
What Are Magnetic Bracelets - The Real Truth

This website is dedicated to educate you about how magnetic therapy can help you, to debunk some of the myths and unfounded claims and to introduce you to magnetic products that works! The aim of the Magnetic Therapy Council is to raise the public and health care professionals awareness of magnetic therapy; and also to provide impartial education, information and advice on how magnetic therapy works, how to use it and who can benefit from using it.

The content of this site is updated regularly and you will always find the most recent and up to date research, information and breakthrough innovations in the field of magnetic therapy. Follow the links on the left to get started. Magnet therapy is a natural way to treat a wide variety of ailments in both humans and animals.

It works well as a therapy alone or in-conjunction with both natural and conventional therapies. Small high strength healing earth magnets are placed on the body as close to the point of pain as possible. Magnets can be applied in the form of straps, wraps, jewellery, insoles, pillows, mattress covers. Magnet therapy has been around since What medical conditions can magnet therapy relieve? Magnets have been used for centuries to treat chronic pain with amazing results. Going on holiday with magnetic products? Essential must read information about taking magnetic therapy products on planes.

Get the low down in this tell all, straight to the point and easy to read report. Do not invest your money on any magnetic therapy products before you've read this FREE short report. If you suffer with fibromyalgia, do yourself a favour Latest static magnetic therapy research by the University of Virginia confirms that strong enough medical magnets increases blood circulation and reduces inflammation. If you have ever used or are considering using magnetic therapy for pain relief , then you can't afford not to read the revelations in this transcript. The Sunday Times Newspaper on 26 th February, revealed that the NHS has for the very first time allowed magnetic therapy treatment devices to be prescribed by G.

The magnets, that will be used, will speed up the ulcer's healing rate and encourage new cell and skin growth. Consumer champion and Watchdog presenter Nicky Campbell hosted a heated and gruelling debate about the controversial new report released by the British Medical Journal today. American co author Dr. Flamm argues the validity of magnetic therapy as a treatment for chronic pain with leading magnetic therapy expert Debbie Shimadry. I had a bit of success here and there but when you are in as much pain as I am you would try anything.

So I thought I would have a go at magnets. I decided to go the whole hog and buy a magnetic mattress. Which has worked wonders, I must say it really has.

  • 53 thoughts to “The painful truth: Magnetic bracelets, the placebo effect & analgesia”.
  • Bad, Like Jesse James.
  • Magnetic Bracelets DON'T Always Relieve Pain!.

The pain has been reduced considerably and I'm able to get up in the morning ,I think it's worked a lot. I think it would be about weeks really, before I felt the real benefit of it. Then the pain had reduced considerably. Before I was waking up and my husband was having to get me a drink to take some pills with and then I would have to lay there for half an hour until they had worked before I could get out of bed and once the mattress cover had 'kicked in' I was actually able to get out of bed and actually make my own cup of tea.

Indeed on many of the measures of pain the copper bracelet actually performed worse than the non-magnetic bracelet. The copper bracelet can therefore be considered a reasonable placebo to use in research testing the analgesic effect of magnetic bracelets. Despite the negative results of clinical trials, it may be wise not to entirely rule out a potential analgesic effects of magnetic bracelets. Across all three studies 2, 3, 5 the measures of pain were generally lowest in the standard magnetic bracelet group. Indeed significant effects were found in two of the studies 2, 3 although these were confounded by the aforementioned problems concerning control conditions and multiple comparisons.

Nevertheless it could be argued that, given the existing data, magnetic bracelets may have a small positive effect, but that this effect is not large or consistent enough to produce a statistically significant difference in clinical trials. This theory could be tested by conducting trials with far more patients and thus greater statistical power or by using a number of different bracelets of differing magnetic strengths to see if any reported analgesic effect increases with the strength of the magnetic field.

Until such research is performed it is best to assume that magnetic bracelets do not have any clinical relevant analgesic effect. Complement Ther Med 17 5—6: Views expressed in blog posts do not necessarily represent the views of the Science Brainwaves organisation. As pain tolerance is different in different individuals, so too is the effect of magnetic bracelets to their pain sensations. I have had my pandora magnetic bracelet on for 5 days and seem to be so tired I just want to sleep.

Will that be a side effect? I am amazed that these studies yield such poor results for pain relief. Clearly really weak magnets are being used otherwise the participant would pick up their fork during a meal and know they are wearing a magnet. I still have some pain but not as excruciating as if I did not have it on. Try it and have some patience,.

Do Magnetic Bracelets Really Help with Pain?

Skin contact with, and general contact with copper for extended periods of time has been proven to be quite unhealthy — part of the reason why you dont see copper kitchenware anymore. Actually, copper kitchenware is quite popular.

  • Debbie Shimadry (Author of What Are Magnetic Bracelets - The Real Truth).
  • Enjeux Autour de la Diaspora Burkinabe Burkinabe a lEtranger Etrangers au Burkina Faso (Etudes africaines) (French Edition)?
  • Does Magnetic Therapy Work?.
  • Silly Beliefs - Magnetic Therapy - Real Healing or Scam?.

And I respect the studies being done, although in my case they have no meaning. If the placebo effect works, who cares. I spend about 12 hours a day at a computer. I could not even move my fingers, do not even mention the wrist, because of the pain, and since I have a magnetic bracelet, the pain is gone, for years, I only get an occasional wrist pain, but then after a burning feeling, it stops. My colleague had the same problem, I got her one and she is happy now.

I know those, so called tests, I have read one in detail, they have used very low power magnetic bracelets for a short period of time and even though they worked for some, they said, that it was placebo, because they did not work for majority. Mine has bout gauss.

My pain was gone after a week, it took about 3 days, till it kicked in, it did not miraculous stop immediately. Such medicines are usually inspired by pre-scientific medical practices; those which have been passed down through generations. Science is just empirical analysis, or observational analysis…. That Science is never wrong? There are Science Taboos…. Science might have missed something, just maybe. I have three scientists in my immediate family and respect the studies and search for truth that scientists pursue. The problem comes when they begin to think they are the only ones with the answers.

Even my brothers admit that anyone who puts all their trust in science to the exclusion of other possibilities is limiting their knowledge. In a situation such as this, patients who experience placebo effect are lucky people. No fear of addiction, masking other medical conditions or side effects of drugs. Good report on the studies though!


Yes it is safe to wear them. I am 70 years old and have, over the past year or so, started experiencing some discomfort at the base of both thumbs, possibly exacerbated by passing the motorcycle test two years ago!! I purchased a magnetic wristband five weeks ago and have been wearing it constantly since then, but have not experienced any noticeable improvement yet. You would probably be better off wearing leather gloves on the bike in summer combined with heated handlebar grips in winter.

Could it be that like me, you squeeze the handlebars too tightly as though you are holding on for dear life? When my hands are cold as well, this causes my fingers to lock-up cramp — extremely dangerous if emergency braking is required!! I used to have a lot of problems as a musician that after a while playing fast that the Joints in my fingers would start to stiffen. I Play the Bagpipes For 6 weeks now I have been wearing a copper magnetic bracelet and the problem has gone.

It does work even though it has not been proven. All I can say to that is throw your bracelet away … … I cannot stand the sound of bagpipes! I like bagpipes that I got a small set to teach myself. It is harder than it looks! I am glad the bracelet is working for you. The person s making the claim are responsible for providing the evidence. I was subjected to Rehumatic Arthritis and when ever there is a change of weather, viz rain, my body begins to ache. I researched magnetism and other earth properties and commenced wearing a pure copper bracelet and to my relief my pains vanished within a month or so.

I was convinced that I followed it up, due to the cold climate here, with a bracelet having 17 small magnets — believe it or not — for 19 long years.

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We, that have found that our pain is less or GONE care less if anyone believes it or not. We are no longer suffering as much. As for me, my pain numbness, tingling, pain in right leg for months is GONE after 2 weeks wearing a copper bracelet with 6 magnets on my left wrist. Check out my new blog site entitled Placebo Medicine.

It is about how the NEW neuroscience of the placebo effect explains complementary medicine and directs us how to properly integrate it into mainstream medicine. Agreed with the above poster.. Some websites indicate not to wear the bracelet with this condition apparently because magnetic fields reduces blood viscosity.

F*ckin’ Magnetic Bracelets – How Do They Work? « The Merseyside Skeptics Society

I have a bad back and would be willing to take a chance, if possible. People on anticoagulants are able to undergo MRI scans, even though MR scanners have a magnetic field strength at least 30 times greater than the strong magnetic bracelets. If in doubt I would find out the strength of the bracelet measured in Gauss and check with your GP, or with whoever prescribed the anticoagulants. I have been wearing a magnetic bracelet for about a year.

It has had no noticeable effect on my pain levels, neither has it lived up to the other multiple claims made for it. Maybe I am just a freak. AJ — no, you are not a freak … you are just one of the thousands of people desperate to ease their pain and discovered they wasted their money on a ridiculously overpriced piece of scrap copper pipe which most people could get for nothing out of a builders skip.

I am a Registered Nurse, and I would not trust a word the scientist and proprietors of Western Medicine tote in regards to the benefits or no benefits in many cases , of homeopathy and alternative medical therapies. Imagine how much money drug companies and all those supporting high cost medical therapies would lose if half of the world found relief in something as simple and cheap as wearing a magnetic bracelet.

The question is, who are the scientists doing these studies really working for, and how are they conducting their studies? Although looked down upon in the scientific community, flubbing test results and conclusions to favor one side instead of the other, has and is still being practiced. Anyone from scientist to a beggar on the street can be bought if the price is right.

And believe me, with how much these drug companies are making in profits, Im sure they can make the price very right for whatever scientist or doctor that comes along. Hopefully, all governments have their own independent scientists to test the claims of commercial scientists. What you say is common sense, Ashley, yet so many do not seem to understand it. I am heartened when medical professionals are in medicine to help others and not to make the pharmaceutical companies richer.

They applaud everyone who received no relief from magnets and scoff at those of us who did find relief. I wonder what they would say to those who get no headache relieve from an aspirin? I am grateful for the relief I found after more than 30 years of suffering. And for those still in pain, I pray they will find relief soon. I have had wrist pain for many years.