
Ruinas (Volúmenes independientes) (Spanish Edition)

For these reasons and more, which only playing the course can reveal, most golfers agree no golf vacation to Jamaica is complete without a stop at Tryall Golf Club. Designed by Ralph Plummer in the s, the course sits on a large, old estate a few miles west of Montego Bay. In the 18th century, Tyrall was a prosperous sugar plantation. Ruins from this era are scattered throughout the grounds. Behind the seventh hole is a waterwheel, built in The waterwheel is a national monument and one of the most photographed sights in Jamaica.

Connected to the wheel is an aqueduct that runs through two miles of the property. Overlooking the land is a grand great house, which may have been built during this period. Today, the great house functions as the clubhouse and reception area.

Proyectos arquitectónicos de Catalina de Médici

Strong sea breezes and natural water-hazards make these holes especially challenging. The tee box for holes 4 and 5 rests behind the Flint River, just before it enters the sea, while 2 and 3's boxes sit a short put away from the beach. In addition to being exciting, this coastal setting makes for spectacular views of the glistening Caribbean Sea.

The other holes wind up into the mountains behind the property. From the higher elevations, the sea unfolds in front of the green expanse, dotted with swaying coconut trees. The course presents numerous difficulties and a few surprises.

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The small greens are notoriously devilish and demand precise approach shots. All these problems, though, are quickly overcome with the help of the well-trained and knowledgeable caddies. The pro-shop and changing rooms lie in the coastal section of the course, but the restaurant and bar are a part of the great house.

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Tryall Club is a luxury villa resort, owned by a consortium of more than 50 members. And so, clustered around the golf course are 56 elegant villas, cascading from the hilltops to the Caribbean Sea. Tryall Club is a charming and complete golf resort, whether you are staying in the villas or just playing a round on the world-famous course. With its reputation, history and varied beauty, Tryall is a must for all pure golfers. Come and visit Tryall and see what the international golf community has loved for years. Reaching heights of 1, feet, it always displays dramatic views of the vibrant coastline framed against the lush mountains.

Although the course looks exceptionally difficult with its elevated tees, tricky bunkers and deep ravines, its generous fairways provide comfort and fast play for golfers of all levels. The real challenge is, however, to maintain your concentration and not allow the spectacular beauty of the course to consume you. It is named after Annie Palmer, infamous mistress of Rose Hall, who practised black magic and allegedly murdered three husbands. The 6,yard course was carved out of the mountains belonging to the 4,acre Rose Hall estate.

Falling from 1, to feet above sea level, 16 of the 18 holes have panoramic views of the sparkling aqua sea surf set below verdant slopes. Colourful tropical flowers and fruit trees line the fairways and fill ravines. A cool breeze constantly drifts over the property, creating the ideal temperature for play. In addition to being beautiful, White Witch is a model of luxury and excellent service. A graceful clubhouse sits near the top of the course with breathtaking views of the sloping greens and Caribbean Sea.

The clubhouse has a golf shop, balcony restaurant, changing room and lockers. On the course, new and modern carts stocked with choice conveniences like a Ritz Carlton towel, take you along the paved cart tracks. These friendly men and women are not only extremely knowledgeable about the course, but also about Montego Bay and the surrounding areas. Trained in hotel hospitality, the concierges can help you arrange all your vacation needs. White Witch also offers practice tees and bunkers and an 11, square-foot putting green.

The par 71 course has 18 challenging, but manageable holes. The first is, perhaps, one of the most daunting. Perched high on a hill, the sea sparkles in the distance. Hole 14 is a favourite with regular players. It lies in a small, scenic valley with many flowering trees. Its split-levels make for exciting play. White Witch is a remarkable and memorable course.


Smedley, el campo fue remodelado recientemente por el arquitecto de campos de golf mundialmente conocido, Robert von Hagge. Abierto de nuevo en abril de , Cinnamon Hill ahora consta de 6. El edificio del club dispone de restaurante, bar, una tienda especializada, cancha para drive y pista en miniatura. Dos caserones legendarios presiden el campo, Rose Hall y Cinnamon Hill. Estos monumentos inspiran las leyendas que circulan sobre las propiedades, y los caddies las conocen todas.

El hoyo sigue la curva de la costa y termina al lado de la playa privada del Wyndham. Merece la pena visitar cada uno de ellos. Este campo, de par, abarca 6. Son tierras llenas de historia, por lo que se juega entre escenarios de pasado. Las majestuosas palmeras reales, las peludas de Washington, abetos y buganvillas perfilan las calles. Es un par con 6. El campo de 6. Tryall es un campo par Los greens de Tryall hablan del pasado de Jamaica. Con ella se conecta un acueducto que recorre dos millas 3,2 km de la propiedad. La cancha ofrece numerosas dificultades y algunas sorpresas. Efectivamente, agrupadas alrededor de la cancha de golf hay 56 elegantes villas que descienden desde las cimas de las colinas hacia el Mar del Caribe.

El Club Tryall es un completo centro de golf lleno de encanto, ya se hospede usted en las villas o juegue un recorrido en su cancha mundialmente famosa.

George Orwell, , Ingles español. English, Spanish. | Sebastian Alzate - www.newyorkethnicfood.com

Debido a que alcanza alturas de 1. El recorrido de 6. Al descender de los 1. Una fresca brisa que sopla constantemente sobre la propiedad genera la temperatura ideal para el juego. En la cancha, los nuevos y modernos carritos para los palos de golf provistos con comodidades de primer orden, como las toallas del Ritz Carlton lo llevan por senderos pavimentados. El recorrido par tiene 18 hoyos desafiantes, pero manejables. El hoyo 14 es el preferido del jugador promedio. White Witch es una cancha extraordinaria y memorable.

I was born in Kingston, Jamaica, of a Swedish-born Stockholm mother whose 1st language was Spanish, having been brought up in Venezuela and an English father London. Working knowledge of French and Italian. A wealth of experience. Twelve years 12 experience with the United Nations in Kingston, Jamaica. English, Spanish, and French. In addition, Mrs Dalglish was recognised as the "Sole Coordinator" and the lead contact person having coordinated a team of over 20 translators recruited from around the world Argentina, Australia, the USA, UK, Spain, among others working in 5 languages Dutch, French, Italian, German and Spanish , as well as having overall responsibility for the final editing and proofing of the English language content for both projects, including the task of translating documentation into English and Spanish.

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Published on respective websites in all languages. I generally work together with a colleague, Cindi Scholefield. Cindi was born in Devon, England — English mother, Jamaican father with extensive experience spanning over 45 years, 32 of which were with the Embassy of Argentina. Hasta afirma que "el tribunal de juicio hizo 'la vista gorda' ante esta evidente diferencia de las declaraciones de acusador y acusado".

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NOSTALGHIA - Niebla y Ruinas

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