
Die Wallfahrt im Islam (German Edition)

It was time to set an example. French newspapers conjectured that the German Kaiser wanted to question French claims to Palestine, for example, or was planning a naval base in Haifa.

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The German court meanwhile never tired of stressing the private nature of the pilgrimage. Wilhelm II wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, both of whom had visited Palestine and the holy sites. And so the Kaiser and his wife travelled via Constantinople to Palestine that October, visited German settlers in the region, sojourned at the German consulate in Haifa, made a trip to Bethlehem and finally dedicated the new church in Jerusalem.

Although Wilhelm II assured the Germans living in Palestine of his solidarity and protection, the trip had no political aspect other than a brief meeting with the Ottoman sultan Abdulhamid in Constantinople. That did not go unnoticed by Theodor Herzl, who paid a visit to the German Kaiser with a Zionist delegation and tried to win him over to the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. Founded by Albert Langen only a few years previously, the initially tame literary review soon developed into a caustic satirical magazine.

Koran school - German translation – Linguee

Simplicissimus made the acquaintance of the censorship bodies early on. There was no point to our crusades either. The state would not stand for such direct derision of the Kaiser and the issue was confiscated and banned shortly after publication. While Heine handed himself in to the authorities and Langen fled to Paris, Wedekind was not unmasked until a search of the Simplicissimus editorial office in Munich.

He too managed to escape to Paris. Plagued by his conscience, however, Wedekind soon decided to hand himself in and returned to Germany. He and Heine were found guilty of insulting the Kaiser and given prison sentences, which they served at the Konigstein Fortress in Saxony. Whereas Wedekind and Heine were pardoned after some six months, Langen stayed in his Paris exile until and was not allowed to return to Germany until he had paid a fine of 30, marks.

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The people in the remote Toraja region on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi are predominantly Christians, but they are sticking to the old animistic traditions of their ancestors. This also includes the fact that death does not mean the end of a human being. Skip to main content. Emperor in the firing line: A trip transfigured by history: Germans and Ottomans in the First World War: A partnership of privilege Qantara dossier: Literary genius or man of legendary hubris?

A new project launched by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is working out key concepts from Judaism, Christianity and Islam with the aim of promoting interreligious dialogue.

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Volksglaube im Bereich des Islam

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Satire's timeless appeal

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