
Crude, Rude, and Stupid: An American Epidemic?

Luckily for the diet industry, the even more powerful food industry estimated value: Foods which make people fat. The medical industry is similarly grateful -- the unhealthy obese are as vital for their profit margins as oil is to the oil business. And we've seen what happens when the oil industry has their supply stream compromised. So, if industries with a combined net worth and power exceeding many actual countries , need a vital supply chain to survive, we can safely say that they will probably work out how to get it.

People in America like to think that they eat with freedom.

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Ultimately, however, they can only pick what is presented to them, and what they can afford. Then, the decision is based on what they believe to be healthy, tasty and safe. With that in mind, can you imagine how great it would be for the industries mentioned above, if dietary advice given could be contained and restricted to just one organization that they could pour money into? That scenario is not just some North Koreanesque wet dream. It is USA To keep the bubble airtight, the full might of the law has even been implemented. Kim Jong-il would be proud of the attention to detail.

Staggeringly, in 46 out of 50 States, the message the authorities want you to have is protected. The law determines who is able to provide you with nutritional advice. My friends, it is a beautiful army. Partners recent and current -- and their latest annual revenue figures:. There are even some 'premier sponsors': Why are these gargantuan companies -- whose only intention is to make money, not make you healthy -- allowed to fund the ADA?

The ADA themselves can perhaps assist us. On their own website in the section where they are trying to seduce corporate America , they offer a helping hand:. But, Martin, darling, they are paying you to be at their table. You are publicly telling America that you are somehow the one wearing the trousers in the relationship? My headline must be correct -- even the ADA seem to think that America is stupid.

So, with the system in place, what would be the ideal message that corporate America could choose to create to strengthen their businesses? If you want to know when and how the obesity epidemic started, you do not need a degree in science to understand the details. Just a simple little line, that a child could understand, will tell you all you need to know. Have a look at the graph below.

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  • Crude, Rude, and Stupid: An American Epidemic?.
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Notice the steady line for decades and then the upward leap from onwards? What strange event happened in ? Elvis died; perhaps the aliens who took him started to replace his fellow Americans with clones of fat, singing, hamburger-addicts? The truth is no less remarkable. In America changed its health advice. In a nutshell or, more likely, an ADA approved Mars bar: Eat more starchy foods, eat more carbohydrates, saturated fats are bad. If that sounds like pretty good advice to you, then you don't know enough about what you are putting into your mouth.

Your grandparents were raised in a generation aware that God's supermarket was better than man's. Saturated fat was a vital part of their diet. For them, obesity was not a common health problem. They were not suffering malnutrition in the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Remarkably, you, dear Western reader, probably are. A processed product with 'zero fat' stamped on it invariably high in sugar, chemicals and carbs instead is great for making profits, but useless for losing weight.

Wreaking havoc with insulin and your body's biochemistry is not clever.

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The majority of the western world now do so on a daily basis. If you want to have some fun with graphs, you can go and look at the corresponding obesity spikes in other countries when they followed the change in US advice. In Canada, the point was near-parallel. In Britain it happened in The Australians struck around the time of the Brits, launching their magically stupid ' Health Pyramid '. The obesity rate in each territory began its steady ascent. Big fat corporate party time.

Your commercially sponsored weight loss advice is making you gain weight. It would be laughable, a comic irony, if the consequences were not so tragic. From diabetes to obesity to cancer to heart disease, the price being paid for corporate profit is in lives. It is not up to me to tell you the science; research that yourself. Do it thoroughly, the corruption and manipulation of facts is on a far greater, more shocking scale than the story I have detailed so far.

Look at the true details of the Keys' ' Seven Countries ' study. How the food industry have used it to falsely demonize fats and change global policies. The war against shame has been proceeding apace. People concluded that it was better to be rude and crude, decadent and dysfunctional than to be polite and decorous, modest and humble.

www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Crude, Rude, and Stupid: An American Epidemic? eBook: Barry G. Dolgin: Kindle Store

Today, Sebastian Faulks reviewed a new book about the wife of psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a man who was with Freud before he was against him. As a husband, a father and a younger man, however, Jung appears to have been close to intolerable. He was physically large, selfish, bullying and loud of voice; he cheated at games, had a vile temper and appalling table manners; he thought men should be polygamous but that Emma should be his alone. He was also narcissistic and unbalanced, coming from a family with severe mental health problems.

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Since that time, more than a century ago, the war on shame has scored multiple victories. Modesty and decorum are considered to be signs of sexual repression, most likely to cause mental illness, cancer and heart disease. No more slut shaming. No more body shaming. As for out-of-wedlock marriage and adultery, you cannot speak ill of any of it.

About Glenn Kaufmann

Remember what happened when Dan Quayle dared to suggest that it was perhaps not the best idea to idealize Murphy Brown? Among the casualties of this war has been good behavior. Everyone has been told to say what is on his or her mind, regardless of how anyone else will see it. So, the war on shame has produced a world that is awash in rude, crude, offensive and insulting comments.

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  5. America: A Big, Fat, Stupid Nation?
  6. Since we no longer hold good manners to be of any value, we are reduced, according to a formula first stated by Confucius, to police bad manners. We do not say that they are rude; we call them microaggressions. We no longer teach people to make positive gestures that denote politeness and respect. We tell them to overcome their sense of shame and to let it all hang out. When we do not like what is hanging out, we want to punish the perpetrator. I have often opined on this subject.

    Today, Karol Markowicz offers similar thoughts: The internet is full of examples of what we now call micro-aggressions but were once known simply as rude or nosy comments. Many black women complain of people touching their hair.