
Quantum II (Milenium) (Spanish Edition)

However, the left margin for the Millennium edition is too close to the spine making it awkward to read. The pictures are however, nicely done and so are the math, the formulas, and the equations.


In short, the printing of the Millennium edition does not do justice to the excellent content. My advice for People who are contemplating purchasing the new millennium edition is to skip it and try to acquire one of the older versions in good condition and deal with the errata online. I have not decided yet whether to keep mine or send it back. I love FLP but the printing quality of the Millennium edition does leave a bad taste in mouth.


I wanted to leave less than 3 stars for my review but it would not be fair to do so because of the excellent content. Below is the set this review is for The Feynman Lectures on Physics, boxed set: The New Millennium Edition The new edition can be fully read online legally for free. I completed my last Physics class in , and I still go back to these lectures from time to time simply because they're a joy to read. OK, I'll admit I spent 35 years developing system software and I have a life long love of math and science, but I think these lectures are accessible to anyone who wants to actually understand what physics is all about.

Feynman is able to present the concepts in a way that gets past the "here's the formula, memorize it" approach that many introductory presentations have been reduced to.

If you persist, you will be rewarded with an understanding of how all those odd sounding bits fit together and at least some idea of how it all works. Taking on these three volumes is a daunting task, but if you truly want to grasp this material, you won't find a shorter or easier path to getting there. You can read all kinds of popularizations relating to the voodoo of quantum mechanics, the time twisting of relativity, and the unfathomability of the smallest and the largest scales of the universe, but if you want to glimpse the reality behind the magic you need to recognize that a lot of very, very smart people have spent the past few hundred years sorting it out.

The fact that all this can be made comprehensible to us mere mortals at all is a major accomplishment. Of course the substantive content is beyond reproach, but it remains a challenging read, regardless of one's educational background. However, if you are reading the Feynman Lectures with Kindle for the iPad, be aware you will be disappointed in the formatting -- when inline mathematical expressions are rendered, these formulas are not properly displayed.

Speaking with the editor of the Feynman Lectures, he informs me that Amazon has not updated the Kindle software for the iPad to support the newer mobi standard or Amazon delivers the old. He informs me that publishers generally are complaining to Amazon about this problem for some time.

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Autodidacts and self-starters should definitely consider it. The following comments are general to the entire Feynman Lectures on Physics set: Autodidacts and self-starters will be pleased. The layout is well-crafted, the language is timeless not archaic, despite being written a half-century ago , and the development exposition of the content is arranged to accommodate "cover-to-cover" study, intermittent consumption, or to serve as reference.

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In fact, some Lectures chapters point to previous Lectures "for review" - helpful if you want to start from the middle. In fact, this reviewer finds the coverage of mathematics which contains many proofs to be as lucid and well-reasoned as the Physics content! For putting together a working knowledge of Physics, in the pursuit of other interests, this reviewer continues to be excited by the lessons in these books.

As a result, some physics students find the lectures more valuable after they have obtained a good grasp of physics by studying more-traditional texts, and the books are sometimes seen as more helpful for teachers than for students. While the two-year course — was still underway, rumors of it spread throughout the physics research and teaching community. In a special preface to the edition, David Goodstein and Gerry Neugebauer claimed that as time went on, the attendance of registered undergraduate students dropped sharply but was matched by a compensating increase in the number of faculty and graduate students.

Co-author Matthew Sands , in his memoir accompanying the edition, contested this claim. Addison-Wesley published a collection of exercises and problems to accompany The Feynman Lectures on Physics. The problem sets were first used in the academic year, and were organized by Robert B.

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Some of the problems are sophisticated and difficult enough to require an understanding of advanced topics, such as Kolmogorov's zero—one law. The original set of books and supplements contained a number of errors, some of which rendered problems insoluble. Various errata were issued, which are now available online. Addison—Wesley also released in CD format all the audio tapes of the lectures, over hours with Richard Feynman, after remastering the sound and clearing the recordings. For the CD release, the order of the lectures was rearranged from that of the original texts. The publisher has released a table showing the correspondence between the books and the CDs.

In March , Feynman appeared once again before the freshman physics class as a lecturer, but the notes for this particular guest lecture were lost for a number of years. They were finally located, restored, and made available as Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun.

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In , Michael A. Gottlieb and Ralph Leighton co-authored Feynman's Tips on Physics , which includes four of Feynman's freshman lectures which had not been included in the main text three on problem solving , one on inertial guidance , a memoir by Matthew Sands about the origins of the Feynman Lectures on Physics , and exercises with answers that were assigned to students by Robert B.

Also released in , was a "Definitive Edition" of the lectures which included corrections to the original text. In a September 13, email to members of the Feynman Lectures online forum, Gottlieb announced the launch of a new website by Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website which offers "[A] free high-quality online edition" of the lecture text. To provide a device-independent reading experience, the website takes advantage of modern web technologies like HTML5 , SVG , and MathJax to present text, figures, and equations in any sizes while maintaining the display quality.

Six readily-accessible chapters were later compiled into a book entitled Six Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry and Space-Time. Atomic Discourse in the Feynman Lectures on Physics. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with The Character of Physical Law.

This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. February Learn how and when to remove this template message. The Definitive and Extended Edition 2nd edition, Atoms in motion Basic Physics The relation of physics to other sciences Conservation of energy Time and distance Probability The theory of gravitation Motion Newton 's laws of dynamics Conservation of momentum Vectors Characteristics of force Work and potential energy A Work and potential energy conclusion The special theory of relativity Relativistic energy and momentum Space-time Rotation in two dimensions Center of mass ; Moment of inertia Rotation in space The harmonic oscillator Algebra Resonance Transients Linear systems and review Optics: The principle of least time Geometrical optics Electromagnetic radiation Interference Diffraction The origin of the refractive index Radiation damping.

Light scattering Polarization Relativistic effects in radiation Color vision Mechanisms of seeing Quantum behavior The Relation of Wave and particle viewpoints The kinetic theory of gases The principles of statistical mechanics The brownian movement Applications of kinetic theory Diffusion The laws of thermodynamics Illustrations of thermodynamics Ratchet and pawl Sound.