going back to an uncertain period in pre-literate history. Emblematic use of snow leopards with wings continues in the modern coat of arms of Tatarstan , Russian Federation; Samarqand , Uzbekistan; and Astana , Kazakhstan. Such fanciful creatures appear twice in the context of the Judeo-Christian bible. In the Book of Daniel of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament , the first beast in the vision of the beasts from the sea chapter 7, dating to around the 2nd century BC resembled a winged lion.

The probably unrelated Lion of Saint Mark is the winged heraldic symbol of Mark the Evangelist of the New Testament 1st century AD , and features prominently in Christian art from the early church to the present day. In later, medieval Christianity , both cats of the domestic sort and bats were associated with the Devil , and demons were sometimes depicted as bat-winged cats.

A Cat in the Wings (Alice Nestleton, book 4) by Lydia Adamson

For example, an Athanasius Kircher engraving from depicted a demonic creature with a cat's head, bat's wings and human torso. There are three different causes of wing-like appendages. The most common is long-haired cats having matted fur that can form if it is not properly groomed. Less commonly, mats can occur in shorthaired cats if molted fur adheres to growing fur. When the cat runs, the mats flap up and down and give the impression of wings.

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These can be very uncomfortable for the cat and can harbour dirt, feces and parasites. Extensive mats must be shaved or clipped by a veterinarian. This explanation is ultimately untenable as the sole solution to the winged cat phenomenon, for several reasons. Many notable examples of winged cats feature shorthaired specimens. The occurrence of mats in longhaired cats is easily recognisable by experienced cat owners and breeders, but not recognisable to novices.

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Matted fur is not considered notable and rarely reported, except by those unfamiliar with the condition. Although mats can occur all over a longhaired cat's body, to novice eyes, they are most noticeable on the flanks when the cat is in motion. The second explanation of reports of winged cats is a skin condition called feline cutaneous asthenia , which is related to Ehlers—Danlos syndrome elastic skin in humans.

I just might have to read the other books in the series! Feb 12, Dharia Scarab rated it it was ok. Since I don't normally write reviews unless I have something specific to say, here's the break down of how I rate my books This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author like the plague in the future. This book was not very good, and I won't be reading any more from the author. This book was ok, but I won't go out of my way to read more, But if I find another book by the author for under a dollar I'd pick it up. I loved this book!

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It had earned a permanent home in my collection and I'll be picking up the rest of the series and other books from the author ASAP. Apr 16, Sandra Strange rated it liked it Shelves: I really enjoy this series, all revolving in some way or another around cats. The "sleuth" is an actress who is semi successful, but who needs a day job to stay afloat financially, so she "cat sits" for various cat loving owners who much leave their pampered kitties. It's her "day job" that brings the murders to her attention. Her love life sometimes intrudes a bit PG 13, but not explicit with its casual attitude towards extra marital sex, but the stories are charmingly told with eccentric and I really enjoy this series, all revolving in some way or another around cats.

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  6. Her love life sometimes intrudes a bit PG 13, but not explicit with its casual attitude towards extra marital sex, but the stories are charmingly told with eccentric and real feeling characters and cares. Oct 23, Susan rated it liked it Shelves: Famous ballet dancer Peter Dobrynin has dropped out of the public eye amid disgraceful rumors.

    Now--apparently homeless--he's reappeared, dead. Actress Alice Nestleton becomes involved in the mystery surrounding his murder when her old friend Lucia becomes a suspect. Through their lawyer, Lucia's wealthy family hires Alice to find out about Dobrynin's life since his disappearance. Dec 19, Sandy Weir rated it liked it. Light read and quirky! Jan 12, Phillis rated it really liked it.

    It took Alice a bit longer then usual and a bit more involvement but she caught the muderer of a former ballet great, Peter Dobrynin.

    1. neerware.com.
    2. Winged cat - Wikipedia.
    3. Winged cat.
    4. Dec 26, Michelle rated it liked it Shelves: Jul 10, Susan rated it liked it. I like the book for the most part, but probably won't read any more of this series. I read it because it took place at Christmas. Carol rated it liked it Apr 09, Shelley rated it liked it Jul 10, Barbara rated it really liked it Oct 30, Toni rated it really liked it Dec 29, Michael Bennett rated it really liked it Feb 17, Sage rated it it was amazing May 14, Marianne Crapol rated it it was ok Sep 03, Tamara rated it really liked it Jan 21, Irena rated it liked it Sep 05, Gloria rated it really liked it Mar 03, Jo rated it really liked it May 28, Kathy rated it really liked it Aug 23, Donna Thompson rated it it was amazing Jul 24, Glenda Bixler rated it it was amazing Mar 15, Doug Duea rated it really liked it Apr 03, Darlene rated it really liked it Mar 31, Charlotte Lynch rated it really liked it Oct 16, Susan rated it really liked it Nov 02, Rachelle rated it liked it Feb 15,