
Preparing for a Mate...a singles 40 day devotional

This is more than merely a physical union.

Fasting: Prepare for Marriage

But it clouds and confuses the real issues that need to be the foundation of a Christian marriage. It carries the risk of venereal disease. It defiles you and your brother or sister in Christ. As Paul states 7: If you want to guard your moral purity, plan not to get yourself into tempting situations. I would encourage you to challenge the American dating system. The dating system is designed to foster romance and to see how far you can go physically.

As Christians, you should be concerned about getting to know the person in the context of moral purity. Your purpose should be to build up your sister in Christ and to get to know her, not to indulge your lust. And yet many Christian singles never give any thought to what qualities they should be looking for in a godly mate! Men, burn Proverbs By this I mean, God expects you to pray and wait on Him, but He also expects you to use appropriate means for finding a mate.

Sometimes we get super-spiritual, thinking that God is going to rain down manna from heaven, when He expects us to plow our field and sow some seeds! That can include involvement with campus ministry groups, attending conferences for Christian singles, getting a job at a seminary or other Christian organization, etc.

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You should have some common interests and be able to enjoy just being together without having to do things. You should be able to accept the person as he or she is, without major remodeling. Also, seek the counsel of those who know you well, especially your parents. Any strong opposition from parents should be weighed very carefully. Marriage is a gracious, good gift from God.

For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.

How Do I Date in My 40's?

She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. Without the Lord at the center, marriage just brings together two self-centered people seeking self-fulfillment from one another. Put God at the center of your life. Pray that He will bring you a mate with the same commitment.

You know the women I’m talking about…..

Then joyfully serve Him together. They were putting in time while they waited for an uncertain tomorrow. But as Christians, our mentality should be that of 1 Corinthians 7: Our focus should be on the Lord and His kingdom. If He graciously gives you the blessings of a Christian home, enjoy it thankfully. Hope in the Lord! Rather, your purpose should be to pursue a course that leads to the greatest devotion to Christ and His cause in these days that remain before His coming. Do Christians put too much emphasis on marriage as a key to fulfillment and happiness?

How can we avoid allowing a good thing marriage to take the place of the best thing devotion to Christ? In what ways is the American dating system anti-Christian? Should Christians use it cautiously or scrap it totally? How important should physical attraction be in deciding on a marriage partner?

Bios and Blogs

Handing Off the Baton 2 Timothy 4: Walking the Romans Road. Facing Winter Seasons 2 Timothy 4: Start to pray boldly, passionately and intensely for the men who you know in your church or work. Pray that they will start to have God's perspective and vision for marriage for their own lives.

Lesson 8: Practical Advice For Singles (1 Corinthians 7) | www.newyorkethnicfood.com

Even if one of them doesn't end up being your spouse, you're praying in a way that will bless all of your sisters in Christ. And then pray that God would bring a husband into your life.

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You can pray boldly, because you're really asking God to give you what He wants you to have. If you're single, know a single or just a fan of Godly marriages, Candice encourages you to join the Women Praying Boldly network. Log in or create an account to post a comment. The Christian Broadcasting Network. Are you seeking answers in life?

Are you facing a difficult situation? Call Email your prayer request. I want to encourage them to not give up hope.

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Greater is He who is in them than he who is in the world. And the truth is, if you could've done this on your own, you would've started by now. Don't let praying for your future husband be something you place on the back burner. For the price you would pay for a night out with the girls, you can start believing, praying and trusting God for what you've always desired and eventually be ready to receive!

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  4. Creating a prayer guide and vision for my future husband to help receive God's best for me was one of the BEST decisions I've made for myself. It's also been one of the greatest blessings. What's stopping you from doing the same? Take advantage of this limited time offer and begin Praying for Your Future Husband today! If you signed up in time to receive the bonuses, you will receive those materials instantly!

    How can I know if I this will work for me? Once you get those areas squared away, you will be content with God's plan and be able to pray faithfully towards this subject matter. Just email my team at info iamwomanofpurpose. H ow much time is this going to take? This is a 21 day devotional.

    Take it serious and be consistent! If I have more questions, how can I get in contact with you?