
Trace Their Shadows

Cook happens to live in Florida, so it's no surprise that she knows her stuff. The mystery of who killed Eva was so good! I honestly was surprised, and not entirely convinced when all was revealed, until Brandy explains everything and how she came to realize who the killer was.

There were plenty of clues, but they were weaved into the story so perfectly that I didn't even notice they were there. This is the kind of mystery I really enjoy reading, because if you're really attentive and clever, all the clues are there for you to figure it out on your own. Overall, this was a light and easy read that entertained me for an evening. I recommend checking out books by Ann Turner Cook if you get the chance.

Magnolia rated it it was amazing Dec 14, Sandie rated it liked it Oct 31, David rated it liked it Aug 29, Irene Lennon rated it really liked it Apr 21, Glenda rated it it was amazing Jul 18, Cyber rated it it was amazing Nov 03, Castiglione rated it really liked it Apr 13, George A Motsis rated it liked it Nov 03, Suzie Forman rated it really liked it Oct 21, Betty S Rudy rated it it was amazing Nov 18, Alesha rated it liked it Jan 24, Nicole marked it as to-read Feb 08, Carole marked it as to-read Feb 08, Diana marked it as to-read Oct 10, Anne Lee marked it as to-read Jan 14, Sandra marked it as to-read May 30, Lorna added it Jan 01, Jamie marked it as to-read Feb 08, Jessica marked it as to-read Mar 01, Jenn M added it Mar 04, Kira marked it as to-read Mar 10, In the scuffle, the map is lost and with all five participants injured, they have no choice but to limp off their separate ways until they can track it down.

Cut to five years later and the treasure-seeking warriors have come no closer to finding their prize, but have each assumed the disguise of a normal villager. Changgong and Xin run a restaurant - the Dragon Inn - with their adopted daughter Xiaowei, while the three thieves pass themselves off as a shopkeeper, singer and monk. They're all under the thumb of the young landowner, Lord Xu, a spoilt rich kid with a soft spot for Xiaowei. He struggles to gain the respect of the villagers and to collect their rent, until he lets obliviously slip that he is the custodian of the treasure map.

Later mayor Gu Yuejin accidentally sends a pigeon about the treasure in the Imperial City. Loads of army come including the second army, led by Nalan.

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Xin, Xiaowei and Xu follow the treasure to claim the treasure while Changgong and Nalan engage in another duel. For mobile phones, it is associated with the SIM card and identifies your country and the mobile provider. For older landline telephones, phone numbers represent the country, local area code and a unique combination of numbers. Operating systems undergo regular development to fix known problems and add new features. When your computer is online the OS can check automatically or manually the OS manufacturers update servers, to check for new updates and download and install these onto your computer.

Updates are usually determined by the OS version number. Once an update had been installed the OS version number is incremented to the latest OS version number. A version number is a unique number given to each release of an operating system, programme, hardware model, firmware, or driver.

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Higher numbers are applied to newer or more up-to-date hardware or software. Version numbers can identify the specific release of the operating system installed on your computer or mobile phone as well as how long it has been since your software was updated. The version number can help you determine when your operating system requires an update, but it can also be used maliciously to reveal if your operating system is insecure.

Older versions of an operating system often have known vulnerabilities that can put you at risk. Although on some networks the MAC address is logged as well on some routers within the local network. The logs track the IP addresses used by specific hosts on the network and helps in routing the traffic on a network.

To get online on the internet you will need an IP address. Currently IP addresses are provided dynamically by computers configured specifically for this purpose of giving out IP addresses known as routers. Since no two IP addresses can exist on a network there has to be a way to track down assigned IP addresses. This is where the MAC address comes in. The MAC address of a computer is logged onto the router with the details of what IP address it has been assigned so that when an IP address will no longer be assigned to another computer. This means at any given time communication on the internet can be tracked down to the level of the actual computer.

Every time your computer accesses the internet, the logs will be recorded on your computer and on the internet access point.

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This gives access to a database of the user's computer and internet activities. Every time you browse a website, your IP address is recorded on the server that hosts the website. This is precious information for the website hosts as they can analyse your internet activity and use it, for example, for targeted advertisement. These are the log files that are kept by Internet service providers ISP. All Internet traffic can be monitored by the ISP. The browser history displays the list of web pages a user has recently visited, with the exact page titles and times of the visit.

It is recorded by web browser software as a default for a certain period of time. Anyone who has access to your computer is able to retrace which internet sites you have visited.

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The MAC address associated with a particular network adapter the hardware that allows your device to connect to the Internet, either wirelessly or through an ethernet cable is one of several unique hardware IDs on computers, phones and other devices. Since every network interface has a MAC address, and they are required to be unique, they are often used to uniquely identify a particular computer.

Trace Their Shadows

However, software exists that allows you to temporarily overwrite your MAC addresses with a custom value. This can be a a good way to protect your privacy on public wireless networks. When you install software from an app store, you provide the company running that store with a complete list of software and versions you have installed on your computer.

This can be useful, of course, as it helps you keep your apps updated, but it also allows the app store and the company that runs it to track your usage of these applications. Your interaction with advertisements displayed through apps cannot be tracked by advertising companies in the same way as browser based ads, which are monitored using cookies. For this reason, there are now several new mechanisms - including Apple's IFA identifier for advertisers , Google's Android ID, and comparable techniques from Microsoft and some larger online advertisement networks - being developed to help advertisers track your use of apps on mobile phones, computers and gaming consoles as closely as they currently track your browser activities.

It is used to identify your account. Tracking your browsing habits is mostly done through Cookies. But there are also other methods to track the websites you browse and the apps you use:. E-books are digital books and are available in different file formats. There are different types of e-book readers, and each of them supports several formats. The main e-book platforms, such as Amazon Kindle and Google Books, store this information and might share it with third parties.

A serial number is used to identify a computer. It is also used for ownership identification and for warranty purposes. The device serial number collectively ties up all of the other components that have individual serial numbers. When you purchase a computer, the serial number is usually part of the financial transaction, and is indicated in the official receipt and warranty card. If you purchase a computer with a credit card, this serial number is also tied to you through the credit card information.

In addition to the serial number assigned to your fully assembled computer by the company that produced the final product, there are serial numbers in parts of the computer, such as the main processor CPU or the hard disk drive, that may be registered with the company from which you bought your computer. As a result, these numbers can be linked back to you. For example, software running on your computer may use these serial numbers to detect multiple installations of commercial software that you only have a license to install once.

Similarly, these unique identifiers can be used to link multiple online accounts back to you, and to keep tracking you even if you reinstall your computer's operating system. Computer hardware specifications are technical descriptions of the computer's components and capabilities.

Cookies are small text files stored in your web browser or email client. They are placed on your device by websites you visit or ads you view while surfing the web. In some cases, cookies are necessary. They may be required to log in to some online accounts, for example.

So-called third party cookies allow advertising networks to track your browser activity, even across several, unrelated websites. Anyone who has access to your computer is able to retrace which Internet sites you have visited. It uniquely identifies the device, particularly for the use of BlackBerry's Messenger services, in order to route and track messages, emails, and other data between devices and accounts within the RIM network and the networks of supporting mobile providers. It cannot be altered manually on a device by the user. Many users know that they can refuse to accept cookies or delete them.

Advertising companies therefore start using new methods for tracking: Among them are your language settings, installed fonts, your user agent which browser , your display resolution and others. Their combination will show a rather unique pattern, just like a fingerprint.

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  4. Phone manufacturer registration involves a globally unique number identifying the physical handset of a mobile phone. In addition, you often have to register your personal identity with a device manufacturer in order to receive system updates on that device. When you use your mobile phone or tablet to connect to the Internet, your Internet connection is often passed through proxy servers run by the phone network operator.

    These proxies may copy or modify your Internet traffic. For example, there have been incidents when phone network operators forwarded requests to websites with the user's mobile phone number attached. This allowed the servers which run the websites these users visit to know their phone number.

    Individual Twitter lists are accessible to anyone by default but can be set to private. This is precious information for the website hosts as they can analyse your Internet activity and use it, for example, for targeted advertisement. Third party applications are service platforms like the Guardian app or Spotify that are usually compatible with social platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

    They are not provided by the operating system but by other companies and service providers. By integrating third party applications in social platform activities, a user is likely to give away personal details and preferences to the owners of the third party applications. It is restricted to characters and can also contain pictures, videos, news link or other content. However, if a tweet is retweeted i. The retweet function forwards tweets to the users' followers.