
My Boy Blink

However, it should be noted that excessive blinking could indicate serious health problems, which may need medical consultation. It is important to know the causes of excessive blinking in children and also about how to stop children blinking excessively. Blinking is a movement of the eye muscles, which also protect the eyes from dust, excessive light or dryness.

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  • Paediatric ophthalmology: Things that do not require referral.

Excessive blinking in children may occur due to some discomfort but it is not a good sign and should be controlled. Many parents are worried about how to stop children from blinking excessively. While some children with medical concerns may require appropriate treatment, those experiencing irritation and excessive blinking due to common causes can be managed easily. This article does not provide medical advice. The following are some conditions that only rarely require referral, and the parents can often be reassured as to the benign nature of these conditions.

In the absence of other localizing neurological signs or symptoms eg, diplopia or papilledema , parents can be reassured. The yield for ophthalmological problems, such as a need for glasses, is virtually zero in this group personal experience. By nature, children like to be close to the TV and, in the absence of ophthalmological signs eg, squinting their eyes , parents can be reassured. It is amazing how many parents spend an inordinate amount of time dragging their children back from the TV set, yet are thrilled when their child spends time on a computer staring at screen after screen of tiny print.

There is no convincing evidence that reading under conditions of reduced illumination can damage the eyes. Excessive blinking is very common in children younger than six years of age and is equally common among boys and girls 3. The condition starts suddenly with a high-frequency blink which I assume the child thinks is cute.

It lasts about six months and vanishes as quickly as it arrived.

My Boy Blink

Blinking is not to be confused with squinting ie, scrunching up the eyes , which is usually associated with an acquired refractive error. Blinking should also not be confused with closing one eye in bright sunlight, which is virtually pathognomic of intermittent exotropia and does require referral although not urgently. Children with intermittent exotropia will always close the same eye when in bright sunlight. For no particular reason, children younger than six years of age may suddenly develop a rather alarming face turn or tilt of the head to one side or the other.

This lasts about six months and then vanishes. Children who do this for an optical reason have an extraocular muscle weakness or overaction and, if old enough, may complain of double vision, particularly when the eyes are directed in the opposite direction from the face turn. They may also close or cover one eye to relieve themselves of the double vision. If either of these two associated features are present, or if the face turns or head tilts are persistent, referral is warranted. Pathological conditions causing photophobia are usually associated with a red, watery or painful eye.

  1. Biddles Young Carpenters Assistant (Dover Architecture).
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  6. Some children, notably between the ages of three and nine years, will suddenly complain of light sensitivity — most commonly when the lights are first turned on in their bedroom in the morning. In the absence of associated signs or symptoms, the parents can simply be reassured.

    Some children, most often younger than six years of age, complain that their eyes feel dry and that the eyelid is actually stuck to the globe 4. Hi there, My 8 yr old son has developed involuntary muscle movements which start with his head and move down to his feet.

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    It mostly involves his torso and arms. They are quick, almost rythymic movements.

    Excessive Blinking in Children, Know its Causes & Ways to Stop it

    They occur while he is at rest, but will completely diasapeer while asleep. He is starting to sit on his hands to stop it. Do you think this warrants a trip to a paediatrician? Or should I just ignore it?

    Causes of Excessive Blinking in Children

    He is quite an anxious boy… Thank you! My 9-year old son has long periods where he has no tics at all, but then he has periods like now where he has a few different simple tics: None at the same time but all consistent. I try to ignore it but when he brings it up I am at a loss. Last year when his tics flared up, he had an EEG done, which was normal, and we took him to a pediatric neurologist, who diagnosed him with transient tic disorder.

    He had a solid six months of minimal to no tics but now they are starting up again, with much more recognition on his part. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

    Review of My Boy Blink () — Foreword Reviews

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