
Vibrance for Life

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Cortisol also completely changes body composition. You can have the same weight but less muscle and more fat as you get older. At low levels, it can depress your immune system which is the system that fights cancer. One of the principals of yoga is to control your breathing.

Vibrance for Life - Lorraine Maita - Google Книги

Yoga teaching is to breath through it. You control breathing, you control hormones.

How Vibrance Changed My Life

It slows down adrenalin and cortisol. It allows the mind to relax, racing thoughts can pass. It is just slow, rhythmic breathing. Part of my executive physical is a strength test, to prevent frailty, falls and fractures. Balance and stress are two important factors. Her quick, easy guide empowers readers to make lifestyle changes that will make them feel better and younger.

  • How to Live Younger with Vibrance for Life®.
  • Editorial Reviews.
  • Moderation and balance are the secret to a long, healthy life.
  • Contact Information.
  • How to Live Younger with Vibrance for Life® - TAPinto.
  • Unintended.
  • The Ultimate Math Tutor.

During Maita's work in various hospitals and clinics, she saw patients return repeatedly with the same ailments despite superior medical care. This perpetual cycle continued due to the poor lifestyle choices of her patients. Since then, Maita has pledged to educate, motivate and inspire people to prevent illness or catch it in its infancy. Today, the skilled doctor blends functional, traditional and anti-aging medicine and combines it with fitness, nutrition, supplements, lifestyle and bioidentical hormones to transforms those that are faced with deteriorating health and energy loss into vibrant, energetic and healthy individuals.

In Maita's private practice, she offers individualized personal care which consists of comprehensive executive health programs, bio identical hormone replacement therapy, metabolic makeovers, skin rejuvenation, weight loss, advanced scientific testing and more.

For more information, to register for a consultation with Maita or to buy her new book, visit www. Lisa Elia Public Relations phone: The Vitamin E Factor.

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  5. Max und Lena: Eine Lebensgeschichte für KinderLeben e. V. (German Edition).
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