
Genpatsuhakai1 (Japanese Edition)

Also, why do the Japanese get this and we don't?

Ebook and Manual Reference

I find that extra tracks tend to be the case with most imports, not just japanese ones, and I'm pretty sure andrew cooke is right on the money. According to a friend who runs a small record label that occasionally does business in Japan: The extra tracks are there to provide an incentive for buying the domestic version. Without the extra tracks, Japanese retailers are reluctant to sell the CDs knowing that a large portion of the potential purchasers will simply be importing the product.

Here in the UK some record labels will put extra tracks on CD's to encourage people not to buy cheap imports from America or Asia. I doubt this is the case in Japan posted by dodgygeezer at 2: I'm looking at cds at amazon.

I always assumed it had something to do with Japan's consumer culture - they will pay the extra money to get the 'best' possible version of the CD. This book is specially beneficial this sort of working on their businesses and close relationships.. It itself and illustrations are absolutely, incredibly extraordinary. I bought several books which i believe to reply to the questions. So, I began with this one.

I will have found this book long time ago. The information is really interesting.

洋楽 和訳 Clean Bandit - Solo ft. Demi Lovato

I reread this book every year or more and possess created my own, personal cliff note that we review regularly. Please enable Javascript to use Kanopy!

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The Japanese Version

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