
Decapitati: Perché abbiamo la classe dirigente che non ci meritiamo (Italian Edition)

Dati genetici e procedimento penale - Nota: Essays in Honour of Brenda Dickinson. Daughter of Good Fortune: Daughter of the Reich: The Incredible Life of Louise Fox. Daughter of the Revolution: Hopkins Multi-ethnic literatures of the Americas. Daughters of the Covenant: Portraits of Six Jewish Women. Daughters of the Union: David Crockett in Congress: Race, Images, and the Media. David Hume and Contemporary Philosophy. Prophet of the Counter-revolution.

David Hume's Political Theory: Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government. David Schenck and the Contours of Confederate Identity. David, Saul, and God. American Homosexual Writing, Race and Democracy in the New Deal Era. Political Unrest in an Iranian Village.

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Juno Beach, Canada's 24 Hours of Destiny. D-Day in the Pacific: The Battle of Saipan Twentieth-century battles. De bono coniugali and De sancta virginitate. De Causis Plantarum, Volume I: Texts and Context Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah, v. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats. Dealing with Wars and Dictatorships. Dear Harry, Love Bess: Bess Truman's Letters to Harry Truman, Letters from Children of the Great Depression. Death and Dying in Ireland, Britain and Europe: Death and Dying in the Neolithic Near East.

The Gulag and the Shaping of Soviet Society. Death and the Afterlife. Death and the Prince. Death at the Berlin Wall. Death in the Congo: Death in the Victorian Family. The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide. Death of a Generation. Death of Oliver Cromwell. Russia on the Eve, Astapovo Station African Americans and Revolutionary America. Death Row in Paradise: A Land of Illusion. Death Was Our Bedmate: Death Zones and Darling Spies: Seven Years of Vietnam War Reporting.

Death, Dying, and Organ Transplantation. Death, Emotion and Childhood in Premodern Europe. Death, Religion, and the Family in England, — The Real Story of Operation Mincemeat. Deaths After Police Contact. Christian and Pagan Cultures C. Debate on the Trial of the Templars Debates in Indian Philosophy. Debates of Corruption and Integrity. Debates on Civilization in the Muslim World. Debates on the Holocaust Issues in Historiography. Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty. Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead. Debates, Rhetoric and Political Action.

Canada and the s. Debating Europe in National Parliaments. Debating the Dasam Granth. Debating the End of Yugoslavia. Debating the Ethics of Immigration. From Stambolov to Zhivkov. Fulbright, Stennis, and Their Senate Hearings. Debating War in Chinese History. Debt, Democracy and the Welfare State: Debt, Financial Fragility, and Systemic Risk. Decadent Culture in the United States: Decarbonization in the European Union.

Concept, Theory and Measurement. Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia. Decentralization and Party Politics in the Dominican Republic. Decentralization and Rural Development in Indonesia. Deceptive Ambiguity by Police and Prosecutors. Deciphering Chemical Language of Plant Communication. Decision analysis for management judgment. Decision Making and Modelling in Cognitive Science. Decision Making and Optimization. Decision Making for Personal Investment. Uncertainty Imperfection Deliberation and Scalability.


Decision Models in Engineering and Management. Decision Support for Forest Management, 2nd ed. Decision Theory and Rationality. Decisioni di investimento, assicurative e previdenziali: Decision-Making in Medieval Agriculture. Decision-Making in Private Equity Firms. Decisive Years in France, Declining International Cooperation on Pesticide Regulation. Decoding Neural Circuit Structure and Function. Decoding the Antibody Repertoire. Decolonization and the Other. Decolonization in Britain and France: The Domestic Consequences of International Relations. Decolonizing Global Citizenship Education.

New Directions in Indigenous Studies. Decolonizing Palestinian Political Economy. Decontamination In Hospitals And Healthcare. Decreto crescita - Nota: Decreto del fare - Nota: Decreto fare - Nota: Decreto ingiuntivo - Nota: Decreto lavoro - Nota: Decreto Monti - Nota: Deduzioni extra-contabili - Nota: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea: Deeds of the Saxons. Deep Equality in an Era of Religious Diversity. Dialogues Within the Self. Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis. Deep Marine Mineral Resources.

A Memoir of a Missouri Farm. Deep Shale Oil and Gas. Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity, and Crisis. Deep-Sea Ecosystems Off Mauritania. Defamation and Freedom of Speech. Cultural Practices and Decolonization in Canada. Defeat Is the Only Bad News: Rwanda Under Musinga, Africa and the diaspora: Defect Structure and Properties of Nanomaterials. Defence Intelligence and the Cold War. Forts, Ships and Weapons Over Years.

Bestselling Series

Defenders of the Holy Land. Defenders of the Motherland. Defenders of the Unborn. Defending Britain's Skies The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom. China's Mongol Wars, French Art and Heritage Under Vichy. Andrews studies in Reformation history. Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant. Defending the Society of States. Defending the Trinity in the Reformed Palatinate. Indigenous Soldiers in the Pacific War. Defense of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Northern Italy, Defenseless under the night: Defensive anti-herbivory Coloration in Land Plants.

Deference in International Courts and Tribunals. Defining Art, Creating the Canon. Defining Boundaries in al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Iberia. The Transformation of Cooking in France, Defining Democracy in a Digital Age: Political Support on Social Media. Defining Duty in the Civil War: Theories, Movements, and Nature. Defining Terrorism in International Law. Definition in Greek Philosophy.

Definizione liti pendenti - Nota: Essays in Honour of Maximillian E. Deformation and Fracture of Solid-State Materials. Deformation Compatibility Control for Engineering Structures. Canada and the United States in a Changing World. Louisiana and Cuba After Slavery. Dehydroacetic Acid and Its Derivatives. Dei fatti illeciti - Vol. Dei giuristi e dintorni - Nota: Dei singoli contratti - Nota: Dei suoni e dei sensi. Semiosis at Work and at Play.

Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Romania. The Holocaust and the Canadian Jewish Community. Delayed Prosecution for Childhood Sexual Abuse. Delegated Governance and the British State. Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies. Delegation of Governmental Power to Private Parties. Deleuze, The Dark Precursor: Delhi in Transition, and Beyond. Delia Webster and the Underground Railroad. Deliberating in the Real World. Deliberative Democracy and Beyond. Delicta e crimina nel sistema quiritario - Nota: Delinquent Youth in a Transforming China: A Generation of Strain.

Deliver Us from Evil. Delivering Public Services Effectively. Delivering Sustainable Growth in Africa. Della causa - Nota: Della tutela dei diritti - Nota: Delle cinque piaghe della Santa Chiesa. Delle Obbligazioni - artt. Delle Obbligazioni - Artt. Delle persone - Leggi collegate - Nota: Della concorrenza - Nota: Dell'impresa e del lavoro - artt. Dell'impresa e del lavoro - Artt. Delocalizzazione, migrazione societaria e trasferimento di sede - Nota: Demand for Communications Services — Insights and Perspectives.

Demand Forecasting for Inventory Control. Demanding Justice in The Global South. Democracy against Neoliberalism in Argentina and Brazil. Democracy and an Open-Economy World Order. Democracy and Conflict Resolution: Democracy and Constitution Reform in Trinidad and Tobago. Democracy and Constitutionalism in India. Democracy and Its Critics. Democracy and Its Discontents.

Democracy and Its Institutions. Democracy and Public Management Reform. Democracy and Public Space. Democracy and Rule of Law in the European Union. Democracy and Social Peace in Divided Societies. Democracy and subsidiarity in the EU: Democracy and the Cartelization of Political Parties. Democracy and the New Religious Pluralism. Democracy and the State in the New Southern Europe. Democracy and the Vote in British Politics, The Making of the Second Reform Act. Democracy Assistance From the Third Wave: Polish Engagement in Belarus and Ukraine.

Democracy Between Consolidation and Crisis. Democracy goes to War. Social Credit and the Party System. A Social Movement in Urban Politics, Democracy in Small States. Democracy in the Making. Democracy in the Old South: Democracy in the Woods. Democracy Promotion and Foreign Policy. Democracy Promotion by Functional Cooperation. Democracy promotion, national security and strategy: Democracy When the People Are Thinking. Democracy, Agency, and the State. Democracy, Civil Society, and Health in India. Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Politics in Africa.

Democracy, Economics, and the Public Good. Democracy, Identity, and Foreign Policy in Turkey. Democracy, Intermediation, and Voting on Four Continents. Democracy, Sustainable Development, and Peace. Democratic Accountability in Latin America. Democratic Accountability, Political Order, and Change.

Democratic Authority and the Separation of Church and State. Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices. Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe Volume 1: Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe Volume 2: International and Transnational Factors. Democratic Deliberation in Deeply Divided Societies. Democratic Dialogue and the Constitution.

Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights New Directions in American Political History. Democratic Governance in Northeast Asia: Democratic Ideal and the Shoah: Democratic Justice and the Social Contract. Democratic Participation in Armed Conflict. Democratic Procedures and Liberal Consensus. Democratic Renewal in Africa. Democratic South Africa's Foreign Policy. Democratic Theorists in Conversation. Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration. Democratic Trajectories in Africa. Democratization and Authoritarian Party Survival. Democratization and Competitive Authoritarianism in Africa.

Democratizing Forest Governance in India. Democrazia partecipativa e nuove prospettive della cittadinanza - Nota: Democrazia sociale - Nota: Democrazie tra consolidamento e crisi. Demografia del capitale umano. Demolition on Karl Marx Square. Demonization in International Politics. Luther and the Protestant church in Nazi Germany. Demosthenes and His Time: A Study in Defeat.

De-Mystification of Participatory Democracy. Demystifying the Institutional Repository for Success. Demystifying the Meese-Rogoff Puzzle. Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China. Deng Xiaoping's Long War: Denial of the Denial, or the Battle of Auschwitz: The Demography and Geopolitics of the Holocaust: Denmark and Europe in the Middle Ages, C. Denuded Devotion to Christ: Dependability of Self-Optimizing Mechatronic Systems. Dependability Problems of Complex Information Systems. Dependencies and Mechanisms of Unemployment and Social Involvement. Dependent Agency in the Global Health Regime.

Depersonalized Bullying at Work. Deploying Foresight for Policy and Strategy Makers. Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks.

Global Governance and International Migration Narratives. Deportation and Return in a Border-Restricted World. Deposizione della vittima e giustizia penale - Nota: Mines, Depth Charges and Underwater Weapons, Briefe Stuttgarter Ausgabe: Der Holocaust im Comic? Ursachenanalyse der Auseinandersetzung in den Jahren Der Traum vom Weltreich: Geschichte und Geschichten zur Personalunion Hannover-England bis Der Weimarer Hof um Deregulation and Efficiency of Indian Banks. Derivative Actions and Corporate Governance.

Derivative with a New Parameter. Derivatives and Hedge Funds. Dermal Drug Selection and Development. Descartes and the First Cartesians. Descartes and the Modern. Descartes and the Puzzle of Sensory Representation. Descartes, Malebranche, and the Crisis of Perception. Descartes's Theory of Mind. Description in Classical Arabic Poetry: Description of Greece, Volume I. Description of Greece, Volume II. Description of Greece, Volume IV.

Description of Greece, Volume V. Description of New Netherland The Iroquoians and their world. African American Consumerism in the Twentieth Century. The Marines of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Art, Science and Stories From Paruku. Desertion During the Civil War. Design Modeling and Control of Nanopositioning Systems. Design Modeling and Testing of Data Converters. Design and Analysis of Control Systems.

Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments, 2nd ed. Design and Analysis of Spiral Inductors. Design and Analysis of Time Series Experiments. Design and Applications of Nanoparticles in Biomedical Imaging. Design and Computation of Modern Engineering Materials. Design and Construction of Soil Anchor Plates. Design and Development of Knowledge Management for Manufacturing. Design and Development of New Nanocarriers. Design and Manufacture of Plastic Components for Multifunctionality. Design Computing and Cognition ' Design for the Unexpected. Design in Educational Technology. Design Methodology for Intelligent Technical Systems.

Design of Circular Differential Microphone Arrays. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists. Design of Experiments for Reinforcement Learning. Design of High-Speed Railway Turnouts. Design of Hybrid Molecules for Drug Development. Design of Interpretable Fuzzy Systems. Design of Modern Communication Networks. Design of Special Planar Linkages.

Design on the Edge: The Making of a High-performance Building. Design Thinking for Education. Designing Developing and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT Solutions. Designing a Place Called Home. Designing and Building Security Operations Center. Designing Assessment for Quality Learning.

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Designing for Human Reliability. Designing Green Cement Plants. Designing Healthcare That Works. Designing Inclusive Pathways with Young Adults. Designing Industrial Policy in Latin America: Business-State Relations and the New Developmentalism. Designing information literacy instruction: Designing Learning for Tablet Classrooms. Designing Low Carbon Societies in Landscapes. Designing Plastic Parts for Assembly. Designing Successful Products with Plastics.

Designing User Interfaces for an Aging Population. Designing with Computational Intelligence. Designing with the Mind in Mind. Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities. Desire and Pleasure in Seventeenth-Century Music. Desire, Practical Reason, and the Good. Desistance from Sexual Offending.

The Political and Economic Growth of a Continent. Destinazione e vincoli d'uso nel diritto privato - Nota: Destinazione patrimoniale ed autonomia negoziale: Destiny of Modern Societies: Destruction of California Indians: Detecting and Combating Malicious Email. Detecting Peripheral-based Attacks on the Host Memory. Detection and Diagnostics of Plant Pathogens. Detection Estimation and Modulation Theory.

Detection, estimation, and modulation theory vol. Determinants of Health Status in India. Determinants of Private Label Attitude. Determinazione dell'assegno di mantenimento - Nota: Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy. Determinism, Blameworthiness, and Deprivation. Bolstering Strategic Stability in Cyberspace. Detroit And The Good War: Deuteronomy 28 and the Aramaic Curse Tradition. Deuteronomy and the Judaean Diaspora. Developed Nations and the Economic Impact of Globalization.

Meeting Our Responsibilities to Prevent and Protect. Concepts and Practices in Twentieth-century Colonialism. Developing and Managing Embedded Systems and Products. Developing Costimulatory Molecules for Immunotherapy of Diseases. Developing Drug Products in an Aging Society. Developing Entrepreneurial Life Skills. Developing Sustainable Careers Across the Lifespan. Developing the Global Bioeconomy. Development and Environmental Policy in India. Development and Growth in the Mexican Economy.

Development and Human Rights. Development at the World Trade Organization. Development Challenges and Solutions after the Arab Spring. Development Challenges in Bhutan. Challenges of the New Aid Architecture. Development Corruption in South Africa. Calgary and the CPR, — Development Disparities in India. Development Education in Policy and Practice. Innovations for Sustainable Growth. Development for Sustainable Agriculture. Development in an Era of Capital Control: Development in Difficult Sociopolitical Contexts. Development Macroeconomics in Latin America and Mexico.

Development of Auditory and Vestibular Systems. Development of China's Financial Supervision and Regulation. Development of Circular Economy in China. Development of Consumer Finance in East Asia. Development of Mathematical Cognition. Development of Online Hybrid Testing.

Development of Scientific Writing: Linguistic Features and Historical Context. Development of the Cerebellum from Molecular Aspects to Diseases. Development Patterns of Material Productivity. Development Policy in Africa. Development Strategies and Inter-Group Violence. Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction.

Development-led Archaeology in Northwest Europe: Developments in Chinese Entrepreneurship. Developments in Foundation Law in Europe. Developments in Fungal Biology and Applied Mycology. Developments in Islamic Finance. Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control. Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning.

Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning, Vol. Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning: Methods for Surface Cleaning. Types of Contamination and Contamination Resources. Developments in the Flow of Complex Fluids in Tubes. Developments in the Theory and Practice of Cybercartography. Developments in Turbomachinery Flow. Developments of International Trade Theory, 2nd enhanced ed. Deviance in International Relations.

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Deviant and Useful Citizens: How Nevada Began Wilbur S. Shepperson Series in Nevada History. Devils, Women, and Jews: Wales between Capacity and Constraint. Devotion to the Adopted Country: DeWitt Clinton and Amos Eaton: Geology and Power in Early New York. Di padre in figlio: Diabetes and the Nervous System. Diabetes Mellitus in 21st Century. Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine: Diagnosing in Cardiovascular Chinese Medicine.

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Professor Donnelly describes the political associations of Manitoba, viewing them additionally in old viewpoint and singling out the actual forces that experience formed them.