
Happy Hour Handbook

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  4. Happy Hour Handbook — The Entertainologist.
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Bleary-eyed executives lurched back to the office seeing double, and a nip of scotch in the afternoon helped stave off the shakes at the end of the day. Starting in the 80s and 90s, attitudes began to change. Most business historians note that this shift happened to coincide when congress downsized the business meal and entertainment tax deduction , first in and then again in This rebirth is largely the result of the cultural influence of Silicon Valley.

Happy Hour | Giada's Holiday Handbook | Food Network

All in all, the result has been more lax attitudes towards sipping the occasional adult beverage at work across all industries. As an employee, you have to decide, how much indulgence is acceptable, and do the benefits outweigh the risks? Likewise, companies have to make a similar calculus. What does a lax alcohol policy add to your culture, and what potential pitfalls must you consider? Alcohol has long been acknowledged as a social lubricant. When enjoyed in moderation, it has a tendency to lower our inhibitions, which can lead your team to form new relationships and forge new bonds. These bonds in turn result in a more engaged team.

In house kegerators, happy hours, and beer pong tournaments are becoming more rule than exception in competitive industries. Millennial employees especially expect an office culture that allows them to be their true selves at work. And if that means throwing back a few cold ones now and then at their desk, they believe that they should be allowed to do so.

So when industries compete for top talent, some degree of alcohol tolerance is considered a baseline expectation. Weaving in adult beverages into your office culture also has another advantage — it sends a message that you trust your employees to act like adults. Trusting them to know their own limits and partake in the occasional in-office drink helps do just that.

And a funny thing happens when you expect the best out of your employees — they generally rise to meet your high expectations. Ok, so your company just announced regular Friday happy hours and a beer pong tournament next Thursday.

Art Journal Page - "Happy Hour"

Time to rage, right? Here are a few guidelines to help you participate in the festivities and still keep your job. Compare that to wine, which contains Of course, the craft beer boom means an influx of high gravity brews.

Giada's Holiday Handbook

A two drink max is a good policy for just about everyone, but alcohol affects everybody differently. You want to avoid intoxication at all costs. One rookie mistake is to drink on an empty stomach. Downing hooch without food is a recipe for disaster. Either appoint a designated driver or take an Uber or Lyft. Holiday Gingerbread Showdown 11pm 10c. Holiday Baking Championship 12am 11c. Christmas Cookie Challenge 1am 12c. Holiday Gingerbread Showdown 2am 1c. Holiday Baking Championship 3am 2c. To sign up, please enable JavaScript.

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Meet the Bakers 8 Photos. The chain Casa Del Matador. If you can ignore the flat rimmed baseball hattitudes of many their patrons, their cheap happy hour nachos are giant and delicious, and their wine pours are generous. Afternoon or late night happy hours? Although I prefer an afternoon cocktail after a long day spent in the bathtub.

I've only had great happy hours! Should all happy hours be legally required to give out free Miller High Life?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it. What food must be served at all happy hours? I wish someone would serve a great vegetable plate—fresh veggies and cheese and dips. Sometimes a lady just wants a fresh vegetable over a pita chip. Hotel Deluxe's Driftwood Room. Such yummy food, a vast array of bitters for my fave beverage soda and bitters with a lime , great service and centrally located. Hella classy, You can chill in the hotel lobby, which has like seven chandeliers and vintage movie images scrolling through a tasteful projection.

The Driftwood Lounge is dark and sexy and the servers dress up all swanky-like. Comedians usually wrap up shows around midnight, so if it's dinner I'm after, I'll get a plate at the Horsebrass near my house on the late.