
Head Game

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Little do they know, they are being targeted by a masked maniac hell bent on revenge.

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A group of young people awake, locked inside a warehouse with cameras screwed into their heads. It becomes apparent that they are unwilling competitors in a deadly game, and they will need to murder each other if they hope to survive. Tediously boring virtually from beginning to the end. Whats with the vaping - Death by vape what a crock! Awful acting from the off with the possible exception of the Noomi Rapace lookalike. Digital cameras embedded in yer heid full of acid?

C'mon who thought this turkey up and wrote this totality of tragic tosh needs to go back to writing school. The whole premise has been done to death its like a bad merging of The Purge and Hostel with non of the talent of either in any area! Nuff said; watch it at your peril! Enjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with Prime Video.

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Full Cast and Crew. Movies I like from the 's. Films Watched in February Not only does it run us through a SAW like group scenario but it does world building around the organization that runs the games.

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In the process it sacrifices actually building up any of the players into people we should care about. The people betting on the game are just all rich people cliches and on top of that they're big on vaping so you know they must be evil bastards!

Head Game | Definition of Head Game by Merriam-Webster

The film feels pretty self important preaching to us about human nature and using classical music in the soundtrack to try and get us to feel that what is happening matters. This is really not worth your time and I would give this a big pass. Not great, but a whole lot better than I was expecting. Probably could have spent a little less time on the half a dozen times the movie ended, and a little more on character development, but ultimately, yeah, Headgame was actually okay.