
Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation

Adams, Gender and Society "In this extremely engaging and enlightening book, Anna Muraco sheds new light on the intersection of sex and sexual orientation, the complexity of friendship, and its relevance in contemporary North American society. Windsor, American Journal of Sociology "Social research like this breathes life into queer theory by grounding it in the mire of human proficiency.

Muraco selects vignettes that illustrate some of the delicate negotiations that transpire between lesbians and their straight male mates, and straight women and their gay chums. Munt, Times Higher Education Supplement "Theoretically important and fascinating to read, Odd Couplesadds to the surprisingly scant social scientific literature on friendship. More significantly, it explores friendships between gay men and straight women, and between lesbians and straight men in a way that no other work has.

Clearly locating her study in the psychological and sociological literature on friendships, family, identity development, and gender issues, Anna Muraco adds to our understanding of gay and lesbian lives and raises provocative questions about gender and sexuality. Nardi, author of Gay Men's Friendships: Invincible Communities"In this extremely engaging and enlightening book, Anna Muraco sheds new light on the intersection of sex and sexual orientation, the complexity of friendship, and its relevance in contemporary North American society.

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Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation

See if you have enough points for this item. Odd Couples examines friendships between gay men and straight women, and also between lesbians and straight men, and shows how these "intersectional" friendships serve as a barometer for shifting social norms, particularly regarding gender and sexual orientation.

  1. Tell Me Another One, Nana.
  2. OAPEN Library - Odd Couples : Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation?
  3. Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation by Anna Muraco.
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Based on author Anna Muraco's interviews, the work challenges two widespread assumptions: Intersectional friendships challenge a variety of social norms, Muraco says, including the limited roles that men and women are expected to play in one another's lives. Each chapter uses these boundary-crossing relationships to highlight how key social constructs such as family, politics, gender, and sexuality shape everyday interactions. Friendship itself—whether intersectional or not—becomes the center of the analysis, taking its place as an important influence on the social behavior of adults.

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Odd Couples | Duke University Press

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