
Always Speaking: The Treaty of Waitangi and Public Policy

Is there a common approach and are there significant differences in Maori approaches to the Treaty and public policy compared to Pakeha approaches?

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The production values of this book are high — the cover design, font and font size, bibliography, footnotes and biographical notes of the contributors are all clear, easily accessed and attractively presented while consistent with an academic volume. The contributions are generally of a high quality — the topics are usually treated with a depth of perception and research that suggests the contributor knows their area.

As contributions that made me think again about my views of particular policy areas, I would single out:. But, for me, the most interesting insights available from Always Speaking are the patterns that can be discerned across the individual contributions. I identify two such patterns that each bear a different relationship to the discipline of policy analysis:.

Essentially the Treaty was about designing a future for Aotearoa New Zealand where Maori world views, rights, and leadership would be reflected in the day to day life of the democratic nation and the ways in which public policies would be determined. And public policy is inherently forward looking — it seeks to identify problems and objectives, options for addressing them, and paths forward. It is interesting, then, that most of the contributions to this book are devoted to reviewing or critiquing past or present policies rather than developing new policies.

This is entirely understandable at one level. Identifying the policy problem is a key part of policy analysis which should not be taken lightly — if the wrong problem is identified the rest of the analysis is irrelevant. Perhaps it is also not coincidental that te ao Maori respects and recognises the importance of the past for understanding the present and future. Many contributions to Always Speaking are very good at identifying problems and reviewing and critiquing past approaches in the relevant area of policy:. But at another level, the review of the past and identification of problems should be seen as a necessary, but only the first, step in providing adequate policy analysis of these topics.

Having identified a policy problem, designing a future for Aotearoa New Zealand requires identification of all possible options for achieving the relevant policy objective — and rigorous analysis of those options in order to recommend what should be done.

The Treaty of Waitangi Today - Legal Status

Most of the contributions in Always Speaking do have a forward-looking section on what should be done. But, too often, these passages are a smaller part of the contribution towards its end and do not provide the sort of rigorous analysis of options leading to an inevitable recommendation that policy makers find compelling. I suggest that the next steps for these contributors perhaps a second follow up volume? There is a tendency for policy analysis to be abstract and theoretical. This seems likely to be inherent to the disciplinary methodology of policy analysis which necessarily abstracts from individual cases and events to rise to a level of principle that can be applied across different cases and events.

Abstraction can be useful — it allows the essential aspects of issues to be considered and factual context which does not really affect the relevant principle to be ignored.

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However it can also lead policy analysts to undervalue the importance of context and, even, to miss factors which are actually essential. It can also lead policy analysts to think their job is finished once a policy is formulated and adopted — forgetting that a policy is only as valuable as its implementation.

This is not a tendency into which the contributors to this volume lapse. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. Finding libraries that hold this item You may have already requested this item.

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'Always speaking' : the Treaty of Waitangi and public policy

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  1. El fantasma de Canterville (Spanish Edition)?
  2. Always Speaking: the Treaty of Waitangi & Public Policy;
  3. Katarina Gray-Sharp.
  4. Strategien von Autobanken (German Edition);

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